
Dragon Out of Time: Alduin's Misadventures in a DxD World

Alduin, banished from his homeland by his father, is reborn in the world of DxD, with his soul and power fully intact. However, there's a problem: Alduin is reincarnated not as a dragon, but as a mortal - and not just any mortal, but the younger brother of the future head of Kuoh Academy perverts trio. How will the oldest and strongest of dragons react to this changed world, and how will the world respond to the appearance of a creature capable of consuming an entire dimension? It is based on the existing fanfic called "Братишка" that was unfortunately dropped by its author almost a decade ago (in late 2016).

Sai_Hakuto · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

The Beginning of the Journey pt9


"Lorhkan" greeted Alduin the Lost God as he entered the Hall of Valor. "I found another Scroll."

"So quickly?" Shor couldn't hide his surprise as he looked at the relic lying on the table. "Some people took decades to find even a trace of one."

"You just need to know where to look." Alduin said grinning.

"Yeah, and I have another excursion planned for today" he said, leaving the hall.

"Odahviing, Krahnahkriin, Kreinzulfen, use invisibility spells. If you don't know how, ask Kreinzulfen. We have a burial mound to explore."

"My lord, didn't you decide to resurrect the sleepers later?" pointed out Odahviing.

"This sleeper is a unique specimen. He loves to philosophize, just like Tiiadalos did in his time, but unlike your brother, Odahviing, he is more interested in the secrets of the elements than the problems of existence. And he was infinitely loyal to me."

"Really, him?" Odahviing was surprised.

"Yes. And I remembered that mortals like to build their barns in beautiful places" replied Alduin, taking his dragon form and commanding "Lif! (take off)."

The dragons flew out of the portal above the hilly terrain surrounded by forests. Alduin didn't even need to use the Thu'um to detect the burial mound, as it was brightly glowing with green light mixed with gold, just like it was the last time he was there.

"Walburga, cover the area with darkness. We don't need any extra eyes" commanded Alduin.

"Understood," growled Walburga, circling the burial mound and whispering something. After a moment, all sounds disappeared within a half a mile radius, and everything seemed frozen. "Done."

"Fus Ro Dah" Alduin said, unleashing the Unrelenting Force and opening the mound carefully, trying not to disturb the buried bones.

When the dust cleared, huge bones of a dragon appeared.

"Slen Tiid Vo!" Alduin shouted the next Thu'um.

When the wave of power reached the bones, they rearranged themselves into the correct position. Around them, a golden glow formed into the shape of a winged lizard, whose shadow instilled fear in the hearts of the mortals of the past. Gradually, the golden glow faded, giving way to violet scales.

"Drem Yol Lok Midgarstrun" greeted Alduin the dragon that emerged from the burial mound.

"Alduin Thuri!" replied his violet dragon follower with black spikes on his back.

"Midgarstrun, we need to move out. I know you have questions, but all answers will come later."

"Mu los lif (we're leaving)."

The portal that Alduin opened transported the five Dovah back to Sovngarde, where everyone except Midgarstrun and Alduin assumed human form. When Alduin noticed the astonished look of the strongest of the storm dragons, he began to explain.

"Midgarstrun, as one of the most skilled in the art of magic, I believe you have noticed the changes in the magical background of the world. Am I right?"

"Yes, Milord. What caused these changes?" asked Midgarstrun.

"Oh, it's quite an amusing story" said Alduin, his expression turning somber as he began to recount events, from his exile by Akatosh to the present day.

"Truly an amusing story, my lord. But why did the other brothers assume the guise of joor (mortals), while two of them became human females?" asked Midgarstrun.

"Krahnahkriin and Kreinzulfen were reborn after the catastrophe, and they were reborn in a human form. Just like me. I was only able to restore my original form sixteen years after I was pulled out of Eterius. I restored their souls, and I restored Odahviing's clarity of mind using my own experience."

"And what do you plan to do with Tamriel now, Milord?" asked Midgarstrun.

"Oh, nothing. First, I will restore the pack. No need to act impulsively, nothing good will come from this. Also, there is no need to overly publicize our return. To do this, we will use the guise of mortals."

"Understood, Milord" said the storm dragon, nodding in agreement.

"The Thu'um necessary to assume this form is Sil Joor Slen. Kreinzulfen will help you adapt to society of mortals and explain the basic rules of behavior. Walburga!" Alduin commanded.

"Yes, my lord?"

"The name for Midgarstrun is Matthias Surilli. Now, brother, you must assume the form of a mortal," said Alduin to Midgarstrun. The dragon nodded and roared out the words of the Shout, and after a few moments, the spot where the purple dragon had been was now occupied by a tall, well-built man with short purple hair.

"Walburga" said Alduin, assuming a human form, "You and Margaret will have to take care of these two old men, can you handle it?"

"Yes, my lord" answered Margaret and Walburga in unison.

"Good. Stay here for now, tomorrow I will transport you to Tamriel."