
Dragon King's Quest:Saving his fragmented mate

NOTE: [This book contains mature content, R18+_Smut] A split soul. Two mates. Confused Love. Rosey was given two handsome men by fate to choose just one!! One a Demon Lust Lord and the other a Dragon King. Why fate?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rosey's life takes a dark turn when she is forced to flee after committing murder in self-defense on the streets. But just when she thinks she's lost everything, she meets Theovin, her first mate, who offers her a second chance at life and love. "I CAN'T MAKE SENSE OF IT, BUT IT SEEMS LIKE SHE IS SPLIT LIKE SHE IS NOT COMPLETE," Gold Song exclaimed, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation. His eyes darted back and forth, his mind racing to find a solution. "What do you mean split?" Theovin inquired, his voice filled with concern. Gold Song sighed heavily, his face etched with worry. "I DON'T KNOW FOR CERTAIN, BUT HER SOUL SEEMS TO BE SHATTERED INTO PIECES." Theovin's heart sank at the words. "We need to find a way to restore her, to assemble the pieces before it's too late," Theovin explained, his tone urgent and determined. Can Theovin save Rosey's soul and unveil the secrets of her true identity, even as fate throws another mate in her path? As time slips away, he races against the clock and powerful Demon Lords to assemble her fragments and win her heart over her second love interest. Will Theovin succeed in his quest to make Rosey fall for him instead of her other devilish handsome Demon Lord, Demon Lord Succurax? And will her two mates be too late to save her from a fate worse than death and lose her before having her? AUTHOR'S NOTE:[ This book may seemed slow at first but try to read up to chapter 30 before dropping. Happy reading and remember to support this book by voting with power stones and golden tickets as I would reward those with bonus chaps! (•‿•)] _Before you get deeper into this book prepare your mind, it's not your regular romance story. _Dear readers, this book was locked eairler than I would have wanted due to my curiously, so please keep that in mind while judging. _This story doesn't just focus only on Theovin, Lord Succurax and Rosey the main leads. So get ready to read some chaps without them showing up. Thanks!

Marcel_Mercy · Fantasy
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111 Chs

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Ralph muttered under his breath, his voice barely above a whisper as he expressed his frustration with Theovin's seemingly constant rudeness.

"Did you say something?" Theovin asked with an underlying tone in his voice.

Ralph's voice came out as a nervous stutter as he denied saying anything. "Nothing, nothing...I didn't say anything." he repeated quickly, his eyes darting around the room. 

Theovin's underlying tone had set him on edge, and he knew that anything he said now would be held against him. 

In a moment of panic, Ralph thought back to what he had almost said out loud. 'There was no way he would want Theovin to hear that.' he thought, feeling a shiver run down his spine.

 'He would skin me alive!' With that, Ralph fell silent, hoping against hope that Theovin wouldn't press the issue any further.

"I thought I heard you say something. Now hurry up, I'm still waiting for you."

Theovin's eyes locked onto Ralph's every movement, his steely gaze daring him to defy his request. 

Ralph knew he had no other choice but to comply. He let out a resigned sigh as he moved to begin undoing the buttons of his purple button-down shirt. 

The fabric was crumpled and stretched in places, evidence of the transformation he had undergone back at Mavin's mansion. 

A deep frown creased Ralph's handsome features as he reluctantly slid the shirt length out of his belt buckle. 

He knew Theovin was watching his every move, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of shame at having to undress in front of him. 

Slowly, he moved his hands to the buttons, his fingers fumbling slightly as he worked to free them. 

Finally, with a small sigh of relief, he managed to get the shirt undone and began to wiggle out of it. 

The fabric caught on his broad shoulders, causing him to pause for a moment before finally freeing himself. 

He handed the rumpled shirt over to Theovin, his eyes downcast.

Theovin's lips quirked up in a small smile as he surveyed Ralph's green underwear. "Now why would any grown man wear green underwear?" he asked, his tone light with amusement. 

"Hey!" Ralph exclaimed, his wide eyes flashing with anger and embarrassment. 

"Stop looking at my innocent body with such perverted eyes!" He rushed to cup his hands in front of him, desperately trying to shield his briefs from Theovin's view.

Theovin sighed inwardly as he watched Ralph's childish outburst. "Now put these on." he said, tossing the clothes at him. 

Ralph looked displeased, but he knew better than to argue. He reluctantly began to pull the plain white t-shirt over his head, flinching slightly at the smell of beer and cigarettes that clung to the fabric.

After Ralph put on the clothes he had taken from the human male, he moved around and tested their fit.

The clothes looked a bit tight on him, but he found it bearable. However, being himself, Ralph still complained.

Ralph tugged on the tight-fitting shirt and protested, "Look Theovin, there's no way I'm going out of here in this! It clings to me like a second skin, and I feel like I'm suffocating in it. 

Besides, it looks like I've stolen someone else's clothing. I can't wear this in public."

"What did you expect it to look like? Of course, it was stolen, it's not yours, so it would look like something stolen when you put it on." Theovin pointed out nonchalantly.

Theovin had gently laid Rosey on the ground, a distance away but still within sight. 

He had carefully placed her on the bedsheet that Ralph had brought so that he could change into Ralph's clothes. 

The sheet was spread out on the ground, forming a makeshift bed for Rosey. 

"Let's leave now. We need to find a car to take us to the mansion, and it must have enough fuel." Theovin stressed on the importance of having sufficient fuel

"Of course. I'll make sure to check the fuel level this time. Do you take me for a child?" Ralph replied assertively.

But Theovin just shook his head and proceeded to pick up Rosey in his arms.

"Go now, Ralph. I'll be waiting at the entrance to the clubhouse." Theovin stated firmly.

"Alright. Just make sure to protect yourself from the human ladies, lest they eat you up." Ralph quipped mischievously.

Ralph nonchalantly tossed those words behind his back as he hastily made his way out of the door and into the crisp, chilly air of the night alley.

Theovin gazed down at his slumbering mate, who looked as serene as a sleeping baby, nestled securely in his arms. 

Filled with a sense of responsibility and devotion, he made a solemn promise to her "I vow to locate all of your missing pieces and mend you back together." 

As he uttered those words, his face lit up with a gentle smile, and he walked towards the door with a sense of purpose.

As he emerged from the shadowy alleyway, Theovin noticed that the surroundings were now even darker than when he had first entered. 

However, the pitch-black darkness posed no challenge to him as he had an exceptional ability to see in the dark.

As he strolled out of the alley, he passed by some inebriated individuals swaying and smooching in public as well as some shady characters conducting illicit deals. 

However, Theovin paid them no attention and continued walking past them.

Turning around the corner, he spotted a little shop to his left, packed with people, all seemingly in search of nightsticks.

He continued past the crowded store and finally reached the entrance of the clubhouse. 

The place was bustling with activity, as a multitude of people were arriving in taxis, either alone or accompanied by their friends.

The girls who sauntered into the venue were scantily clad in fabrics that left Theovin questioning whether those garments were even meant to be worn in public.

He couldn't bear to keep gazing at them, as to him their attire appeared to be bordering on indecent, a violation of all the principles he held dear.

But if my Rabbit wore this solely for my eyes, I'm certain she would look absolutely stunning, ravishing, and undeniably sexy." 

Theovin found himself lost in such thoughts until he had to shake his head to snap himself out of it.

Theovin walked to a corner where he would not obstruct anyone walking in or out of the area and where Ralph would be able to see him easily when he arrived.

As he stood and waited, he sensed something unwholesome in the air - the smell of death wafting through the atmosphere. 

Immediately, Theovin sprang into action, his senses on high alert, scanning his surroundings for the source of the ominous odor. 

He knew that the scent of death always signified the presence of a demon nearby.

If Theovin hadn't been carrying Rosey, he would have ventured forth to investigate what the demon was searching for in the mortal realm.

Demons were a rare sight in the human realm, typically thriving in worlds that had an abundance of mana. 

The human realm, however, lacked any significant traces of mana, making it an unlikely destination for demons.

This realization made Theovin even more curious about the demon's presence in the area. 

If the demon wasn't drawn to the human realm by the mana, what could possibly be the reason for its sudden appearance?

Despite his curiosity, Theovin chose to stand and watch, keeping an eye on the demon to see what might have drawn it to the mortal realm. 

He couldn't help but feel that his mana was the reason for the demon's appearance, but he knew that was highly unlikely.

Demons wouldn't risk crossing realms just to siphon mana from a source that they knew they couldn't overpower. 

Theovin knew there was more to this demon's presence than met the eye, and he intended to figure it out.

While keeping a watchful eye, Theovin's gaze landed on a demon standing behind a dark car across the street. 

On further inspection, he began to notice more demons lurking around in different locations, all with their eyes fixed on him.

To his surprise, they made no attempt to conceal their existence.

Theovin couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Why were they all staring at him? What did they want from him?

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