
Dragon Keeper: Lock & Key

LGBT+ Senior year is supposed to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Unfortunately for Wynn Esposito, he’s moved halfway across the world when his father gets a new job. But that’s not the half of it. Now in his new school, he’s being targeted for something he’s unsure about. He’s attacked one day in school and his world changes. He starts having dreams and the only way to remember them is to draw them. A student is brutally murdered, and Wynn is implicated along with several others though he barely knew the kid. Now he has to team up with the others to figure out who murdered the kid, all the while trying to keep romantic interests at bay. Wynn doesn’t want to get involved, but he can’t let his name get smeared or his reputation destroyed so he can’t follow his dream. He has to help them even if it means finding out things about his own family that had been buried for years.

Andy_Taggart91 · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 12

Jarrod waited, leaning against his car as he did so. He'd called Wynn and asked him to accompany him. He needed to go shopping for a few things. His father was hosting a party, and that was no small thing. He'd been told he'd need a date, but he didn't specify who.

He hadn't been sure if Wynn would agree. He'd apologized for being an ass and causing trouble. Wyn had agreed to talk to him as much as he could. He texted the curly headed boy several times since then. If he didn't answer, he was usually busy. Jarrod understood, and he tried not to be too pushy.

He'd seen Wynn and Gray leaving the school library lateone night. Gray had been carrying one of Wynn's portfolio cases in his hand. The young man had been crying. Gray Rivers didn't cry so whatever had been in that portfolio had drawn out some deep seated emotions.

Wynn hadn't said anything to him about it. For once, Jarrod didn't care. Whatever they'd discussed didn't concern him. As long as Wynn talked to him, he'd let them have whatever kind of relationship they wanted.

He'd be lying if he said he liked them dating. He didn't want Wynn associated with Gray. Not because he was a bad person, but he'd been through that once before. It hadn't ended well for anyone involved. He'd lost a friend. If he could have his way, he would ask Wynn to break up with Gray even though he figured they were dating in name only.

He saw Wynn coming across the parking lot. His curly hair was even frizzier as the fall wind grabbed it and yanked it around his head. He pulled his jacket tighter around him in hopes to keep himself warm.

Jarrod grabbed an extra jacket from the backseat then crossed to him. Wynn stopped just shy of him, and it gave Jarrod time to wrap the extra warmth around him. He smiled when the shorter man looked up at him.

"You don't have much meat on your bones," Jarrod groused.

"Thanks," Wynn muttered. He jerked away when Jarrod's fingers brushed against his cheek as he adjusted the collar. Jarrod dropped his hands to hang at his side. "What do you need today?"

"I have to pick up a suit. My dad has a party this time every year, and I'm required to go. It's always a black tie affair. So here we go."

Wynn didn't believe him and his face showed. "What else?" The taller boy looked shocked. "You wouldn't just call me if you didn't want something from me."

Jarrod looked sheepish. He rubbed the back of his head. "I was hoping you'd go with me."


"I don't want to go alone."

Wynn heard the fear in his voice, but he also heard the desperation. Something was going on in the Wainscott home, and Jarrod was on the receiving end. He didn't know what it was, and he wasn't sure he wanted to know. But Wynn knew he couldn't let Jarrod go alone.

He motioined for him to lead the way. Jarrod's face exploded in a huge smile before he turned and crossed the parking lot. He chattered the entire way, talking about how there was only person he'd ever taken to one of these events. Wynn was surprised it wasn't this mysterious Callins.

They walked through the strip mall. Jarrod was lighter than he had ever been. His shoulders were back and he held his head high. Wynn liked the look on him. It made him look younger instead of the haggard young man he'd been looking like recently.

Wynn pulled him to a stop outside of a coffee truck. He ordered his drink then looked at his companion. Jarrod ordered then pulled out his wallet. Wynn swatted his hand then paid the eight bucks. The taller boy smiled when his cup was handed to him.

Jarrod treated the cup like it was the Holy Grail. He didn't let it go, holding it securely in his big hand. It made Wynn wonder if he'd ever been given anything nice before. He wore designer clothes and drove a nice car, but that was all superficial. None of it mattered if he wasn't loved.

The rich boy pulle the other into a posh store. Wynn looked around at all of the suits as Jarrod went to talk to the tailor. All of these were expensive, over a thousand dollars easily. Jarrod and Gray could afford it, but Wynn certainly couldn't.

One of the assistants motioned him to sit down as Jarrod disappeared into the back. He was uncomfortable being here, but it was the one thing Jarrod asked of him. He could have asked for anything else, but this is what he wanted.

Several minutes later, Jarrod emerged in a deep blue suit. He stood on the pedestal as the tailor made small adjustments and made sure the length was correct. They talked about fit and made sure it fit properly.

"Wynn?" Jarrod called. He looked up, straw in the corner of his mouth. Jarrod smiled widely. "How do I look?"

Wynn stood and crossed to him. The taller man turned slowly, holding his arms out for a better look. He didn't doubt he would look good in whatever he wore, but the blue of the suit brought out his eyes. The usually dull sea-green popped out against his olive skin and dark blue fabric.

Without thinking, the shorter boy ran his hand through the taller one's hair. If he slicked it back, it would make him look more dashing and sophisticated.

"Silver cuff links will bring it together, and a turquoise tie will bring out your eyes," he said. He turned Jarrod to the mirrors. "Make sure your hair looks like this."

The tailor smiled. "The young man has a good eye."

"He should," Jarrod agreed. "He's a talented artist."

The two went back to fussing over the suit as Wynn retreated back to his chair. He looked around again to keep his eyes off the taller teen. He was uncomfortable but it would be rude for him just to abandon the one who asked him along.

His phone buzzed. Flipping it over, he saw Gray's name emblazoned on the screen. Luckily it was just a text message so it wouldn't be any weirder.

'Do you have plans today?' he asked.

Wynn sighed and replied. 'I do. Sorry.'

Gray sent a sad emoji. 'Alright. I was just inviting you to a bonfire at Nathan's.'

'I'll have to decline.'

Wynn was starting to go crazy. Between Gray and Jarrod, he was going to lose his mind. Couldn't they just leave him alone? Why would they fight over him? He wasn't anyone, just a student who wanted to go home.

"Wynn?" He looked up when Jarrod called his name again. He was wearing his regular clothes again. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he sighed.

He frowned. "You don't look okay. You look frustrated."

Wynn shook his head. "I'm okay."

Jarrod didn't say anything. He went to pay for his alterations as Wynn held the garment bag. It didn't take too long, and soon they were on their way.

They were walking around aimlessly. Wynn led the way with no destination in sight. Jarrod followed closely behind, concern etched on his handsome face.

He finally pulled him to a stop at a small diner. They went in and found a booth in the back corner. This time Jarrod ordered and paid for it all. He watched the other boy on the other side of the table closely. Something was off about him, and it had been since he'd gone back to change clothes.

"Wynn, what's wrong?" he muttered. The other boy looked up but the light was different in his eyes. "What happened while I was busy?"

"You happened," he replied. Jarrod frowned at him but he continued, speaking quickly and in one breath. "Gray happened. All of this. I don't care what you are, but why am I involved? Why do I have to 'date' one person to be kept safe from another? As far as I can tell, you're both idiots who bought into the ramblings of your families."

The boy across from him picked at rolled silverware on the table. "You can walk away from it."

"No, I can't!" Wynn's face flushed at his outburst. "I can't walk away from it. I'm stuck here until after graduation, and I have to know what this all means. Why I'm involved. None of it makes sense."

Jarrod didn't say anything as he ran his hands through his hair. He didn't blame him. He would be out of his mind as well if he was suddenly thrust into the supernatural world with only dreams as his guide.

Wynn had one thing over the rest of them. He had a vivid memory and could immortalize what others would barely be able to remember. He could do what the others couldn't.

"Now I'm to blame for your stupidity," he continued. Jarrod winsced at the sharpness of his tone. "I don't really care about the scale or how it works. I care about the people, and now some of them are at risk of losing what they know."

Jarrod licked his lips. He couldn't say much, but he didn't like seeing Wynn this upset. He hadn't asked to be involved in all of this, but they'd pulled him in. They'd basically put him in the crossfires for their family war.

He reached across the table, wincing when Wynn jerked away from him. He still wasn't used to being touched yet. Jarrod had to remember that even though he was very expressive with the one he liked. He folded his hands around the ceramic cup instead.

"I can't tell you much, but I think you should come to my family's party," he said.

"Why?" Wynn asked. He folded his hands on the table. "So I can seem like I'm cheating on a man I don't even feel like I'm dating? I may be openly gay, but I'm not a cheater."

"I didn't say come as my date."

The dark eyed boy scoffed. "You asked to accompany you earlier! What games are you playing, Jarrod?"

The waitress served their food with a smile and a lingering eye to Jarrod. She glanced over her shoulder at them with a secretive, more flirty smile. Wynn felt out of place, but it was apparent Jarrod had everyone's attention.

"There is more going on than you know." Jarrod's voice was pitched low so no one could hear him. "Have you seen 'Teen Wolf' the television show?"

"I have. What does it have to do with this?" Wynn cut his omelet to shreds in a fit of anger.

"There were various supernatural creatures; werewolves, banshees, druids, kanima, dread doctors. It was a place rife with supernatural powers and creatures only known to those who delve deep into lore. Grahamville Heights is like that. Except we have dragons. Not really dragon dragons like the ones that breathe fire. We have their magic. The only person who can seemingly take on a dragon's features is the Keeper."

Wynn knew who he meant. He'd seen Gray take on the physical characteristics the first night. His face had started to change as scales had enveloped his skin. His eyes had turned golden with his irises as that of a serpent's.

"But not everyone thinks the Keeper should be the only one who has that power. I'm sure whoever wanted Gray away from the position took out Christian."

Wynn scoffed. "Christian has nothing to do with whatever you are."

"How do you know?" Wynn met his gaze. His eyes were hard and calculating. "You said it yourself. You don't know anyone. So how do you know Christian wasn't involved?"

But the other boy met him, leaning across the table so his nose was mere inches from the other's. "Call it instinct."

"Which is why mine are saying you need to be at that party more than ever."

Wynn stared at him. He knew there was something he wasn't saying, but he wasn't going to outright ask him. There was so much going on Wynn didn't want to make it worse. As it was, Jarrod was alternating from looking at his lips and eyes.

He pulled back. He had so many questions, but if he asked it would lead him down a rabbit hole. Until he figured out what he felt for who, he could't make people around him feel like crap.

He was going to have to make a decision that was going to hurt several people. He wasn't sure how he was going to feel afterwards, but he knew he had to do it.