
Dragon Heritage: english version

This is the English version of my novel. As English is not my primary language, I apologize in advance for any errors. Awakening in a silent and forgotten forest, a young man with no memories faces the perplexing task of discovering his past. Abandoned and clueless about his identity, he ventures on a challenging journey.

Ezequiel_Caballero · Fantasy
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18 Chs

That guy again...

Two weeks passed, and the routine remained the same. During the day, Kael started helping at the bar as a waiter, cleaning and even cooking simple dishes with Sile's help. Occasionally, Ciara would say something like 'Brother Kael, I'm bored, let's go play!' being forced to accompany her.

In the evening, a few hours before dark, at Kael's request, Seamus teaches him simple things; history, customs, important places and figures, etc. However, what caught his attention the most was 'magic'. 

- "For that reason, we know that all living things, human or animal, have the potential within them to be able to use magic."

- "I see... So, if we do the 'Exchange Ritual', the 'Sage Cernun' gives us permission, so to speak, to magic."

- "Exactly. I'm glad you're a quick learner."

On one such afternoon, Seamus and Kael were in one of the inn's rooms. With books and papers scattered all over the table, the young man kept quietly with his eyes closed, lost in thought.

-(This young man... At first he didn't seem so, but he is really curious and shows a lot of interest in the unknown. Although he has a bad habit of ignoring everything else when he thinks too much). Contrary to his thoughts, his face showed some pride, as if he was seeing his own grandson.

In these two weeks, Sile, Ciara, the customers and Seamus himself, began to grow fond of Kael, inviting him to drink and chat with them.

- "Mr. Seamus?" Apparently, Kael wasn't the only one deep in thought, as he himself didn't realize he'd been calling out to him for some time.

- "Ahem, sorry, what were you saying?"

- "I was asking what this 'Exchange Ritual' consists of and if it's possible for me to try it out."

- "Mhmm, so that's it. Yes, it is possible to do it."

- "Oh! So-"

- "Wait."


His face became serious.

- "As I said, it's possible to do it, but it has some risks."

- "Risks?"

- "Yes. The 'Exchange Ritual' consists of two parts. The first, which is the simplest of all, requires you to offer something of sentimental value. A toy, a necklace or even clothes, the important thing is that it has a minimum of value to you."

- "Something of value..." Kael thought of the flower Ciara handed him, but quickly dismissed it.

- "And with that you can already use magic?"

- "Just the basics. Things like starting a small fire, creating some water or cleaning dirt off your body and clothes is possible. Most normal people can only do that. The real change comes in the second part of the ritual, when they are capable of extraordinary things; floods, flying through the skies and even burning down an entire village becomes possible."

- "That's incredible... as well as terrifying..."

- "Ho, Ho. As expected, with such power, a great sacrifice is required: the second part of the ritual. It is similar to the first part, with the difference that it is more... demanding, tragic in some cases."

- "Huh? What do you mean?"

- "This time, it's not just a toy 'they' asking for in return, it's something much, much bigger. Whatever you offer, it will directly affect the strength and capacity of your magic. That is why some would go so far as to offer their entire fortune, a limb, their life and even that of a loved one. Once they have done the ritual they are called by the name 'Draoidh', like ancient magical beings."

- "Draoidh... It certainly sounds magical. However, having heard what you just said... I'd rather not do the ritual for the time being..."

- "Jo, Jo. That's fine, we're done for the day anyway, it's already getting dark."

- "Thank you as always, Mr. Seamus."

- "No problem, let's continue tomorrow."

- "Oh, before you go-"

*BAAM* With great force, the door to the room was flung open, with the little intruder rushing towards Kael. 

- "Brother Kael⁓! If you're done studying, let's go eat together!"

- "Hey Ciara, don't come in like that, you should knock on the door first."

- "Uhh... sorry..." She said, looking at the floor sadly.

- "Haaa... as long as you understand it's okay. Now, let's eat!"

Hearing that, the expression on Ciara's face lit up.

- "Yes!"

◈ ◈ ◈

After eating, Kael changed and went towards the entrance, where 'Villager A' was waiting for him. The nights of hunting were somewhat annoying at first, but he got used to it in no time and even came to enjoy it. But as usual, something always happens: About 3 days ago, when he was returning to the village to deliver the 'ingredients' to Seamus, an unpleasant but familiar voice spoke to him.

-[It's been a while, young man. It's good to see your strength has increased so much in a short time].

-"!?" Hearing the voice, Kael immediately pulled out the knife and jumped back, taking in the surroundings and startling his companion.

- "W-what's wrong Kael?

-[Don't tell me you forgot my voice? You break my heart, young man. It's me.] Kael felt a sudden pain in his left arm, making him remember the owner of the voice.

- "So it's you..."

-[Ha, ha! I see you remembered. Indeed, I am the one who saved you and the one you made a deal with. I hope you haven't forgotten]

-"...As you can see, I did not. I do it at my own pace."

-[Why so hostile? Relax young man, I don't bite. I can't do it ha ha. Now that I have some strength, I decided to keep you a little company].

- "Oh, what a great honor to be granted the opportunity to listen to your not at all annoying voice. But I think it would be better if you rested more, don't you think, sir?"

-[Your lack of maturity is evident, but I suppose that's normal for humans. Relax, my presence is nothing but beneficial to you, after all, it's thanks to me that you get stronger so fast].

- "Beneficial?"

-[Indeed, I may not have the body to move on my own, but the knowledge and experience I possess are unmatched.]

- "Mmrg... Okay, okay. I see I have no other options."

And just like that, three days passed, which brings us to the present, with Kael and 'Villager A' returning from hunting and delivering the 'ingredients' to Seamus.

Seeing how the old man was leaving, 'Villager A' decided to return as well, leaving Kael alone. -(Time to go back...).

-[Young man.]

-"... What do you want? I'm tired."

-[Listen, I'm serious. That old man... be careful with him, there's more to him than meets the eye.]

- "Mr. Seamus? Ha, ha! If you're going to talk nonsense, you'd better not talk. Least of all to speak bad of someone who has been looking out for me."

-[It's a simple warning, it's up to you whether to believe it or not. I've already done my part in warning you]. 

- "Yes, yes."

Ignoring the Being's 'warning', Kael returned to the inn.

Hello! it's me again. Fortunately, the repair of my pc was fast. I couldn't upload this chapter on Friday, but here you go! See you on Monday (if I remember haha).

Ezequiel_Caballerocreators' thoughts