
Chapter 26

Lori's night had also been restless. She yawned widely as she slid into a seat next to Wesley at the Biology Department Staff meeting Wednesday morning. She wasn't late - quite. Dr. Vandecar shot her a quick look of reprimand as she sat down only seconds before he called the meeting to order. Lori just smiled back sweetly and took another swig of Dr. Pepper. This was one of those mornings when she wished she could stand the taste of coffee. It was her firm belief that non-coffee drinkers were gravely handicapped in the American workplace. She tuned out Vandecar's annoying drone as she guzzled her ever-present bottle of diet soda, the only form of caffeine her taste buds could tolerate and replied to Wesley's sharp whisper.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to call."

"Did he spend the night? You look like you didn't get any sleep."

Lori flushed. "No!" she whispered fiercely. "He went home after dinner." At Wesley's reproving expression, she added archly, "But I'm seeing him again tonight."