
Dragon King's Quest:Saving his fragmented mate

NOTE: [This book contains mature content, R18+_Smut] A split soul. Two mates. Confused Love. Rosey was given two handsome men by fate to choose just one!! One a Demon Lust Lord and the other a Dragon King. Why fate?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rosey's life takes a dark turn when she is forced to flee after committing murder in self-defense on the streets. But just when she thinks she's lost everything, she meets Theovin, her first mate, who offers her a second chance at life and love. "I CAN'T MAKE SENSE OF IT, BUT IT SEEMS LIKE SHE IS SPLIT LIKE SHE IS NOT COMPLETE," Gold Song exclaimed, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation. His eyes darted back and forth, his mind racing to find a solution. "What do you mean split?" Theovin inquired, his voice filled with concern. Gold Song sighed heavily, his face etched with worry. "I DON'T KNOW FOR CERTAIN, BUT HER SOUL SEEMS TO BE SHATTERED INTO PIECES." Theovin's heart sank at the words. "We need to find a way to restore her, to assemble the pieces before it's too late," Theovin explained, his tone urgent and determined. Can Theovin save Rosey's soul and unveil the secrets of her true identity, even as fate throws another mate in her path? As time slips away, he races against the clock and powerful Demon Lords to assemble her fragments and win her heart over her second love interest. Will Theovin succeed in his quest to make Rosey fall for him instead of her other devilish handsome Demon Lord, Demon Lord Succurax? And will her two mates be too late to save her from a fate worse than death and lose her before having her? AUTHOR'S NOTE:[ This book may seemed slow at first but try to read up to chapter 30 before dropping. Happy reading and remember to support this book by voting with power stones and golden tickets as I would reward those with bonus chaps! (•‿•)] _Before you get deeper into this book prepare your mind, it's not your regular romance story. _Dear readers, this book was locked eairler than I would have wanted due to my curiously, so please keep that in mind while judging. _This story doesn't just focus only on Theovin, Lord Succurax and Rosey the main leads. So get ready to read some chaps without them showing up. Thanks!

Marcel_Mercy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs

Horned goats.

The humans continued their activity as Theovin cautiously moved away from their location.

Theovin leaned on a few stacks of dusty boxes situated next to him and gently rested his head against the cardboard backing as he gazed up at the rough concrete ceiling, noticing the scattered cobwebs and the gloomy shadows that danced across the textured surface.

A deep sigh escaped Theovin's lips as he slumped against the crates, lost in thought. 

His mind rewound and replayed every minute detail of the chaotic day that had unfolded before him

Overcome with a sense of bewilderment, 

Theovin's thoughts came to an abrupt halt as he pondered on the rapid sequence of events that had led up to this point. 

The air was thick with a heady aroma of freshly poured wine, its scent wafting tantalizingly past his nose, 

'He found his mate!' A sudden thrill coursed through Theovin's veins, and a sense of exhilaration bubbled up inside him. 

He still found it hard to believe, but his mind couldn't deny the fact that he had finally found his mate after what seemed like an eternity of searching. 

The giddiness he felt was almost dizzying as he basked in the thought of having found his soulmate at last. 

His insides churned as he remembered the moments he had lost hope and started to despair, wondering if his ancestors had chosen to withhold this precious gift from him. 

Amid Theovin's moments of despair, images of his mate lying lifeless and cold swept across his mind, the haunting thought that he might have missed his chance gnawing at him like a relentless monster. 

But his fears were finally put to rest the moment he laid eyes on her, and the knowledge that she was alive and well filled him with an indescribable sense of relief.

"Eight hundred years." he whispered softly, almost in disbelief, as he held his mate close, "Eight centuries of searching, and yet here you are my dear Rabbit, finally mine."

A blissful silence hung in the air as Theovin whispered his thoughts to the universe.

 In this moment of pure joy and contentment, he felt his heart lighten, free from the burden that weighed it down for so long.

"But the heavens just wanted to play me." Theovin mused with a wry smile, his eyes reflecting a tinge of regret for his past actions. 

"Perhaps, they wanted to punish me for slaying innocent dragons and killing those annoying unicorns they weren't supposed to kill," he added, his voice tinged with a hint of remorse. 

Despite his regret, Theovin couldn't help but chuckle at his last thought, finding humor in the irony of being punished for doing what he believed was right at the time.

Theovin chuckled to himself as he reminisced about his past, "Somehow, I just loved playing with those stupid-headed horses," he mused, while shaking his head in amusement. 

"A goat was even wiser than those horned beasts!" he exclaimed, recalling how his mother would always scold him for killing a unicorn. 

She would give him long speeches about how the horned goats were supposed to be mythical beasts that should be worshipped and revered. 

But Theovin's love for their meat proved to be too strong, and he continued to hunt them despite his mother's protests. 

He couldn't deny the taste of their flesh, even if it went against his mother's teachings.

But on a serious note, how could they send him an incomplete mate? Theovin pondered to himself, his eyes locked onto the petite beauty in his arms. 

He couldn't believe that fate had played such a cruel joke on him, sending him a mate whose very existence was incomplete. 

She would vanish into nothingness if he didn't find the rest of her soul on time, leaving him alone and broken. 

Theovin's heart ached at the thought of losing her, knowing that he would do anything to keep her by his side. 

He continued to sweep his eyes over her features, cherishing every moment he had with her, even though the clock was ticking against them.

Theovin pondered over his actions, wondering if he had been nice enough during his time in the human realm. He asked himself, "I had been nice… right?" 

Theovin let out a deep sigh, his mind still troubled by the thought of the challenges he was facing. 

"So why was the universe trying to fuck him all up?" he wondered aloud, frustration and uncertainty creeping into his voice. 

"Hey Theovin, look what I found!" Ralph said in a low voice as he walked towards where Theovin was standing. 

Theovin turned his head to see what the always-exhaustive Ralph wanted him to see.

"I didn't find a blanket… But I found a bedsheet! In a room after the stairs. 

And, I think some humans like the ones here were also in the shower! I don't even understand them. 

How could they do such a sacred thing so casually and in a shower?!" Ralph wondered out loud.

"Hhhhh…Ralph, bring the bedsheet to me. I hope it has not been soiled by them!" Theovin asked as he did a once-over of the fabric in Ralph's hold.

"No, no, no, here," Ralph said as he thrust the bedsheet into Theovin's free hand.

"So… What are we going to do about your nakedness?!" Ralph reminded, grinning.

"Just how bizarre can you be about such things?" Theovin asked, his left eyebrow cocked up.

"Well, do you want to walk out naked? I don't think these human females would object to that" Ralph responded, rubbing his palms against each other with a perverted smile on his face.

"Ralph!" Theovin growled, warning him.

"Okay, okay, I will shut up now." Ralph responded in defeat.

"Find some clothes of this male humans. They should be somewhere around here." Theovin instructed, pointing to his right where a pile of clothes could be seen on the floor.

Ralph dragged his feet on the ground as he walked sluggishly to where Theovin had pointed. 

He picked up the trousers and scrutinized them before commenting on the piece of clothing with his face scrunched up.

"Theovin, I doubt this pair would fit you. They look a bit too small for you." Ralph scratched his head in thought.

"Who said anything about me wearing them?" Theovin countered, standing up straight.

"So then what are you going to wear?" Ralph asked, looking at Theovin with confusion.

"Your clothes!" Theovin said carelessly.

"Wait a minute! If you wear my clothes, then what am I supposed to wear? I don't want to go around naked!" Ralph said, eyes wide open as he wrapped his arms around himself protectively.

Theovin shook his head in exasperation, wondering why he had chosen Ralph as his right-hand man. "You will wear human clothes," he stated matter-of-factly.

"But I don't want to wear their clothes." Ralph protested, pointing in the direction of the humans.

"Then you can run back to the mansion with me butt naked." Theovin said as he moved away from the humans, engrossed in their actions.

Once they had reached a suitable distance, Theovin turned to face Ralph. "Why do I have to be the one to wear the human's clothes?" Ralph whined.

"Because, as you said, they wouldn't fit me due to my large frame." Theovin replied, repeating Ralph's previous words.

"Well, now that I think of it, we could push and pull you into the clothes. It would be a bit tight, but it would fit." Ralph said, trying to sound convincing.

Theovin looked at him with dull eyes. "Strip, Ralph! Don't keep me waiting!"

"Why do you treat me this way?" Ralph started to complain, but Theovin's hard voice cut him off.

"Strip now!" Theovin commanded, leaving no room for argument.

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