
Chapter 62

Eric whooped joyfully, then dragged her off the couch and into his arms. "Yes. We're getting married. How soon?"

This was going to be the sticking point. "After December," she answered firmly. That would give them both enough time to be really sure and make sure the wedding date came after her tenure review. After all, if the review went poorly, she might have to move and she had no idea what would happen between them then.

"If that's what you want," he answered slowly. He seemed to be genuinely disappointed and her heart went out to him.

"It is," she interrupted, stopping his lips with the gentle touch of one index finger. "I don't want to be planning a wedding and worrying about tenure at the same time." Then she went out on a limb so high it scared her half to death. "But I'll move in with you as soon as your house is ready."