
Damian's tyranny

Marcellis wasted no time hunting for the boy, of course with the help of Magnus. He raided both villages, towns killing at free will. The old witch didn't disclose the boy's description and he was sure, she knew where he was but chose to die with it.

That thought only fueled his anger: even in death, his enemies still tormented him. His cruelty was unheard of. His search almost drove him mad. He had no clue of what he was doing. He wanted everything all. At the palm of his hand. Beneath his feet. And he'd rule like the psychotic god he'd become.

With the old witch's book, he brought to life -disgusting, blood curdling creations that could make one slip into death just at the sight of them. They were his minions, sending them to do the search but each time came back empty-handed.

In anger, he casted the creatures back into the book.

"Useless and incompetent" was what he termed them.

"How would a mere mortal, a boy, be my end - an immortal?" His thoughts trailed on. "I refuse to heed to that"

"That boy will die. That! I'll make sure of"

He decided to wait, patiently. Until the prophecy was to come. He wanted to rule the world, have it under his hands. Sure, he was diabolical but deep down he was afraid. Insecure that a boy would defeat him. Deep down fear was mightier than his so called - Iron Fist.

Like a saying, 'No Peace For The Wicked'

Then one day, during the heat of the noon. He broke down the remains of his castle and brushed through the spell book. If ever he was to kill his target. He needed to be secluded.

He casted Magnus off, into the earth's core. A spell he got from the Book. A gruesome spell if casted, could kill a mortal man in an instant but since he was immortal, it only drained a little bit of his energy. He sealed his dragon away exactly in the middle of the throne room - his fallen kingdom. And with a dark hood over his head, he walked off to live amongst the mortals, silently and patiently waiting for what was to come.

Time went on, the world revolved. Stories of his fallen reign were told, people trampled happily, grateful that such a wicked man was no more.

Marcellis was still waiting, silently pondering on how it would be glorious to end the boy and dragon and become the last Dragon Mage (rider)..

The clouds shimmered, bloomed. Winter had come. Soon, it passed then spring with its fullness and there on it went. The earth revolved and evolved.

Then a new revolution emerged with big, tall buildings, technology advanced.

Mankind had changed drastically. Everything different.

On the other side of the world far from where the tyrant roamed, America was formed. The world glorious in ways. And peering into it you'd see the beauty. Mankind had been blessed in many ways. The wind would occasionally brush by the window of an open store, gliding past a lamppost then across the traffic, steering through the city and finally blew past a ranch. Rich.

On a sign board written, __Perrys Ranch__

" And oh sonny, getch'a head in the game this time"

A black lady yelled.

" Arigh momma. I gotcha already. Same thing al'over"

" Tyler Alexander Perry don't you ever talk back at me young man. When momma says som'in, then do it"

Tyler sighed, " Yes Mom"

The black smiled, driving past the gates of the ranch.


"Shawn! Get ya lazy self down here"

Alice,his mum yelled.

"Shawn?" She called. "Don't let me come up there"

"hmmm. Just five more minutes",shawn groaned with a pillow over his head.

"Shawn!",she yelled again

Shawn grunted before yelling "I'm up. I'll be there in a sec"

He tossed and with a start, he sat up straight. Rubbing his sleepy eyes and stretching, he yawned as he stood up and headed for the bathroom. Soon, he came out with a towel round his waist then another over his head. He was about pulling the towel off his waist when the door opened.

"Mum!",he snapped "What if I was naked?"

"You're lucky young man. Besides so what if you're naked", She scoffed, "I'm your mother. I've seen everything"

"Its different now. I'm grown up, a man"

Alice hissed, "Man my foot. Until you can pay the bills, stand up on your feet, have a family. Then I'll see you as a MAN", She emphasized

 "Don't make me come up here again", She concluded and slammed the door 

Shawn sighed. What would he do with her? Always over protective.

He hurriedly dressed up, just a long sleeved shirt and a jean with a pair of adidas sneakers. He grabbed his backpack and headed downstairs. Leaving his room messy.

His mum would help him tidy up. Like always.

"Good morning mum"

"Morning sweety. Here's breakfast" 

She placed a plate of pancakes and pineapple juice infront of him.

"Now hurry up,so you won't be late for school"


"Hey. Don't forget lunch", Alice called as shawn made for the door

"Oh! Thanks momma",he smiled

"Be careful"

"Yeah.Love you",he bade

"Love you too sweety"

She replied as shawn rode off with his bike.

Soon, he got to school. He parked his bike around the corner,chaining it to a pole. Faces of students filled the hallways as he walked to his locker. He was about closing it up when she strutted in.

 Chloe Blair.

His supposed crush. She was looking gorgeous as always.

Oh Chloe, he sighed sheepishly with a dummy look on his face as she passed him with two other girls behind her. She flipped her hair when walking making Shawn sigh even more. Chloe was last years most beautiful high school girl. Though he liked her before. She's gorgeous, rich, smells wonderful, she talks so classy which was a no match for him.

She's arrogant and bossy. The normal cheerleaders boss. So sassy but shawn still liked her, blinded by love or should I say infatuation.

He had already planned his future with her and their five children even when he knew it was impossible. She was already the girlfriend of Damian Jones.

The basketball team leader. So handsome, muscular, pink puckered lips, brown eyes and with a killer smile that could sweep even a guy off his feet.

Shawn was the opposite, like a pretty boy with a cute face, just like Merlin...

"Hey! Twerp!" He heard someone call

He flinched, jolting out of his thoughts of he and chloe's wedding day. His thoughts vanished and his heart skipped. He knew that voice very well.

He didn't know whether to hide squeeze himself inside the locker, run away, vanish, all he knew was that he's in trouble..

When will this bullying stop?

He had reported to the principal but he did nothing.Telling him that he should bear with it.

He knew the whim of a principal was just scared he'd lose his job.

But someone has to stop this.When will Damian's tyrant bullying stop.The last time,they asked him to remove and put on his underwear on his head..

It was so embarassing

His heart raced as the foot steps drew nearer.

Oh momma. Please save me. I'm not a man, just a boy. And now I can't stand on my two feet.

"Twerp!",damian was already at his back.

Oh My Mummmyyy.