
Chapter 57

David showed up at the office bearing two large cardboard cartons.

"What's that?" Eric asked. He checked the hallway for traffic before unlocking the steam tunnel entrance. David handed Ben one of the boxes.

"Ugh!" Ben commented. "Heavy."

Dave refused to answer until they were settled on cushions with Drake in his cave. "Social lubricant," he announced, opening the larger of the two cartons.

"Beer!" Drake grinned his dragonny grin. At least by now Eric had learned that it was a smile and not the sort of toothy display that would lead directly to disembowelment. Dave tossed the mini-keg to the dragon.

"Here's your share, buddy. Enjoy." The smaller box proved to contain a 12-pack of Labatt's, which was about the only canned beer that Eric could stand.