
Chapter 48

Lori turned off her phone, drew her knees up to her chest and buried her face in her hands. "God, what a way to start the morning." Her shoulders shook with silent, rueful laughter.

Eric was still chuckling too, as he hauled her into his arms. "I've got a better one," he told her, nuzzling the side of her throat.

"Better what?" Her brain was apparently still fogged.

"A better way to start the day,"

This time she caught the blatant suggestiveness of his tone and she stopped laughing. She turned her face up to meet his kiss.

Quite a bit later, Eric sighed into his coffee cup in the parking lot of the local Seven Eleven. "I need to get you a coffee maker," he told her.

Lori grinned and bit into her doughnut with relish. "Sorry. Can't stand the stuff. Gordon kept an espresso machine at my place, but after we broke up, I pitched it out the window. Feel free, however, to stash one in my kitchen if you like, especially since you're going to be staying there for a few days."