
Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO

In the year 2173, the world's first Full-World Virtual MMORPG game 'Astral Online' changed the face of the blue planet Asteria. With its revolutionary Digital Capture System, players could scan themselves into the game with up to 20% beautification, and millions flocked to play it. The game's popularity skyrocketed with the introduction of the Real Money Trading (RMT) system, and professional players formed guilds and factions to increase their profits. But this prosperity was short-lived, as players began to fuse with their avatars, gaining powerful abilities in the real world that tipped the balance of power and caused chaos. Two years later, demons and monsters from inside the game invaded the real world, decimating over 90% of humanity. The remaining survivors were left hiding in fear, unable to fight back against the invaders. Zell was an average player who spent most of his life working overtime to make ends meet; although he inherited a wonderful house thanks to his parents, most of his wages went to the property tax and food bill. He found solace in collecting beasts in the game and evolving them into humanoids, primarily females. When the end came, he was powerless and alone, with only his pets and Rika, his cherished Flame Rabbit, as his companions. In a final act of bravery, Zell saves the life of a strange girl with white wings, sacrificing himself. But instead of dying, he awoke in an empty white room with a single computer and a game-like screen that allowed him to edit his IRL avatar and persona. Zell's second chance at life came with a mission: survive. But who gave him this second chance, and for what reason? Could he meet Rika again, or was she lost forever? As Zell navigates this dark new world, he must confront the harsh realities of survival, facing danger at every turn and making difficult choices to determine his fate.

Duke_Asmodeus · Fantasy
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298 Chs

Chapter 27: These Girls Are Too Strong! Nerf Them!

[AN: A few gaming terms that some people didn't know. Main Tank - The tank typically takes the boss's aggro and fights them. Off Tank - A tank that fights against the extra mobs that would generally spawn or surround the boss to avoid the Main Tank dying.]

[Adds - Monsters that don't deal significant damage but usually come in groups with a boss.]

"It looks like our party is melee heavy. However, thanks to my ranged spells, we should be alright."

Zell examined their status panels. He had never seen this before because nobody joined parties with tamers because of their horrible attributes. Three cute 3D girls blushed and pushed his face away.

"Don't watch me so intensely. How embarrassing! My armour squashes my boobs like a slut!"

'Why does he have pets, despite being a Magic Knight? Should I ask him? Maybe it's him….'

He watched Anya's cute slight character blush and twiddled her fingers after pulling her plated chest plate. His eyes glanced at Tessa, who wielded a long, two-handed sword. Unlike him, she used a thin, sharp sword.

'My party is so awesome, big tits, chunky butts and badass bitches!'

"Rika, can you serve as our main tank and soak the strongest enemies' blows? Tessa, you handle the ads, alright? I look forward to watching you dodging them with grace and beauty."

"Mmm, always Zell!"

"Heh! You just want to watch my ass sway. Typical man!"

'Don't worry; I'll shake my ass for your pleasure! That damn Anya can't dance, so let me show off my skills! Sorry, Mother, your sword techniques will seduce a man!'

Anya stuttered a little. "What about me?" She said with a cute voice.

Zell walked forward, his steps quiet in the soft mud, standing beside her and grasping her soft, meaty arms. He pulled her to his side, prodding her little nose with his left index finger as it squished like a cute little piglet.

"You stay with me. I will protect your front. You watch my back and toss that holy spell when we need to heal Rika and Tessa, okay?" He spoke with a soft voice. His body leaned close to her ears and gave a whisper only she could hear. "I want to know more about my dwarven princess."

'Kyaaa! The handsome man is seducing me! Mother, sorry, tonight your daughter will become a harlot! Hunky men were banzai! Big cocks, Banzai!'

Anya's face was the complete opposite as she looked down, blushing as her lips formed a pout, her eyes narrowed into delighted crescents. She gripped his hand, causing his bones to creak, her 19 points of strength testing his defence attribute.

'What!? How can that midget defeat my charm… Damn it! Just wait, Anya, you are ten years too soon to fight with me for a hot guy! No… Calm down, Tessa; he's just a guy with nice food, an awesome house, and high-tech VR units! I don't like him…I don't….'

Tessa shook her head and walked close to Rika, wanting to plan for battles. Since they met, the two got along well. She noticed her name was like Zell's and assumed they were family or something.

"Hey Rika, are you ready to fight? It's so exciting to be with everyone! Not needing to worry about Anya's safety is relaxing!"

Rika turned. Her face seemed fierce, but her thick lips curved into a gentle smile. She knew her master was lonely in the past life.

No matter how much he loved them all, his fellow humans died out, which left deep scars on him. Since he allowed them into his home, these girls would be friends in the future.

'These girls will probably become master's women too. I should make them feel welcome and happy. Anya is cute, like Michi. Tessa is like the annoying badger who acts proud but loves master most, hiding in his coat to keep him warm during those icy nights.'

"Me too. I am happy that you partied with Zell. He is quite the loner, and because of his handsome looks, most guys would probably hate being his friend, right?"

"Having their girlfriends think about Zell while they make love would be unfortunate. What was he like in the past?"

'I bet he was a naughty guy, pulling on girls' skirts, kissing them and then her friends the next day!'

They walked towards the Bloodpine forest, crushing the soft grass and flowers underfoot.

Rika stretched her hands, ready for combat. Despite speaking so much with Tessa, her eyes and senses spread out for danger; just like her beloved master, she also used 100% synchronised sensations.

"I can understand! Mas… Zell always does his best, so his body surpasses others with his efforts. But he used his body to protect me from dangers even when I should protect him as the older one…."

Several metres behind, Anya skipped along with her arms wrapped around Zell's elbow.

Her massive hammer rested in a little belt on her back as she chirped in his ear, which reminded Zell of the past and the girl who played enchantress. No matter where they were, she would tweet like a bird in his ears all raid.

Zell: 'It must be her. This endless chirping about nothing! I need to know after this session. If it's her… That guy is dead. It doesn't matter if he is innocent right now. I am a petty, vengeful prick.'

He allowed her small but heavy frame to lean against him, his eyes watching the area, hoping no other parties would be there. They recommended levels three to five for this forest. So he doubted people would be here.

Immediately after they entered the forest, the ground noticed that all sounds of birds and the wind stopped suddenly replaced with a gloomy and unsettling feeling.

The game rarely used background music; instead, choosing immersive sounds from the area builds tense excitement that suits the area. A bleak desert would make you feel lethargic and hopeless; cities filled with countless voices and laughter.

Bloodpine forest? Filled with gloomy deep howls of wind, the cracking of branches and twigs randomly. Followed by various animal noises, then periods of pure silence. If you hit a tree, it wouldn't make any sound like a weird ghost realm.

— "Sacred Bolto!"

Anya suddenly pointed forward, shouting out as she seemed to enjoy the vocal command system quite a bit.

A brilliant radiance shot from her hand into the distant forest. Moments after, it blasted towards the target like a missile. A blinding light shone through the forest before he noticed the combat log and saw Rike and Tessa split up.

"It's time to have fun, my cute little enchantress!"

"Un! Tamer-kun!"

— Sacred Bolt Anya

Squall Bats A-F took 11 Damage!

HP: 20/20 —> HP: 9/20


It seemed like the bats were stunned by the bright light and burning holy damage.

They were lucky to live, as her attack dealt double to undead monsters. Rika and Tessa moved faster than the bats as they glowed, one with red flames, the other blurred with a watery blue mist.

— Beat Rush!

— "Chop them down! Blade Beam!"

An ocean-blue light covered her massive sword. 

Her body suddenly dashed out as Tessa slashed down from overhead. Her face was emotionless, with a faint smile as she watched the water blade tear two bats in half before the bats could float away.

A blazing phantom flashed beside them, her fists raining down like a flurry of small meteorites as the booming sounded from 10 metres away as Zell watched the strange sense of teamwork between these girls.

'It seems these girls like to call out their skills because of anime and other influences. Let's try to get them to stop… It can be deadly if a demon knows which element you specialise in. As they can use all of them.'

Zell felt a little embarrassed.

He noticed the loot goblin Anya shot forward and dismantled the bats; these girls smashed the creatures in a few seconds, leaving him alone. He swore to show his good sides before the end. He was now wishing for a blood bear to appear.

—|Zell: 'Let's teach them to do it manually for the future. These girls need to learn those skills.'


— Blade Beam (Water) Tessa

Squall Bats E-F took 37 Damage and Died!

— Beat Rush Rika Delacroix

Squall Bat A-D took 50 Damage and Died!

Killed Squall Bat A-F gained 60 Exp / 60 Free Exp


— Class: Magic Knight: Level 3: 60/300

— Sub Class: Lady Killer: Level 2: 44/300

— Free Experience Pool: 90/1,000

——| System Warning!|——

— Second class only grants +1 to all attributes!

——| Zell Level Up! |——

HP: 32/32 —> HP:34/34

MP: 20/20 —> MP: 21/21

STR: 18 —> 19

MAG: 16 —> 17

VIT: 16 —> 17

SPR: 16 —> 17

Attack: 36 —> 38

Magic Attack: 32 —> 34

Defence: 32 —> 34

Magic Defence: 32 —> 34

Mana Regen (Per Minute): 17

Why do they work so well together!? I didn't plan for this... Zell, you're going to be kicked out of the novel if you don't shape up!

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