
Heavenly dragon

In the the cave.

Acnologia was about to walk outside the cave, he and his mate Tiamat had sensed a strong dragon aura not as strong as acnologias but it's coming towards their direction.

A moment later a large red western dragon, with Long neck and green eyes and has red and golden spikes throughout its body came into their line of sight.

"Ddraig, why is he here?!"

The pale blue dragon shouted.

'So he is Ddraig the heavenly dragon Tiamat told me about'

A halo of dust and debris expanded outward generated by its massive wings, Ddraig had before the cave infront of them.

"It's been a while Tiamat"

Ddraig said with a friendly laugh

"Just get to the point already"

Tiamat said coldly

"I want to borrow a treasure of yours for my upcoming battle with Albion"

Ddraig replied with nervousness in his voice

"Battle?!"Ddraig nodded with a smile

"it will be legendary!"said the heavenly dragon with a raised fist

Tiamat went to ask what he needed, Ddraig that he needed something to protect himself from albions poison

even tho he is immune to them, albions poison got stronger and he started feeling dizzy because of it.

Tiamat nodded and walked away to take Ddraig requested.

Ddraig then turned his head to the other dragon.

'This dragon is dangerous, the amount of blood stained in him is too much to count and he reeks with death' Ddraig thought while eyeing the Acnologia.

Earlier when Ddraig was on his way to tiamats place, what he saw shocked him to the core.

a large crater that has a diameter going to miles, and in the middle of the crater has some blood still laying there.

His guessing that a strong being launched an Attack on the somebody and were killed by it that not even bones remained.

The heavenly dragon thought with sweat rolling down his dragon forehead.

'who ever this being is I must not offend it!'

Ddraig thought while heading his way to tiamats place.




"Say... did you know what caused that large crater beside the cave not to far away?"said Ddraig wanting to break the silence between them.

"hmmm...yes I do know what caused the crater there"replied the former dragon king.

"hmm..can I know what caused this?"said the heavenly dragon with curiosness in his eyes.

'If I were to come upon this person, I will not disrespect him or she at any cost!'thought Ddraig.

the thing that shocked Ddraig to the core was what acnologia said next.


eh ehhhhhh!!!!!

"wait you're the dragon who caused the crater!!!"said Ddraig almost fainting but did not.


said the black dragon with a calm and stoic expression.

5 mins later...

After calming down his mind Ddraig asked Acnologia who was he trying to kill or why he caused that much destruction.

Acnologia went and Attack Tiamat because he thought she would Attack him which was acnologias lie and he decided to spare her life and heal her injuries.

He even went and said the part where Tiamat begged him to be his mate which cause Ddraig's eyes to almost coming out and cause him to laugh his ass off.

"Hahahahahhahhahaah!!!! Who knew the strongest Dragon King would beg you to be his mate! Hahahahahaha!!!!"said the heavenly dragon while laughing his ass off.

Both Dragons laughed there is off until Tiamat came back with a shield.

Tiamat seeing them laughing can't help but ask them What's so funny.

Ddraig went and told Tiamat how she basically begged Acnologia to be her mate and how she has no sense of pride.

Tiamat face turned bright red that it can rival a certain red haired Maou.

She then went and hit Acnologia at the head for saying such things.

"Hahahahahaha! " Ddraig laughed loudly how Acnologia went and apologised to his mate for saying things.

Tiamat sent a glare at the heavenly dragon he immediately stopped his luaghter and shut his mouths, he maybe stronger than her but her glare scared him to the core at the fact that she had his mate that is definitely stronger than him to protect her from him.

Acnologia was starting to like this dragon even though he still despise them except his mate, mane he can change!

acnologia thought with a smile.

After his mate beating the hell of him

Ddraig can't help but wonder what magic he used so he went and asked the black dragon.

"hey I never got your name and what magic do you used?"said the heavenly dragon

Tiamat can't help but wonder what his beloved mate's magic so she too joined the question.

Acnologia has sweat rolling down his forehead, he can't just say that his magic to kill their own race! He decided to say what element he uses.

"I am the etherion black dragon, so I use etherion"said the black dragon

"what's etherion?"both questioned

Acnologia then went to explain what is an etherion crystal, he said that it's a crystal that's highly condensed mad of magic and how he he can basically use any magic as Long he sees them and how he is able to eat all kinds of magic and have it replenish his mana and how he is immune to magic attacks.

Both Tiamat and Ddraig listening were shocked to the core how powerful his magic was and how he is bassicly immune to all magic and able to eat and use all kinds of magic.

ddraig was thinking how lucky Tiamat was to have such a mate

while for Tiamat had her eyes sparkling that his mate was this powerful!

Thought the dragon King while drooling and hugging her mate.

both male dragons just sweat dropped at the scene.

Ddraig then got his shield for his fight.

Oh and I'm acnologia!

said the black dragon while dragging his mate back to the cave.

both dragons bid farewell and the heavenly dragon flew away.