
Master Xaun

“He is so…” Qinglong trailed off.

“Flamboyant?” Bailong completed helpfully.

Qinglong snickered in his head, but turned silent. Bailong saw Master Xaun, walk towards him with a big smile and a flashy flutter of his robes waving behind him with each movement.

Master Xaun had only crossed half the room when a few female disciples cut in his way. Bailong didn’t know what they were talking about. Master Xaun smiled big, all his teeth shining, eyes bright, high cheekbones and sharp cut jaw. Master Xaun waved his arms around as he talked, moved from one foot to another, tilting his head and throwing it back to laugh boisterously. As he excused from the group with a flourished bow, another group cut in, this time an older mixed group. Bailong still couldn’t hear anything. Master Xaun’s actions were just as big and wide as with the previous group. There was no special treatment towards men or woman. However, Bailong felt apprehensive thinking about Headmaster Wama’s cryptic words.