
Dragon Quest V Reimagined: Hand Of The Heavenly Bride

Note- This is a Fanfic work that is adapted from the original game version (or NDS version which is also exactly same as original version except for some additional changes)known as Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride. The primary purpose of the story is to provide narrative lines and make the silent protagonist's dialogue by expressing him throughout the story. Some elements of this novel remake version may change depending on the situations, people, places and etc... The main focus is not to rush the story and keep going at it's own pace. I would suggest you to respect the original content (that includes ds version as well that is basically same as the original one) and if you haven't played this game before then I would recommend you to play it but you don't have to play it if you don't want to since you don't need any knowledge about the game to read this remake version. Just keep in mind, players who like modern like settings or world building may not like this game much since it is an old game with medivel period or something. The name of the protagonist will be Abel, that is one of the default name of this character. If you want more information about the game then you can check out the Wikipedia on google for this game. Note 2- I have added Romance Genre according to what I discovered in the game as the name also suggests but the main focus will, as usual, be on the mainplot lines because it is originally an adaptation of the game and game mostly focuses on the combat, actions, adventures, twists or other genre without relying on Romance Genre so much. --------- Synopsis: The world of magic and sword, which is a peaceful world, is going to be corrupted by the enemy force in order to either rule the world or destroy it completely to make a new world or for some hidden motives. These unknown forces are truly terrifying and only a hero is capable of saving the world. However, the hero is not yet decided. The story takes place from a small ship where the father and his son, the main protagonist Abel who was 6 year old, wanted to go back to whealbrook that is their hometown. The protagonist isn't aware of what will come in his life. This boy may not be a hero but who knows what will really happen when he will show what he can do. Abel faces a tragic event in his childhood that changed everything and therefore, he changed..... The darkness was overwhelming but he never seemed to give up... The world will be in danger and the hero(es) must emerge in order to put a stop to the real evil.

CyberDevil_2051 · Video Games
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10 Chs

Beautiful Ghost Of A Lady

(Main Protagonist's Pov)

We had started moving towards the Roundbeck while fighting with monsters along the way. It was a good choice to go with Ms Whitaker or else it would have been difficult for them to proceed further towards the Roundbeck.

After sometime, we had finally arrived at Roundbeck. We saw the guard stationed at the entrance and when he saw my dad then his default expression of his face changed to the smiling one.

"Oh my god! It is really you! It is a delightful day to see you again!" exclaimed the Guard.

"Ah, yes. Same here." replied dad.

The guard stepped aside and let us pass through the entrance. We went straight to the Inn and then went in a room where I saw two people. One person is on the bed and looked sick, the other one is taking good care of the person on the bed.

"Oh, you came back. So, did you get the medicine?" asked the person who was taking care of the person on the bed.

"Yes, now Mr Whitaker will be right as rain in no time." replied Mrs Whitaker.

She went near to Mr Whitaker who is sick and my dad-

"Hm, I should probably also go and see what is his current condition." said my dad as he also went near Mr Whitaker.

"Hm, what should I do now?" I asked myself with a low voice.

"Oh yes, Abel. If you feel bored then you can go for a walk with my little Bianca and play with her." said Mrs Whitaker.

"Oh, okay. I will." I replied.

"Come! Let's go outside and have fun. I will show you around so you won't get lost." said Bianca.

"Er...I won't get lost or something but I think I can go along with you." I replied.

"Okay, it's decided then! Let's go!"

We went outside and enjoyed ourselves as we explored the different shops and places at this village.

"Ah, wait here for a moment. I will go and get the candies for both of us. My mom gave me some pocket money after all!" said Biancaa she went ahead to the candy shop.


I looked around and I suddenly noticed that a person was coming to my direction. I was a little scared but I held my ground. The person is a lady. She looked beautiful as she came near me. She opened her mouth and said.

"Oh my, you could see me, huh?" She said.

The first thing she said, I didn't understand at all. Then she made a little serious yet sad face and asked a question.

"Kid, have you ever heard about the tales of the Uptaten Tower?" She asked.

"Um, not really. In fact, it's the first time I heard of such a name."

"Oh...." She looked even more sad and-

"Wh- No- Did she just!?"

The lady in front of me suddenly vanished as my whole body went cold. I felt like my feet suddenly froze and my breathing rate increased.

"*Huff* *Huff* Ju-Just what did I saw? I hope it's....not a ghost. No, I should calm down first. It must be an illusion and perhaps I am tired or something....but it felt-"

My attention was suddenly caught by a conversation between two people.

"Hey, do you think that the ghosts really do exist in that tower?"

"You mean, Uptaten Tower?"

"Yes, that tower. I heard some rumours that it is cursed or something. People often avoid roaming around that Tower. It is best for us to stay away from that Tower and perhaps find a new spot for monster hunting."

"Yeah, I think you are right."

When I heard them, I felt like that I may have been also cursed since I just saw a ghost myself.

"*Gulp* "

A hand suddenly tapped lightly on my shoulder and-


I suddenly jumped, thinking it must be that ghost again and grabbed my knees while covering my face, putting my hands on my head as I sat.

"H-Hey! What happened! You scared me a little as well. Abel?"

When I heard the voice, I realised that this voice is...

"Ah! Oh, it's you....haha it's you....okay....*phew* "

It was Bianca who tapped lightly on my shoulder to let me know that she came back.

"But what happened to you? Why did you screamed like that?" asked Bianca.

"About that, actually."


I wondered if whether she would believe in my words or not so I had decided to hide it and changed the subject but related to the Uptaten Tower rumours.

"Nothing, I was just scared when I saw a....a....yeah a cockroach! Haha, I am scared of cockroachs. Anyway, I wanted to ask something regarding the Uptaten Tower rumours." I said.

"Uh, alright if you say so. And why did you suddenly put this kind of topic?" she asked.

"I was just curious to know since people were talking about it." I answered.

"Hm, well according to what I had heard..."

She started to explain me and I went quiet to listen to what she had to say.

"I don't know much but it seems like, a long long time ago.....There were two couples, mighty count and his beautiful countess, who lived over at the Uptaten Tower." said Bianca.

They both wanted their own children but unfortunately they had none. Then after some time passed, they both died and the place was left deserted. However, after few years later the voices could be heard of crying from within the castle walls." she continued.

"That means what I just saw, was she the countess?" I thought.

"Well, anyway. That's about the story. No one really knows what exactly happened at the tower. People often avoids going near that place." said Bianca.

"I see..."

I just hope I don't go near that place even by mistake or even if I forget about the place. It was truly scary until a moment ago.


To be continued...