
Chapter 53

"So anyway," Dave was telling them all, including Drake, a few minutes later. "The entire Fantasy Club thinks this guy has lost his marbles. He keeps telling them all these details about dragons that just don't exist anywhere in the literature and he's really one-track about it. He won't even talk about science fiction, unicorns, alternate realities, or anything else, just dragons and frankly, they're all sick to death of it. A friend of mine even heard him call himself the wyrm-master. So the other day, I went to this meeting and he showed up, right? Total nut case. I tried to get him talking, but it's like he's better than anybody else. He just kept saying that if they wouldn't be his acolytes, then they'd suffer like the rest of the non-believers. Then he stalked out."

"This is definitely our guy," Eric muttered. There was a chorus of agreement. "But how do we stop him?"

"Or prove anything?" Wes noted.