
Dragon god Ricarnation

Pay_attention · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Down the village

Ray: well were here have a good time kid *laughs*

Are woman always like this so annoying * wake my mom up* mom mom * mom: yes did I miss something* no well were here I carry you all the way here because your lazy to walk*smug face*

Mom: don't make that face come on let's live live in this village let's be happy *smile*

Well I used to calling her mom so she had a bad history she a princess that leaves the castle and the father was a knight and died because he was trying to protect he's family well I could say this they lived in a small ass house and a wolf bandit come to there house I don't no anymore I hate this memory of this kid* well anyways I'm gonna sleep

* sleeping *

Mom: my baby sleeping as he should well Heron your son he's just like you always strong I thought we would watch him together but I guess it's just me * shout* I'll raise him well you hear me!!!!*

In my head* I can't sleep stop shouting*

* morning *

*I hate this I only got to sleep for 4 hours* mom: wake up we got an interview for school* yes mom I'll get ready* as I walk outside of the door I see a baby in front of the door* shout* mom!!!!!!!!! *

Mom: what is it * she came to to the door quickly* *the baby cry waaaaa waaaaaa*mom: oh my god why is a baby laying here? Demi human baby???

* she pick the baby up* there there baby don't cry wait there a note *note*

Please take care of my baby please I'm begging you I'm a slave who sneaked into your house and this is my baby girl her name is shera please I know your knew to this town so please I hope your a good people*

Mom: what is this letter * she cry's * I'll take care of her. Let's go to the interview with the baby because we got no one to watch her ok rayle* yea yea let's go I don't care if you going take care of her or not*

I'm acting like this because I want to experience life about this world in my dragon life or whatever i was just sleeping always so this life let me live peacefully but I'll still get revenge of the gods who try to seal me.

*The interviews*


Bodyguard: hey are you ms heren* that's not her real name my mom change her name so nobody will know her* Mom: yes that's me I'm here for the interview*

Bodyguard: follow me ms heren*

*The walk through of principle office*

Bodyguard: Here we are ms heren this is the room*

*Walk through principle office*

Principal: welcome to your interview young family*

Mom: yes im here for my son to register he's name here *

Principle: well yes let me get the paper and explain all the things that what rule it is if you sign

*cough* yes here are the rule I'm going to read it for you. So In this school we got 12 principal because there are different school that ranks so you have to take 12 years in here if your 6years old you are in 6 principal but it take you 3 years to stay in 6 principal school until your 10 years old and you have to move to 7 principal until 13 years old your going up to 8th and there a lot and bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

* to be continued *