
Dragon God Slayer

While Naruto and Sasuke were having their battle at the valley of the end, during the Sasuke Retrieval Mission, so many things cause a tear in space, sending Naruto to Earth Land. Found by a Dragon God, what would Naruto do in this new world. Adventure, maybe. Dragon God Slayer Naruto. Strong Naruto.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Dealing with Fire and Ice 3

https://www.patreon.com/posts/55118291 Next 3 chapters available on my Patron.

In the forest around River Village

Natsu was seen smiling widely. He skillfully escaped that newbie with ease. He is going to take care of this dark Guild and help the village. Happy was taking him in the direction the villager pointed at high speeds as he had a suspicion that the blonde newbie is gonna catch up to him. As he was flying above the forest to locate a building, he heard a boom and turned around.

There, he saw his death. Naruto was coming towards him, fast. He didn't have anyone carrying him but he was flying at speeds that Natsu can barely keep up with his eyes.

"YOU MORON" came the defining voice of Naruto and Natsu felt a strong grip on his head. Soon, his head hit the ground, hard. He felt unbearable pain through his skull and a ringing in his ears.

Naruto didn't do anything. He just pulled out a paper and stuck it to Natsu and Natsu felt his body paralyse. In addition to that, Naruto put a blue liquid around Natsu, restricting his movement. Happy also got the same punishment, his bag of fish taken away from him and tied up.

"What are 2 idiots thinking running away like that. Didn't I tell you to wait? What if something happened to you morons. What should say to Master, sorry master, those 2 dumb fools ran off and got killed or injured? Didn't I tell you just now, think before you act, Natsu" scolded Naruto his anger subsiding. Gray landed beside Sirius carrying him down.

"What are you thinking, fire brain. Didn't Naruto tell we don't have complete information and he told you to think before you act?" said Gray. Natsu felt foolish for acting dumb for the first time. This is different when compared to Erza. She would beat him alright but doesn't explain like this clearly. If she finds she is mistaken, she asks them to punish her which they are scared to do. But this newbie seemed different to him and there is something mysterious about him that Natsu couldn't put his finger on. Well, right now he is going to apologise and kick-ass a Dark Guild ass.

"Ok, man. I'm sorry. I'll try to do it next time" said Natsu with a grin all his pain and injuries healed somehow. He didn't pay much attention.

"Now untie me, I'm gonna kick a Dark Guild ass," he said with a toothy smile.

"Oh, he is asking to untie," said Sirius with a wide smile.

"That's not happening, buddy. For the stunt you pulled, you are going to be bound and watch as we enjoy all the fun" said Naruto with a creepy smile. Natsu's face turned pale as a sheet.

"B-bu-but. I want to have some fun" said Natsu.

"Hehehehehehehe" laughed Naruto and the blue liquid around him tightened and Natsu was taken into the air.

"Hey, what's this. Leave me" he shouted to no avail.

"That's one problem taken care of," said Gray and turned to Naruto. The blonde is definitely different compared to Erza alright.

"Now, Gray. We are near the headquarters and we are going do this the old fashion way" said Naruto.

"You mean-"

"Barge from the front door and boom. Natsu gave me some pent up anger to deal with his stunt" said Naruto with a smile.

"Now you are taking my language," said Gray and they approached the clearing where there was a small 2 storey building. Sirius transformed into his battle mode and followed the 2. Happy and Natsu were floating in the sky, their body bound and their mouths stuffed. All they can do is watch. Naruto and Gray approached the clearing cautiously.

'Hmm, there are 30 of them and 15 are D-rank, 10 C-rank, 4 B-rank and 1 A-rank. D-rank is easy, I'll deal with A and B while Sirius and Gray can deal with C and D. As they are high in numbers that would keep them busy' thought and Naruto and explained his plan to his comrades. With smiles, they jumped in.

Naruto made a barrier around the perimeter to not let anyone escape out. He will make sure everything is dealt with. With a bang of an Explosion Note, they entered, gaining all the attention of the Guild.

"Oh, seems like we have intruders," said one of them.

"Probably haired by those villagers," said another man. They waited patiently for the smoke to clear. What they saw shocked them. There are 2 kids with a large Tiger standing with them.

"Huh, it's 2 kids and a Tiger," said the man but before he could get any response, a kick to his face, sending throw the wall.

"What did you say, your toothpick. I'm a Jaguar, not Tiger" roared Sirius and started to beat the man and all the guild members saw it awe-struck.

One of the stronger men saw it. 'Why the idiots seeing it as a spectacle' and he roared his orders.

"What are you shits doing, kill them" came to the voice of pig-faced man. They all charged and the group divided. Before anything could happen,

"Katsu" came the voice of the blonde boy.

"BBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM" a large explosion rocked the building. Naruto blew the whole building up with Explosive Tags. He had a big smile on his face after that.

"Man, it has been long since I destroyed something. I think I should apologise to Gramps after this. Nah, I don't care" he said and with a face splitting smile, he charged towards his targets.

The floating Natsu and Happy saw the destruction the blonde boy did without anything large.

"Wow. It looks amazing" said Natsu.

"Aye, sir," said Happy. Natsu swallowed all the flames formed due to the exclusion.

"Yack. Paper, rocks and ink. What is this?" asked a confused Dragon Slayer to no one.

Naruto was kicking the hell out of his opponents. Those 5 used to be a team in another Dark Guild and they left it and formed a new guild now. Each of them can use one element.

"Fire Ball"

"Water Bullet"

"Air Slash"

"Rock Golem"

"Lightning Bolt" came to the 5 attacks from all 5 mages.

"Pierce," said  Naruto and all the attacks were pierced and a Light needle went straight to the Mages who cast it. They couldn't escape it as it is very fast.

"Ice Make-Lance," said Gray and lances made of Ice attached his opponents and struck them.

"Wind Style- Great Breakthrough," said Sirius and large gusts of wind blew his opponents away.

As the other mages have fallen victim to the attack as well and are unconscious, Naruto walked up to the Guild Master, the pig face.

"Ok, pig face, here is the deal. Either you and your buddies run or I will feed you to the animals around here" said Naruto.

"We'll leave" came the whimpering answer of the pig face and all the councious one's took their fallen brethren and scrammed from there.

"That was some fun," said Sirius.

"No kidding. Even though they are weak, they have numbers" said Gray and Sirius and Naruto nodded. Naruto brought Natsu and Happy towards him and unbound them.

"Man, that was amazing. It would have been more fun if I joined as well" said Natsu.

"Ya. The forest would have been completely burnt to ashes"

"What did you say, ice freak"

"You heard me, fire-lizard" Both of them were butting heads and veins popping on their foreheads.

"Hmm, what to play with. A pink lizard or an Ice freak" came Naruto's voice. His face was cackling madly with a Devil behind him.

"Nothing here, sir," said Gray.

"Yes, yes. Nothing here" chorused Natsu.

"What about you, Cat," said Naruto to the blue cat.

"Aye, aye. Nothing here as well" said Happy and saw Naruto didn't budge.

"Ramen is good" shouted Happy in fake realisation.

"Hmm, looks like there's nothing here," he said and Naruto changed into normal.

"Now guys, let's get back to the village," said Naruto and all of them started walking towards the village.

"Hey, Naruto. What kind of Water is it. It held firm against my fire" asked Natsu curiously.

"Naruto didn't use water on you," said Sirius.

"Huh, I thought it was some kind of water for sure," said a confused Natsu.

"Speaking of it, you didn't tell us what your magic is," said Gray in realisation.

"Well, it is water. It is Light" said Naruto making a Light Sword.

"Light. Wow" said Gray.

"Amazing, man," said Natsu.

"Aye, sir," said Happy.

"The light I bound with you is a special one as it paralysis the individual and won't break whatever you do," said Naruto and Natsu and Gray got amazing looks.

They reached and got paid for their job as the destruction didn't hit the village and the forest seemed the same for them. Naruto and the group reached out of the village. Before they walk to Train Station Naruto spoke.

"Ok, guys. As I completed the job and got paid even with you tagging along, I'm going to give you a treat" said Naruto. Natsu and Happy were staring star eyes at their share of cash in awe.

"Poor fire brain, I don't remember when he last saw this much cash," said Gray and Naruto and Sirius nodded in agreement.

"Here is the deal, boys. We are going to fly back to Magnolia" said Naruto.

"Huh, what is new in it, Happy will always help me if we want to fly back to Magnolia," said Natsu unsurprised.

"There he goes interrupting people again," said Gray and before another quarrel could start, Naruto started explaining.

"Not like that, Natsu. I'm telling of flying yourself without any support" and he got the desired reaction.

He used Earth Style: Body Light Weight Jutsu on them and they all started to float. Naruto explained the basics about flying like this and they flew home happily. Not aware of the Trials the Old Master had out for him.

And Cut

That's it for this chapter folks. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Comment your opinion on the story. And vote in the poll about the weekly stories.

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Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.