
Chapter 855:- 1000 Battles of With Two Succubus Empresses - [I]

"How about annexing the entire Central Region to the Istarin Empire?" Her suggestion left everyone around the dining table stunned.

The reason every one around the dining table was surprised and stunned is because of Aditya's decision to not annex the Dune Sovereignty Empire's territory after defeating it. Everyone, including Spencer, just assumed in their minds that Aditya wasn't interested in increasing the territory of the Istarin Empire.

So why would he want to annex the Central region? 

If he wanted to increase the Istarin Empire's territories, he had the option to take the entire Dune Sovereignty or parts of this desert Empire, but he didn't. 

Now, Soraya's suggestion has left everyone stunned.

Her suggestion made everyone think of this possibility.