
Dragon reborn: A New World Adventure

Zarathrax, the strongest of the Draconic species to ever be born on the planet of Infernum, died on the battlefield, fighting against the dragon and demon races. He died, but he had no regrets. He took revenge on the people who executed his parents and also saved his comrades. But just when he thought he had died, he woke up only to find himself in the hands of a strange humanoid species whom he had never seen on Infernum. Huh? That's strange. I am sure I died. Where am I now? And who are these people? Zarathrax now reborn as Cassian talen, sets out to find out more about the world he was reborn in and regain his true power. Though this time he has a companion, who'll help him with this task. **A note for the readers** [I have no experience in writing and this is my very first work.] [My story may be boring or not well written but I'll still try my best to write a good book] [English isn't my first language, so I apologise for any grammatical mistakes in advance.] [I'll update when I have the motivation or free time to write, since I am still a minor and have school life] Lastly....... [Have fun reading this book, if you still decide to read it. Also, make sure to leave reviews and comments. It will help me improve my novel further and even myself as an author.]

EvilEye_ · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

*I should be careful not to use magic until my mana gate opens up.*

**But do I even have a mana gate? Drake can you tell?**

[Yes, you do have a Mana gate. You also have a Ki gate inside you. It is rare to be born with both gates, and even rarer to be born with both gates opened since birth. Currently both of your gates are closed and will open up when you turn 5.]

**Is there a way to open them now? Waiting that long will be boring.**

[You can open them on your own, however the process will be a little painful.]

**I can‽ Alright then, enduring a little pain is not a problem, if it means I can use magic. Well I can still use it, but following the principles of this world would be best. I don't know how the world would react if people were to find out I can use magic without a mana gate. I don't want to grab unnecessary attention.**

**That aside, I am really curious about this Ki thing. There was no such thing as Ki in my previous world, so learning something aside from magic would be good. Of course, I am not going to ignore my magic abilities. I'll just learn them both.**

**Drake tell me more about Ki.**

[Ki is a mystical energy and a being's life force or inner energy. Unlike mana, Ki comes from inside a person's body. This energy can be harnessed through meditation, breathing techniques or physical training. Through the control of Ki one can strengthen a specific part of their body or the entire body itself, increasing their speed and other senses and provide inhuman strength. It also makes it possible to shoot energy bolts and make melee combat even more powerful. Ki and mana have somewhat similar uses.]

**They really have somewhat similar uses.**

[Mastering both energies simultaneously is a difficult task, but if you are able to master them both, you can grow exponentially powerful. Wherever you go, you'll be respected. Even among other races, who look down on humans, you will welcomed and given the utmost respect.]

**Well powerful people are always respected. Looks like I have a new goal. Mastering Ki.**

**But first, I should open my inner worlds, shouldn't I?.**

**Drake, how should I do it?**

[To open your mana gate, gather the mana particles in your body and use them to forcefully open up your mana gate. Repeat the same process for your Ki gate. Ki is your inner energy, and with your abilities you shouldn't have problem sensing it.]

**Let me try**

I closed my eyes and started concentrating on the mana particles in my body. They were just floating inside my body, in random directions. Using my will power, I guided them towards a certain direction, my Mana gate. I gathered them at a single spot and then bombarded them on my mana gate to forcefully open it.


I felt pain in my heart region and instinctively grabbed the area near my heart. The pain subsided after a few seconds and I decided to continue the process. Collecting my mana particles in a single spot and then bombarding them on my mana gate. I felt the gates open up a little. I was making progress.


After repeating the process for five minutes, something happened.....


[You have gained a new skill]

[Minor pain resistance: tier 1- level 1]

**Oh? I have gained a new skill huh?. Is it because I endured all that pain?**


**I can pretty much guess what that skil does, but still, show me it's information.**

[Minor pain resistance: You are somewhat resistant to minor pain.]

**Just as I expected.**

After gaining a new skill, I continued the process and after about an hour, I was completely exhausted, my entire body covered in sweat. But I managed to open my mana gate completely.

[Congratulations! You have successfully opened your mana gate.]

[You have gained additional rewards.]

[You have gained 10,000 exp, 10 skill points and 10 stat points.]

**All that stat points but I cannot use it.**


[Now that you have opened one of your mana gate, you can absorb the surrounding mana and store it in there. Your mana will be automatically restored after a few hours, without you needing to actively absorb it. The time it requires, all depends on your body's capacity to absorb mana. Gather pure mana to advance your mana gate.]

**For now, I think it's best to rest. I am completely exhausted after all that process. Tomorrow I'll open my Ki gate.**

With that, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


I woke up the next day..

*Looks like I pushed my body too much. I didn't even realise when I fell asleep.*

After doing my daily routine, of eating and pooping, I was once again in cradle, ready to take the next step towards my goal.

*According to what Drake said yesterday, I should be able to sense the Ki particles in body fairly easily.*

*Let's see...*

I closed my eyes, and tried sensing the energies in my body. The mana particles that were floating in random directions in my body were no where to be found. Instead, they all went to a single place, my mana gate. It was as if they were returning to their home.

After a few minutes of searching, I finally found the Ki particles in my body. I took me some time, but I was finally able to sense them.

They were floating in random directions and just like the mana particles, I guided them all towards a particular direction, towards my Ki gate. Gathering them at a single spot, I bombarded the Ki particles on my Ki gate. This time, I felt a little pain in my stomach region, but due to my pain resistance skill, I didn't feel much of the pian.

After about an hour, it finally happened. My Ki gate opened and I felt like all the Ki in my body was sucked into the gate as soon as it opened.


I let out a breath of exhaustion.


[Congratulations!! You have successfully opened your Ki gate.]

[You have gained 10,000 exp, 10 stat points and 10 skill points]

**Nice, now let's look at my status screen**

[Name]:Cassian Talen [Exp]:40,500.2

[Age]: 33 days

[Race]: Human

[Titles]: None

[Innate abilities]:

(Absolute immunity)

(Hastened Regeneration)

(Dragon eyes)

(Sixth sense)



[Fire magic: Mortal level: tier 1- level 1

[Minor pain resistance: tier 1- level 9

[Skill points]: 45



[Endurance]:1 [Health]:15



[Intelligence]:100 [Magic]:1000

[Stat points]:45


Mana gate grade: Black Ki gate grade: Black


[Physical damage negation]:0.0%

[Magic damage negation]:0.0%

**Aside from my stats, everything else looks good. My minor pain resistance skill is already at level 9. It's all thanks to all that pain I endured during the process of opening my inner worlds.**

**My mana and ki gate grade are... black. What does that mean? Drake?**

[Inner worlds are classified into seven colors: black, blue, red, orange, yellow, silver, and white. One's inner world starts off as black, due to the body's impurities mixed with the energy particles as they form the inner world. Each stage of the inner worlds colors is split into three shades(dark, solid, and light), except silver which is split into initial, mid and high and white, which does not have stages. The lighter the inner world color, the purer one's inner world is. Therefore there was more power one could have access to. You gather pure energy inside your inner world to advance to the next grade.]

**What grade is a 10 year old supposed to be in?**

[In normal cases, a 10 year old should have an inner world of dark blue stage.]

**Then my new goal is set. By the time I turn 5, I'll achieve the solid blue stage.**
