
Dragon Monarch in Avatar

Janemba_The_Demon · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

1st Son

Power, Ozai was a proud and arrogant man all because of his power. He believed himself to be more worthy of the throne then his brother because of his power. He could not love, not people anyway, but he could love power it's all he ever wanted and all he could ever need. But unlike most men like him he differed in an important way, he was realistic. This realism left him wanting, he knew their was a finite amount of power he could get in terms of both strength and influence these limits were both due to the human limit and the limit one could do in a single life time. Put simply Ozai realized he couldn't do everything and he definitely couldn't do anything forever so he needed an heir. He searched for a few years and found a woman that had an adequate bloodline and adequate power in firebending he took her from her life and love and forced her to be with him, with in a year he was to have his first child.

Ozai had seen several births in his day, mostly at a noble's and his father's insistence, this birth though it was unlike any he had ever seen. To be clear the act, the pain his wife, all those things were normal but the boy, oh his son, his heir he was what made the birth special. At the exact moment of his birth the temperature around the world increased 10 degrees(Fahrenheit), the sun seemed to grow in size, and horrible storms and natural disasters appeared and raged down upon the other nations. The boy himself seemed to radiate heat. His head was topped with crimson-red hair unlike anything Ozai had ever seen before and his eyes, oh his eyes, were like that of a beast, slitted and predatory. The boy didn't scream or cry when he was born no the boy just observed, his eyes darted from doctor to hand-maid then, seemingly after determining them non-threats, they flicked around the room and until finally stopping on Ozai. And Ozai well Ozai, for the first time in his life, felt slight fear, his body broke out in a cold sweat and flames licked the palms of his hands as he tried to calm down. His pupils dilated and his breath quickened but then the boy changed his gaze from looking at Ozai to looking at Ursa and like it had never been there the fear melted away like ice struck by a torrent of flames. Ozai's gaze continues on his heir for, what feels like, an eternity as he shifts through emotion after emotion. Yet Ozai, wounded pride and all, couldn't stay mad at the boy. After 30 minutes of inner turmoil Ozai finally comes to a consensus, he's proud, because of course only HIS son HIS progeny could make him feel like this!

Timeskip 5 years....

Antares wasn't a normal boy, he was hyper intelligent and even at his insanely young age he was allowed to participate in general meetings often ending with him easily outplaying and embarrassing Azulon's ""best"' generals, excluding Iroh. Antares wasn't only intelligence his raw strength and power were also incredible especially for one of his age. During his first meeting a general felt disrespected as his play was overruled by a child so he challenged, the currently 4, Antares to an Agni Kai. Ozai almost killed the man on the spot but at Antares's urging the Agni Kai was allowed to happen, of course the rules were changed slightly so one of them could quit at anytime and unlike usual Agni Kais this one was done in a private area filled with only the generals and the royal family. After the fight started the general blasted Antares with fire and shock filled the arena as Antares walked out of the inferno completely unscathed. The boy then punched the general in his stomach, his punch shattered the man's ribs and caused one rib to puncture the man's lung. The general tried to scream but Antares slashed his vocal cords in an instant, going deep enough to cut them but not enough to accidentally slash or destroy any important arteries. The general tried to tap out by signing with his hand but, once again, before he could Antares gripped the man's arms and a sickening crunch is heard as his shoulders are splintered and broken. Tears stream down the older man's face and he tries to beg but Antares ignores all these things and begins to snap his fingers one by one. Once he finishes with those Antares shoves a foot through the generals abdomen. All the while a sickening grin made of sharped teeth split Antares face. After half an hour of work[torture] Antares uses fire bending for the first time. His mouth balloons and then a hurricane of flames rages out of his mouth turning the general into nothing but ash and memories.

That's enough about Antares, today isn't his day anyway. Today is the birth of his first sibling, a day of great disappointment for Ozai and a day of wonder for Antares. For it was the first time he'd seen a birth, to him the ritual of blood, pain and destruction was beautiful. He couldn't care less for his brother though. He could tell with a glance, the boy's power was to be weak, his talent wasn't much compared to his own even though it was better than most. And his potential was spectacular though he would never reach it.