
Dragon Lords Betrothed

Disclaimer: It has been a while, I know. life just caught up with me and my own awful time management. another thing is me not being confident enough in my story. so I keep looking at the chapters wanting to edit them over and over again. I ask for patience, but I will admit the more that times passes the less I feel confident I'll ever finish this story. I'm not a professional writer by no means, and I do my own editing which I know isn't the best. but for everyone who took time to read this, thank you. whether your opinions of the few chapters was good or bad, knowing that so many took the time to read it regardless of how bad it is lifted my confidence far higher than they were before. **WARNING: Contains scenes of alcohol & drug abuse, violence, suggested rape scenes, blood & gore, suicide, etc.** This is a BL novel that will wrench your heart clean from your chest. As to not spoil anything I'll try to remain hush, hush. Thanks for reading! A young college student named Tora had experienced the ass-end of life and gone through many hardships just to survive. However, after some unfortunate events take place. The fire that kept him going through his, unfortunate, life was extinguish. So, he sought to end it once and for all. However, once he woke up, he was in a luxurious room with a violent and bad-mouthed Gnome named Asper. Along with her gentle giant lover, an Orc named Forn. After a, quite literally, explosive first meeting, Tora discovers he is no longer in his previous body. He has gone through a thing called transmigration which is often seen in novels but never experienced in real life. At least as far as he knew. Now he is a part of the legendary Dragon race known as Dragonkin, with his unique golden bloodline. However, his new life as a free overpowering dragon lord is short-lived. When his (new body's) stepmother confronts him about a marriage proposal with the second most powerful race, the Elves. There has been a century-old war between their races that will be stopped through his marriage to the Elvish king's oldest son. Neither being overly enthusiastic about the whole situation but seeing the advantages that widely differentiate from the reasoning of the other. They begrudgingly agree to the union. They aren't the only ones who seek the advantages of their marriages. They must be aware of the snakes in the grass in case they accidentally get bitten by one.

Monochromatix · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Explosive Introductions

"...Highness? Your Highness! It's time to get up!"

An unfamiliar voice called out gently, accompanied by a small hand that stroked the back of my head. The voice seemed to belong to a small child, no older than ten, with their high-pitched and squeaky voice.

'But what's with being called 'Your Highness'? Are they lost, confused, maybe? Are they playing a game? But where did this kid come from anyway?'

Even as my head was filled with questions, I didn't bother opening my eyes, letting the embrace of deep slumber take me once more. However, it was short-lived when I felt something smash into my side at high velocity. My body was flung unceremoniously out of my cushiony haven and into a hard surface, accompanied by a loud BANG!

"What the... Fuck, Just happened?"

It was the only thing I could say before I soon found myself falling face-first onto a plush carpet that smelled of fresh lavender, almost like someone had just cleaned it recently.

Now, I know something is wrong. No way in hell my good-for-nothing roommate would ever clean the carpet, no matter how nasty it got. Even I wore shoes around the place 24'7 with the number of diseases and bacteria infesting our floors.

The place was cheap and genuinely all I could afford as a dirt-poor college student working small jobs that paid next to nothing. And my roommate was no better than living with a human-sized trash panda. But don't be fooled by the cute name. I'd sooner call a naked mole rat cute before I labeled him as such. I'm not the judgmental type by any means, with my average looks and even more average lifestyle consisting of working, eating, sleeping, and repeating. But it wasn't my choice to live this way. There was no other life I could live, even if I tried, and believe me. I tried.

While my mind was engrossed that I hadn't died on the spot from undiscovered diseases due to poor upkeep in my living environment. The small child's voice rang in my ears again. But, this time, it was more like an 80-year-old woman scolding unruly teens who wandered onto her lawn than a child.

"Sheesh! Get your ass out of bed, you lazy, good-for-nothing royal! Never have I ever served anyone as useless and unmanageable as you! Have you any idea of what day it is today?!"

I lay there completely and utterly lost as to what was going on. Then, two large hands that could engulf my entire body; gently lifted me and stood me upright. Like I was a toppled-over vase that offended the family cat and was knocked over as means of revenge. The large hands quickly withdrew as my feet hit the ground, but not before they dusted off the imaginary dirt from my night clothes. A booming husky voice came from behind me.

"I hope you are well, Your Highness. Asper can be a bit heavy-handed, but your best interest is her priority. Now, your lunch is ready. Since you missed breakfast, her Majesty would like you to accompany her for lunch instead. So please don't miss it this time."

As my vision finally started to focus on the scene before me, the first thing I noticed was the enormous room I was currently standing in. There was a high ceiling that thirty grown men would struggle even to reach on top of each other. Soft, plush red carpet tickled my bare feet like I was walking on a field of feathers and clouds—a giant bed covered with black sheets with beautiful golden intricate designs stitched into the velvety fabric. With sheets, that thread count rivaled the entire Kardashian fanbase. Next to it is a large wardrobe that could fit a whole clothing store. Its exterior was made entirely of high-quality wood polished to perfection. Other pieces of matching furniture dotted the rest of the room, filling the remaining free space with other expensive decorations.

But what grabbed my attention next was the small figure that sat on the edge of the large bed. You'd mistake it for a toy doll if it weren't for the burning frustration in its eyes; however, it didn't look like an average human child.

Stubby legs swung from side to side as the furrow in her brow grew deeper. The girl had braided her long silver hair into a fishtail braid with soft curly strands lining her chubby cheeks and wrapped around long pointed ears. Her eyes shone brightly like iridescent pearls as they bore into my own. Silver vine-like tattoos dotted her pale-purplish skin, twisting and swirling around her body, almost like they were alive. She wore strips of high-quality white cloth that only hid her intimate areas and hugged her small body leaving nothing to the imagination. But because she looked like a small child, her dressing was entirely inappropriate and made me want to roll her up in the comforter till she resembled a Yule Log.

'Seriously, young Lady, who dressed you?! I will need to have a serious discussion with your parents!'

Almost as if she could read my thoughts, she puffed out her cheeks, and her once clear eyes turned a pale red.

"You loathsome son of a bitch! Have you forgotten?! I'm a thousand years older than your ass and refuse to be scolded by you about what I choose to wear! So, get that dumb disapproving-parent look off your face before I..."

She was swiftly interrupted as a large shadow came running out from behind me and directly at her. The shadow's arms flailed wildly as its clumsy run nearly ended with it tripping over its feet and squashing the bad-mouthed squirt.

'Damn. So close.'

"Asper! Please calm yourself! Don't you remember the last time you lost your temper? You nearly destroyed the entire palace. and you wouldn't want her Majesty to banish you to the gardens again, would you?"

The husky voice from earlier boomed again as it tried desperately to calm the fiery dwarf. Who was close to throwing my ass out the sizeable floor-to-ceiling window on the opposite side of the room. However, I feel that even if this room didn't have a window, she'd still find a way to toss me out of one, even if she needed to drag me to another room.

"I... I suppose not. Fine! But if I have to listen to him complain about my attire again, I swear he will have my staff shoved somewhere the sun doesn't shine. Mark my words Forn."

The one named Forn turned around with his massive muscular frame and a large toothy smile.

"Your Highness, please don't pick on dear Asper. She has a delicate heart and has dedicated herself to serving you from when you were a child till now. She even went out of her way and tried to change her act this morning, don't you remember?"

'Is this guy referring to when I was rudely awakened by having something slammed into my ribs? So, she was the one who did it, hu? Why am I not even surprised? But how could such a tiny body hold such strength? Had she used even a little more, I would be a dead man at this point. Best not to piss her off, no matter how infuriating this mini bitch is. But more importantly, Who is this hunk?'

My eyes trailed his tall figure from top to bottom, feasting on the fetching eye candy before me. His skin was deep forest-green, while he wore a sleeveless butler's outfit that showed off his large muscular forearms and twin coat-tails that ran down to the back of his legs. Almost like they were playing peek-a-boo, they would appear between the gaps in his thighs, practically waving at me as they fluttered with each movement. But, of course, I would be lying if I said they were the only things that caught my attention as a generous package sat comfortably in his tight pants just below his navel.

Clearing his throat uncomfortably, like every thought I had was plastered on my face in bold red script. I begrudgingly drag my gaze from the hidden treasure and back up towards his face; he quickly fixes to hide his discomfort behind a smile.

His arms were covered with large and small scars. He'd be intimidating if it weren't for his gentle eyes that lifted into soft arches expressing his harmless nature. His smile had two large tusks that protruded out the sides of his thin lips. However, his smile didn't show any hidden hostility. Instead, he gave off an almost warm and fuzzy aura like a giant muscular teddy bear.

'Well, hello there, big beefy Shrek daddy! ~'

As I was absorbed in his appearance, the once silenced Asper shot out and floated in front of Forn, trying to cover his massive body with her smaller one. Her eyes changed color once more. This time, they were a pale green with thin red swirls that seemed to stir within her irises.

"You horny brat! Keep your sticky mitts to yourself and STOP.STARING! Forn has already turned down your shameless advances, and he will not be entertaining anyone but ME! Understood?"

Asper completely threw my mind into chaos as I tried to imagine what their nightly sex-capades must intel. I could not hide the shudder as my thoughts grew increasingly worse the longer I thought about it.

'Physics be damned, I suppose, also, doesn't that make the gentle giant a-'


My train of thought was expressed outwardly by a slip of the tongue. Then, silence engulfed the entire room, and the air grew stale. Even the once smiling Forn was stunned, speechless, and shocked beyond belief. But, on the other hand, Asper began shaking violently as a dark shadow seemed to cover her entire face. Her anger seems to have reached its peak and is now overflowing and about to burst.

I couldn't keep my legs from turning to jelly as the overbearing pressure in the room steadily grew heavier. But just as I was about to rectify the situation, Asper's shaking suddenly stopped. A bright orange light emitted from her tiny hands and continued to grow. They grew till they were as big as the Forn, who was currently hiding within the massive wardrobe after sensing the impending danger.

"You...You are so MEAN!!"

Asper yelled as she released the balls of energy from her grasp, and the last thing I saw was a blinding white light and the sound of a large explosion. After that, my mind went completely blank, but one question still circles around in my head.

'What the HELL is even going on?!?'

Asper: It's not pedophilia! I'm old enough to be your great great great grandmother's mother!

Tora: But you still have the appearance of a child, which still counts. And anyway, Don't you age differently? So, technically you would be like 10 in Gnome years, right?

Asper: I'm going to kill you...

Forn: Heavens help me.

Hey Everyone! This will be my first published work! So any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I know I'm inexperienced and have a lot of work to do before I reach a true Writer's standards. However, I hope to receive your support in the long run and welcome any pointers to help me improve! Thank you so much!

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