
Chapter 779:- Grandmaster Pink

Meanwhile, the screams of the guards had alerted the people inside the Mansion. Everyone suddenly panicked, seeing the loud screams of the guard. 

"What is happening?" A man in pink outfit asked his butler who was also in pink butler outfit. 

"Your Grace, there is a man who attacked our guards and killed them within a few seconds. Now he is walking towards the Mansion." The butler replied in a very calm tone. 

"Oh!! Interesting!!" Grandmaster Pink did not look afraid. 

"Then let him come!! It has been a while since I last had this much fun." Pink was grinning. 

Aditya's lips twitched as he looked at the pink Mansion before him. Everything around him was in pink. Whether it was the road that led to the Mansion, the trees and plants growing on two sides of the street, or even the outfit of the guards itself. Everything was in pink. 

'Never thought I would hate seeing pink this much!!'