
Dragon God Slayer

While Naruto and Sasuke were having their battle at the valley of the end, during the Sasuke Retrieval Mission, so many things cause a tear in space, sending Naruto to Earth Land. Found by a Dragon God, what would Naruto do in this new world. Adventure, maybe. Dragon God Slayer Naruto. Strong Naruto.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Secret Mission Part 1.3

After being satisfied with Sirius's performance and perfection of the Jutsus, Naruto packed everything. He can't point it, but he knew someone was watching him all the time and he assumed it to be either some spy or they are calculating his every move and he doesn't want to give them more than necessary information about his abilities. He went through all his options on how to reach the tower.

'Hmm, I can simply fly, but that can easily be noticed or sensed from the tower. I can make Sirius carry me on the surface of the water, but that can be noticed as well. Well, I guess Siri is going to swim with me' he made up his mind with a smile and turned to see Sirius.

"I guess we don't have any option but to swim there"

"You want me to swim. I don't want to get wet" whined the cute Jaguar.

"I know, I know. I'm going make you dry as soon as we reach land, ok?"

"Fine. I'll do it" agreed a grumpy Sirius.

They checked out and walked slowly towards the faraway beach where there is no one.

"Water Style: Native Life Jutsu," said Naruto and put his hand on Sirius's head. Sirius felt as if he can't breathe and jumped into the water. Naruto smiled as his son started to scold him for his unannounced 'attack'.

"This Jutsu helps you breathe and be like a water creature in the water. So you should enjoy there" said Naruto and jumped into the sea to start their journey.

"Ok, Siri. We'll swim towards the southwest and when I see the tower, we are going to enter from the water underneath the tower. I want you to be silent or turn on your stealth seal which will make your steps silent and we're going to talk telepathically" said Naruto as his legs turned into water.

"Hai," said Sirius which made Naruto smile. They rarely talk in their mother tongue anymore and Sirius's attempt to make him happy warms Naruto's heart so much.

They swam as planned and after an hour, they reached a small island which was deep into the sea. Naruto saw a large building that is vaguely in the shape of a tower and people working hard to construct it. It was highly secured with Guards at every entrance.

The Tower itself was located on a small island on the south coast of Fiore. It was a little deep into the sea and can be reached with a boat in an hour or two based on the tide.

Naruto took out a piece of document that was given to him by the magic council as a part of the Job. He was told to not read until he reach the tower in question. He took it and started reading it making a protective layer to protect it from water.

'We appreciate your acceptance of this Job, Mage. Here are some more details about the job you were sent on. For protection purposes, the construction of the tower has been forbidden by the Magic Council since ancient times. However, a cult of Dark Mages wishing to revive Zeref, the Black Mage, began working on it again, a few years ago. The cult kidnapped children and adults alike and forced them into slavery so that they could construct the tower for them. The Magic Council didn't see it as a threat until recently it's construction speed sky-rocketed and we need you to find out who is responsible for this.

We have a small hunch on who it is from one of our assistants, but we need a solid confirmation. You are required to confirm who is in charge of everything there and if possible, find any of their future plans. We don't want you to confront them and make a scene. Be stealthy and find as much as you can.

This is an Unofficial job and if you are found, any accusations on the Magic Council will be denied and the responsibility will be charged against your Guild Master for sending you on an Unofficial job' it read and Naruto's anger spiked at that.

'How dare they? How dare they blame his master if anything was to happen to him? I'm gonna make them pay for their casual abuse of power' he vowed in his mind. Though his magic spike can be sensed, due to the activation of the stealth seal which Naruto carved into his clothes, it was suppressed immediately.

He took a look at the working people and guards one more time and made his mind. He is going to find what is all this about but he isn't going to tell the Council shit. They are going to feel his wrath soon.

Magic Council Headquarters, Era

In the Magical Council branch of Fiore headquarters in Era, Siegrain, a blue-haired young man was happily doing his work in his office when he felt a cold shiver down his spine. He jumped from his seat to check his surroundings, nothing. There were no one.

'What is this, I just felt as if I woke up a beast that I couldn't handle and am going to incur the wrath of' thought the blue-haired man. He is happy that the old fools in the Council took his bait and sent for an unofficial S-Class job to all the legal guilds. Now the only thing left to do is the mage who was sent coming back and confirming what he told them and voila, he is going to be a council member soon as his reputation will grow and he will be offered a seat after one of them retired.

As per the plan, the mage should be on the island searching for any clues as he mentioned and to make things interesting, he used the Council language and added a small threat at the end of the job request to compel the mage, whoever it may be, they act as per his plan unknowingly.

'Am I in danger?' Thought Siegrain as he pondered the possibility. 'Nah, they can't even touch me as my Heavenly Body Magic is powerful' he thought confidently and continued his work.

On a remote Island, South to shores of Fiore

Naruto decided to do his job, but not for the Council, but for his gain. Knowledge is power and he is not going to give an opportunity like this to get a good idea of the Tower they are building. He saw Sirius preparing himself to do the hiding like a Mole Jutsu and dispelled the water jutsu on him. He did it and merged with the stone underneath the water.

Naruto also merged with the stone and started their journey inside the tower slowly. Though there are guards, they can't sense him or Sirius as the Jutsu makes them one with the earth they were travelling in.

They passed through some hallways which had so many guards and people working around while the guards are forcing people to work and people are working without complaint. He thought of freeing them, but he can't bring attention to himself right now. So he continued. He reached a room that appeared to be a bedroom of someone. He saw a lone finger enter the room.

She is a teenage girl of average height with a developing body. She has a cat-like appearance: possessing cat-like eyes, nose and mouth. Her brown hair is stylized into cat ears at her crown and tied into two ponytails at the base. Her face has four red whisker-like tattoos much like Naruto's. She wears a yellow jacket with white stripes and black trimmings with a pink dress and a white bow tie on it and light-pinkish ruffles on the lower portion, a choker with a bell on it, and white leggings.