
Chapter 22

After giggling at Eric's lame attempt at a joke, Lori cast her eyes back down to her hands, and his gaze followed hers. Short, stubby fingernails held only a trace of the pink polish she'd applied for their date Saturday night. Had she been chewing on them?

"I'd like to make you dinner, as a thank-you," she offered shyly. Eric had to strain to hear her.

"Sure," he answered swiftly, not about to miss the chance to get her alone in her apartment. "That would be great."

At Lori's gesture, he booted down her computer while she quickly refilled her iguana's water bowl and gave the lizard fresh greens and apple bits from her small refrigerator.

"I've got my car today," he told her. "I had some errands to run earlier, so I drove to campus this morning. I'll follow you to your place."

"Okay," she agreed readily, hefting her briefcase. "Is pasta all right?"

He grinned, boyishly he hoped. "As long as you make lots."