
Dragon Mortal's Legacy

The year 2020 New World Order, Trade War, Pandemy, Poverty, Everything! It's on Kanshera modern era as the world would crumble to its darkness for once again. The old ancient Dragon Mortal's Tale was once again. Repeated as a man's ancestor who sealed it one millennium ago with his Darkness Dragon Mortal. A man who set his adventure to the world where he would go, to solve every issue in the world as the war is continuing just to wage for three things that his ancestor had mentioned millennium ago. "Power corrupts you, Gold blinds you, Blasphemy kills you." and the man said, "Ancestor. I swear, I will return this world and seal the tale for once again!"

hartpeler · Urban
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7 Chs


Boredaux, Elios nation.

Date: Jan 20, 2020.

Covid-19 outbreaks confirmed, and it infected so many races out there. Even myself, I got Covid-19 as well, as I managed to survive from it.

However, I believe that some countries had a relation with this shit as they wanted to create famine in some of the regions so badly.

It's me, Hartpeler Richeolot. I'm a 24 years old man who worked as a lawyer in Elios Nation, the nation formerly known as Laira Village centuries ago.

I'm working as a lawyer for the guildhall that famous for many jobs there.

My job there wasn't only about filtering and researching the mission they would take. But recruitment, customer handling, and many shits that I worked on.

However, that's nothing when it comes to earning a fuckton of cash for my cute little sister, Clara Richeolot.

Unlike me, who is an ordinary human? She's a fairy with genetics directly from my ancestor!

Her picture is located at my office.

It placed on the wall behind my chair, where I worked now on the sixth floor of the guildhall.

And my sister shared a similar face and look with her! But only her hair color is different that she had a sky blue color, while my sister had black haired color.

According to the folks in Bordeaux, they said that my ancestor was a heavenly beautiful fairy with all of Metoria she mastered on. Yep, it's an effect from Void Metoria that banned by United Nations now.

I've read from an internet article at my laptop where it said that many people died thanks to eating Void Metoria, and guess what? It's as spicy as one million Carolina devils to be eaten.

Imagine that you are eating one million of Carolina Devils with one million spicy levels each. Can you survive for it?

Legend says that fairies could stand the spicy as long as her devotion to the master is a real deal. But yeah, you don't expect my sister to devote me, right?

If you expect it. Let me tell you something,


Joke aside. That's me, after all.

I had one hundred and seventy centimeters height, short-haired as I would be looks like an army.

My hair had a yellow color dye that made me look a bit gangster-ish.

And most importantly, I'm always bringing my gaming bag everywhere that had my laptop in it.

And my laptop had been taken out for my job purpose, and I got a call now.

"Hey Hart, can you go to the front desk now?"

I replied to that woman voice,

"Sure, give me a minute."

I know that I would have to attend a meeting, a meeting about a lecturer who wants to add his mission to the guildhall.

If it's a college, then I'm almost sure that they need to find some freelance tutor to help them.

Knowing that face, I'm sighing that you know. It's hard to find someone academic as hell in Elios Nation!

I felt like my brain is about to explode when every damned academic wants to post their mission to the guild mission board, ugh!

But whatever, let's ask him what he needed on.

I'm bringing my laptop and my phone too, towards the first floor.

As I'm heading out, my office had a modern-looking office as you are working in a tech company.

Many men with suit or woman with blouses with different races are greeting to me.

"Hi Mr. Richeolot." said a male elf in a modern-looking suit with his green hair that had well-groomed.

As I'm walking, a Golden Retriever Dog Demi-Human Girl with her brown hair length to her hip, and she has a cute looking ear on her head as it's closing.

Her nametag on her black colored shirt suggested that she's the IT staff for this guildhall, and she greeted me friendlily.

Then I greeted her back, and I asked her.

"I might have an academic freelance, you in?"

She twitched her ear, and she said.

"I'm not sure if I can teach anything in university, consider Eric would be a good idea?"

Eric.. yes, he is indeed a damned smart orc. But too bad, he is on a mission with his valkyrie girlfriend now.

His mission isn't only like taking one or two days, but it would take a month as they are now on Seikara Nation for forensic crap, sigh.

Never mind then, I replied to her.

"Well, hahaha. God knows if I can summon them back."

And then, she changed the topic.

"Anyways, Hart, I've deployed the changes for your quest management system. You can check it out later."

Oh? I thought I was asked her to submit it to me at the weekend, but, unexpectedly, she has done it in a day.

Well, as expected, Dog Demi-Human. They are indeed the best fit to be a software engineer.

And I replied to her in a satisfying response,

"Go order some delivery food, treats from me."

She yay-ed me, it costs nothing for me though, but happy that she's delighted with that.

And then I left the place and head straight to the lift. Pressing the button and then, I'm heading down to the first floor.

When the door is opened, I saw a Starbucks like cafe interior in front of me.

I heard the design remains the same, so yeah.

But that's not the biggest issue.

The issue comes from the client who wants to post that job god knows where I could get anyone for me to do the job.

I'm posting a job offer in Link.

It's the app on Kanshera that used for the adventurers to find the mission without heading to the guildhall.

The convenience of finding a quest from the mobile app had changed everything here.

Despite the convenience offered from the app, everyone would come here anyway.

Covid-19 Outbreaks here detected, so fairies are really important now.

Without fairies, I don't know if any medics who would help for now.

And I'm about to head to the coffee table at the outdoor of the guildhall. While putting my mask on, I walked to the place.

Upon reaching the place, the young valkyrie as her badass looking knight armor covered her body, with her purple eyes glaring on me as her sexy face always unveiled for unable being hidden. She said,

"Sup Hartpeler!"

In my heart, I said it to myself.

"Ah shit, there we go again."

And the story continues.

to know the terms better, you should read Dragon Mortal's Tale!

hartpelercreators' thoughts