
Dragon King's Quest:Saving his fragmented mate

NOTE: [This book contains mature content, R18+_Smut] A split soul. Two mates. Confused Love. Rosey was given two handsome men by fate to choose just one!! One a Demon Lust Lord and the other a Dragon King. Why fate?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rosey's life takes a dark turn when she is forced to flee after committing murder in self-defense on the streets. But just when she thinks she's lost everything, she meets Theovin, her first mate, who offers her a second chance at life and love. "I CAN'T MAKE SENSE OF IT, BUT IT SEEMS LIKE SHE IS SPLIT LIKE SHE IS NOT COMPLETE," Gold Song exclaimed, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation. His eyes darted back and forth, his mind racing to find a solution. "What do you mean split?" Theovin inquired, his voice filled with concern. Gold Song sighed heavily, his face etched with worry. "I DON'T KNOW FOR CERTAIN, BUT HER SOUL SEEMS TO BE SHATTERED INTO PIECES." Theovin's heart sank at the words. "We need to find a way to restore her, to assemble the pieces before it's too late," Theovin explained, his tone urgent and determined. Can Theovin save Rosey's soul and unveil the secrets of her true identity, even as fate throws another mate in her path? As time slips away, he races against the clock and powerful Demon Lords to assemble her fragments and win her heart over her second love interest. Will Theovin succeed in his quest to make Rosey fall for him instead of her other devilish handsome Demon Lord, Demon Lord Succurax? And will her two mates be too late to save her from a fate worse than death and lose her before having her? AUTHOR'S NOTE:[ This book may seemed slow at first but try to read up to chapter 30 before dropping. Happy reading and remember to support this book by voting with power stones and golden tickets as I would reward those with bonus chaps! (•‿•)] _Before you get deeper into this book prepare your mind, it's not your regular romance story. _Dear readers, this book was locked eairler than I would have wanted due to my curiously, so please keep that in mind while judging. _This story doesn't just focus only on Theovin, Lord Succurax and Rosey the main leads. So get ready to read some chaps without them showing up. Thanks!

Marcel_Mercy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs

Red beings (2)

As Theovin scrutinized his surroundings, he kept spotting more demons, and the thought of there being at least fifty of them raced through his mind.

As Theovin continued to scan his surroundings, he noticed that some of the demons were attempting to conceal themselves from humans, but their efforts were in vain as it was very easy for him to spot them. 

He observed how they tried to blend in with the shadows or hide behind objects, but their demonic energy gave them away, making them stand out like a sore thumb amidst the dullness of the environment.

The sudden blaring of a car horn jolted Theovin, pulling him out of his trance. 

He turned to see a sleek black Mercedes car pulling up on the red carpet, the engine roaring like a beast. 

He blazed the horn like a maniac, trying to get Theovin's attention, even though he was already aware of the car's presence. 

Ralph's head was sticking out of the window, and his face was adorned with a wide grin that stretched from ear to ear, relishing in the attention he was garnering from the crowd.

Ralph brought the car to a stop a few feet away from where Theovin was standing, the sound of the engine still reverberating through the air. 

"Hop on in, pretty boy!" Ralph called out in a boisterous tone, his left hand hanging out the window, trying to strike a pose. 

Shaking his head for the umpteenth time that day at Ralph's silly behavior, Theovin made his way towards the car. 

Though he was aware of the creature that had come dangerously close to where they were, 

Theovin maintained his composure, keeping his eyes trained on the demon as he approached the car. 

The creature was only a few feet away from the car.

Theovin muttered to himself, his eyes still locked onto the blood-red demon that was creeping closer to them. "So they are becoming braver now." 

He could see the sinister smile on the demon's face, and the swishing of its slim, pointed tail only added to the eerie atmosphere. 

Despite the unnerving presence of the demon, Theovin remained calm.

"What's the matter with you, Theovin?" Ralph asked, his tone serious as he noticed that Theovin was not behaving like his usual self.

Theovin took his attention away from the demon and turned to face Ralph, his expression stern. 

"How can you be so oblivious to your surroundings?" he chided, "And you call yourself a right-hand man to the future Dragon King?" 

"What are you talking about?" Ralph asked, turning his neck to look around in confusion.

Theovin ignored him, shaking his head again as he reached for the door handle and pushed it down to open the car door.

He slowly opened the door as wide as possible with one hand while the other held Rosey's limp body as gently as he could. 

Bending from his waist, he carefully placed her on the car seat, making sure she was comfortable and secure. 

He then brought her hand from underneath her and gently tilted her face in the right direction, adjusting her posture to ensure she was properly laid down.

Stepping back, he examined her closely, checking for any signs of discomfort or pain. 

Satisfied that she was now in a safe and comfortable position, he gave a small smile.

'Well, she's properly laid down now.' Theovin thought to himself before he firmly shut the car door and walked around to the other side, pulling the door open with a satisfying click.

He carefully plopped down on the chair, trying not to disturb Rosey who had her head resting on it. 

After sitting down properly and tugging the door closed, he ordered in a commanding tone.

"Drive!" Theovin commanded Ralph, who was still craning his head around to survey the surroundings.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Ralph asked, turning his back to face Theovin.

Just then, there was a loud knock on the tinted car window, drawing the attention of Ralph and Theovin. 

Ralph rolled down the window to be met by a towering bouncer, who had most likely come from the club.

The bouncer's bald head was clean-shaven, and his dark skin contrasted sharply with the white shirt he was wearing. 

He had a well-toned and muscular body, which was clearly visible through the tight-fitting black vest he had on. 

His arms were thick and heavily muscled, and his neck seemed as thick as a tree trunk. 

His square jawline was sharp and defined, and his eyes were dark and intense.

Ralph's eyebrows arched in surprise, and he gestured for the bouncer to continue speaking.

The bouncer's jaw clenched, and he spoke in a low, scruffy voice that seemed to vibrate through the car.

 "You need to move your car, Mister. You are not allowed to park here."

"Who said I was parking here?" Ralph questioned, his eyes widening as though someone had just accused him wrongly.

The bouncer opened his mouth as if to reply to Ralph, but he was cut short mid-speech.

"Now shoo away! I would be taking my leave now!" Ralph dismissed with a wave of his hand, as if the bouncer was nothing more than an annoying fly.

The bouncer's left eye twitched, and he clenched his fist tightly, as if imagining squeezing hard on Ralph's neck. But he didn't say anything.

Ralph, on the other hand, blared the horn at the bouncer, reminding him to get out of the way.

The bouncer gave one last look at Ralph, as though ingraining his features in his mind, before turning his back and making his way back to the entrance of the Clubhouse where he had come from. 

Ralph watched as the bouncer disappeared into the crowd, feeling a sense of satisfaction at having asserted his dominance. 

Ralph started the car. "Can you believe that human? Trying to boss me around! Hump!" He complained to Theovin.

"He talked to you politely, Ralph. You, on the other hand, were very rude." Theovin replied calmly, his expression not in the least bit bothered by what had just happened.

"What?!" Ralph exclaimed as he turned to stare at Theovin behind him. His eyes widened in shock when he saw the demon, its black eyes and red trimmings standing on the car's boot.

Ralph's voice trembled with disbelief as he shouted to Theovin, "Can you see that? There's a demon in the human realm!"

,Theovin, seemingly unfazed, replied in a dry tone, "I'm glad you finally noticed. Now, please drive!" The air was thick with tension.

"Oh no, this could be serious." Ralph grumbled in frustration. "And here you are, acting so laid back." 

He skillfully reversed the car and drove away from the clubhouse, leaving behind an annoyed bouncer who watched the car intently as it disappeared into the night. 

Tension filled the air as Ralph couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

Ralph's heart skipped a beat as he turned to look at the boot of the car, hoping that the demon was no longer there. 

To his horror, he saw its menacing figure still lurking behind them. "Oh, shit!" he exclaimed, his voice shaky with fear. 

The car swayed slightly, but Ralph quickly regained control, his focus fixed on the road ahead. 

"Theovin, the demon is still there... behind you!" he stammered out, his eyes fixed on the rearview mirror, 

Ralph's blood ran cold as he saw the demon perched on the seat, its mouth wide open with its long, thin, serpent-like tongue sticking out and licking the sides of its face. 

The creature's jagged, spiked teeth glinted in the dim light of the car's interior. 

Theovin's head jerked to the side at Ralph's words, his eyes blazing with an otherworldly golden glow. In a split second, Theovin's hand shot out at lightning speed, faster than the demon could react. 

The creature's head was snapped to the side with such force that it let out an otherworldly screech of pain and surprise at the sudden attack.

As the demon let out a blood-curdling screech, Theovin's eyes continued to blaze with a golden glow. 

However, the glow slowly began to dim until it faded entirely, returning his eyes to their normal color. 

Theovin pointed his right hand towards the spot where the demon's remains lay, and a vortex was opened up suddenly. 

The vortex sucked in the demon's ashes, leaving the car seat as clean as it had been before the creature's arrival. 

"Thank the stars you were able to kill it, who knows what kind of mischief it was up to in the human realm." Ralph said, visibly relieved. 

However, his relief was short-lived as Theovin's next words sent a shiver down his spine. "There are more, and they are trailing us." Theovin stated matter-of-factly. 

"What?! More demons?" Ralph exclaimed, trying to look back while still keeping his focus on the road. 

"Focus on driving, Ralph!" Theovin bit out sharply, 

Ralph's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan. "But you just said there were more demons, Theovin. 

That could spell trouble for these defenseless humans." he pointed out, hoping to make Theovin see the gravity of the situation. 

The thought of innocent humans being caught in the crossfire between demons and otherworldly creatures filled Ralph with dread. 

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