
dragon Rider

snowflake must save her kingdom and her friends and family and middle earth

heartsora311 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chapter 1 this is my began

you guys I am riding a dragon yell Snowflake good job snowflake yell thorin you are wondering how I got here well let start where it all began long ago in middle earth there was a kingdom human and dragon live together king Max and queen Cherry had a child her name was snowflake everyone in middle earth came and give the child gift but that never last doesn't it one day on a fall moon a great darkness had come back the evil king call shadow my king Shadow is here with his army of shadow yell a knight my friend send our daughter to where she can be safe please ask Max I will my friend said Adrien good bye my little Snowflake said Cherry the wizard use a spell and made the spell take snowflake to a different home as shadow broken in to the castle and trun the king and queen into stone with the whole kingdom but the child grow older in the new earth being rise by mrs Rose . snowflake time to wake up for school yell rose i am up mom said snowflake. snowflake put on a blue dress with a red ribbon she start to brush her long brown hair and careful put on a gold chain with a rose quartz heart hurry snowflake you going to be late for school yell rose snowflake ran down the stairs and put on red/gold shoes bye mom said snowflake bye snowflake and be safe said rose snowflake ran down the sidewalk and see a old castle standing beside the school maybe I can just get a look and see thought snow flake as she walk in to the old castle snowflake start looking around as something hit the floor ahh who go there said snowflake as she ready to take someone down and see a book hello you forgotten your book said snowflake as she pick the book up why would anyone left a book here? snowflake thought snow flake start to open the book the book start to light up woah what the yell Snow flake as she is being pull into the book the book close it self and tps away before anyone find the book thorin woahhhh i am falling from the sky thought snow flake thorin she coming down fast yell Legolas I see her! yell Thorin I am going to die thought snowflake as Thorin got her in his arms snowflake pass out in Thorin arms she is beautiful said Legolas yes the wizard is right where she was going to fall from said legolas Thorin start to remember what the wizard said hello you 3 hero said Adrien hello wizard said Aracorn why are we here ask Legolas yes adrien why did you call us here ask Thorin snowflake is coming home said Adrien what no it just a story fire heart kingdom and it people are all stone said Legolas but not king Max and queen Cherry child said Adrien if this is true that mean the evil king will lose said Aracorn where will she fall ask Thorin she will fall out the sky into the red oak woods said Adrien we must Hurry she will get hurt if we don't save her said Legolas Thorin got out of memory as Legolas poke him good you are back with us said Legolas sorry said Thorin we better get back Aracorn got a fire and maybe cooking food for us said Legolas yes let go said Thorin as he put his fur coat on snowflake body keep her warm Thorin and Legolas walk away but a shadow of a person was watching them welcome home princess said the mystery person as they left Aracorn we are back said Legolas and we have snow flake said throin wow she look so beautiful and unique said Aracorn yes now let her rest she will wake up soon said Thorin as he lay Snowflake down in the fur coat bed they made for snow flake I see you found her said Adrien yes we did said Thorin in the middle of the night snowflake start to wake up and noticed 4 people by a fire who are they snowflake thought she will be a good ruler like you Thorin said Adrien yes adrien is right said Legolas Aracorn you made good food and Legolas I am not a king yet once we get snowflake kingdom back I take back my kingdom with her help said Thorin so the red hair man with amber eyes is name Thorin the wizard with hazel blue eyes is name Adrien and the brown hair with blue eyes name is Aracorn and the blond with sky blue eyes must be Legolas thought snow flake look who is awake from her sleep said Adrien how are you feeling ask Thorin where am I and who are you? ask snow flake well you are in middle earth and the name is Aracorn said Aracorn i am Legolas the king of the dark oak wood elave said Legolas and I am Thorin I am son of king blue heart and queen red heart said Thorin and I am adrien princess i am your royal wizard said Adrien wait princess you got the worng person said snowflake your full name is snow flake phantomhive rose said Adrien wait how did you know that ask snowflake your mom and dad were friends of mine said Adrien if I was a princess what happen to my parent's ask snowflake your kingdom and your parents were trun into stone by shadow he been take over different kingdom said Aracorn why do you need me ask snow flake you are the one shadow fear said Adrien you got to help us shadow darkness is half take over middle earth said Aracorn maybe I can help them they need me I can't look back now thought snow flake I will help you said Snow flake you will ask Legolas yes and we will take back middle earth and save my kingdom and other Kingdom from the hold of shadow Said snow flake we got a lote to teach you how to fight and learn how to ride on a dragon said Thorin wait ride on a dragon!?ask snow flake yes your kingdom were the olny people who ever ride on dragon said Adrien wow my kingdom sound so cool said Snow flake now let rest tomorrow we going to River town to get your sword and other things you need said Thorin okay Thorin said Snow flake everyone fall asleep snow flake woke up with a feeling of something is worng she look around Legolas and Aracorn are warm and adrien is somehow warm but Thorin wasn't warm he was shaking from the cold he give me his bed to keep me warm thought snowflake no I won't let him be cold not after he save me from falling out the sky thought snowflake. snowflake got up with the bed cover and adrien see snow flake walk up to Throin and cover him up with the bear fur blanket snowflake cuddle up to Throin side to keep him warm I hope this help him thought snowflake as she fall asleep so the girl have a heart just like her mom thought adrien WHAT yell shadow yes my king snowflake is back and is with the 3 hero said darkness No this can't be happening she can't be here said a mad shadow what you want us to do sir ask one of the orc find her and kill her I can't have her ruined my plan the orcs rides on blood hound to find snowflake and kill her and the king of the mist mountain for killing their king the morning snow flake can hear people talking Legolas they are so cute as they are alseep said Aracorn yes Aracorn they are cute said Legolas we are not cute said Throin aww is the king get mad at me for call him cute said Aracorn you better start running said Thorin in a mad voice Aracorn start to run from Thorin and his sword i thought we had to leave ask snowflake oh we do it just we woke up see you two cuddle each other said Legolas both of you stop that we need to move now said Adrien okay said Aracorn and Thorin everyone pack their thing so where are we going ask snowflake as she get on the horse with the help of Aracorn we are going to River town said Adrien okay said Snow flake everyone start to ride off . so this is how my story and adventure start by one magic book I am snowflake and my life is getting weird by the minute.