
Chapter 59

"There's Chuck," Eric told Lori, just loudly enough for her boss, Dr. Vandecar, to overhear. "Let's go say hello."

Charles Zalewski was the political science professor who had been named interim university president after the retirement, under dubious circumstances, of his predecessor. He was a big fan of increasing technology in academia and so he and Eric had had long discussions about the campus computer network, even before the WYRM virus had become such a problem. Eric liked and respected the man and hoped that the Board of Trustees would see its way to selecting him as the permanent President.

"I doubt he remembers me," Lori told Eric, sotto voce. "I've only met him once and it was in a huge crowd."

"Well, after seeing you in that dress," Eric offered, green eyes twinkling down at her. "He shouldn't be able to forget you. Besides, I just wanted your boss to see you mingling with him. Chuck's okay. I think you'll like him."