
Dragon God Of Nothingness

This is about a regular man, Oliver, who became a Dragon after meeting God, not just any Dragon, a Dragon God of Nothingness, only god was of that race before Oliver. [Nothingness is everything, everything isn't nothingness] -> Some Powers: [Reality Manipulation, Space Manipulation, Time Manipulation] -> Honestly, update time is unknown.

Ahh_Yess · Others
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15 Chs

New World, Gothic Lolita & Harem Infiltration Plan

"" -> Speech;

'' -> Thoughts;

[] -> Beep Boop;

[Chapter Nine : New World, Gothic Lolita & Harem Infiltration Plan]

[--- Dimensional Gap ---]

[*POV 3rd Person*]

A man not older than 18 appeared from nowhere. He had white hair, red glowing eyes, a perfect body with a perfect beautiful and handsome face. He was wearing a white suit that complimented his hair, adding more charm to his already infinite charm. (A/N haha I got better at describing characters ; ) [IGNORE THIS: Now all I have to do is master lemon scenes.])

The young man with white hair was no other than our MC, Oliver.

Oliver looked around the Dimensional Gap finding a huge red dragon looking at him. The huge red dragon was [The Great Red].

The young man in white looked at Great Red with his red glowing eyes.

[*POV Great Red*]

I find a young man with white hair appear to the Dimensional Gap out of no-where. I was looking at him suddenly he felt my gaze and looked back at me with his red glowing eyes. I never felt so suppressed before, those eyes gave me the creeps. My instinct tell me not to mess with this guy.

[*POV Oliver*]

I guess I'm in DXD universe now. I'm currently in the Dimensional Gap, I asked Billy to bring me there, it seems Ophis, the one who I'm here for is currently with the Khaos Brigade, she will probably come back in a bit.

Great Red seems to be staring at me so I just give him a stare back. Great Red seems to have started to fear me, *sigh* I only had 0.00000000...1 of my pressure in that gaze. Great red broke off the stare but looking the different direction in the Dimensional Gap.

[Me] - "So, who are you little Dragon."

Great Red said with a little bit of fear,

[Great Red] - "I-I'm Great Red, True Red Dragon God Emperor."

I smiled with a face showing no emotions,

[Me] - "That's quite a cool name if I say must."

Seeing me smile he asked,

[Great Red] - "S-So who are you? You're clearly not human for you to survive in the Dimensional Gap."

I said with a little smile,

[Me] - "Pss, why would I be of those weak kinds, I'm Oliver The Dragon God of Nothingness."

[Great Red] - "I-impossible Ophis and I are the only Dragon Gods!"

I just release some of my bloodline suppression and Great Red just looks at me shocked, He can see that I'm a dragon god and way stronger than him too,

[Me] - "Oh, interesting who is Ophis?"

[Great Red] - "O-Ophis is the Dragon God of Infinity."

[Me] - "Hmmm, found her, *snap*"

After I snapped Ophis just teleported to the Dimensional Gap from where ever she was, she was wearing a weird uniform I can't tell, looks like a maid uniform, she looked just like a Gothic, no, a Gothic Loli. Great red looked at me with a shocked face. Ophis just stared at me.

[Me] - "My, my you're quite cute little Ophis."

I then look at Great Red,

[Me] - "Change into your humanoid form, it's quite annoying to look up to see your face."

Great Red just nodded and change into a young man with red hair and a pretty handsome face. Ophis just stared at me, I just smiled at her.

[Me] - "Oh little Ophis, you remind me quite of my little sister when she was younger, want some Candy"

I just wave and a candy appears in my hand, Ophis looks at me weirdly I then teleport in front of her and give her the candy. She sniffs it then start eating it. Her face went from an emotionless to a happy one, I guess she has emotions. Well, that's good for me because the only reason I'm here is for her and messing with the plot.

[Me] - "My, my does my little Ophis like it?"

She just nodded and continued eating the candy I gave her. Then I clap my hands and a table appears with full of sweets and cake and three chairs surrounding it.

[Me] - "How about you guys join me, I'm quite happy seeing dragons here in this universe."

They nod and sit on the chair, Ophis starts eating while I just smile at her. Great Red was probably itching to question me so I look at Great Red and say,

[Me] - "Ask whatever you want."

He nods and starts,

[Great Red] - "So where are you from?"

[Me] - "I'm from a different Universe, I guess I'm just traveling and fixing some problems I don't like."

[Great Red] - "So you're saying there are different universes?"

[Me] - "Of course, I'm probably the second most powerful in the whole multiverse, maybe the first, but I don't know that."

Great Red looked at me with shock,

[Great Red] - "Who is the first then?"

[Me] - "Oh it's [GOD], and no not that biblical god from this universe"

[Great Red] - "How did you know? Didn't you just come here"

[Me] - "I just read through everyone in this universe's memory. *Sigh* I'm pretty disappointed, the last Universe I visited people could easily destroy plants with a roar, but I guess you guys can do that correct?"

Great Red seemed shocked that I could read everyone's memory in just a second, be he *sighed*

[Great Red] - "I can probably do that, I guess."

Ophis nodded and said in a monotone voice,

[Ophis] - "I think so too."

[Great Red] - "How do you travel to other universes?"

[Me] - "I was born with it. I'll probably only stay here for a year at most 2 years I guess."

[Me] - "The destined one of this universe is pretty dissapointing."

[Great Red] - "Who and What is the 'destined one'?"

[Me] - "You see every universe has this 'destined one,' they are liked by the fate of that universe, they are to achieve big in future. The destined one of this universe is the currently holder of the sacred gear of a heavenly dragon, who is red like you, DDraig."

[Great Red] - "Why are you so disappointing with him then?"

[Me] - "He is a pervert, all boobs and no brains. No literally he will do anything for boobs. I feel sad for that DDraig Dragon."

[Ophis] - "Oh it's him? He got sealed into a Sacred Gear I think, so his host is the one liked by fate."

[Me] - "Hey wanna go mess with him, don't worry fate can't touch me at all, haha."

[Great Red] - "Sorry I can't."

[Ophis] - "Only if you give me more sweet"

[Me] - 'Haha, perfectly as planned. Ophis and me time!' - "Sure Ophis, See ya Great Red."

I then teleport Me and Ophis to [Kuoh Town in Japan] then I use reality manipulation to make a mansion for myself and Ophis then set a background. My name is Xia Oliver, Age 16, Two sisters, Xia Ophis and Xia Qingyue, Son and Heir of the richest man in the world, Xia Hongyi who runs 70% of Global Market, his business is everywhere from Cloth to Cars.

Ophis seemed shocked after what I did,

[Ophis] - "How did you do that?"

[Me] - "Meh, just manipulated reality to create us some background."

She asked in a monotone voice,

[Ophis] - "Why did my hair change to white and my eyes turn glowing red then!"

[Me] - "Because I set you as my sister in this background."

[Ophis] - "Oh, can I get more cake."

[Me] - "Ah, I create tons of cake in the mansion, go help yourself."

Ophis then goes in the mansion and sees an infinite supply of sweet then starts eating them. She seems fascinated by Technology so I helped her play the games. She seemed to have gotten more fond of me so I guess that's good!

I tell Ophis our background, she didn't seem to care so I just go and play with her more in a video game called, "War of the Dragons" I win every time she starts to show more emotions than before, good progress, good job me.

I create a clone and make it look like Xia Qingyue, my quite little sister but with red glowing eyes and white hair, and a little shorter, I swear I'm not a lolicon! She will be going with me to the Kuoh Highschool and infiltrate into the Harem of Issei. I mean come on Qingyue is beautiful, probably 100x more beautiful than Rias, her boobs I adjusted it a bit smaller than Rias but still big.

[(*Time-Skip 1 Year*)]

One year has passed my relationship with Ophis has sailed high. In the beginning it was mostly us just eating sweets and playing games (we played a lot sometimes even for a whole month), after a while she started to like me I think and started to open up more to me, she changed her gender from a gender-less to female probably just for me. She still looked the same but had a small bulge on her chest, so I asked Qingyue to help her with clothing. I sometimes ask Ophis out she doesn't seem to reject it and accept it, so I started to take her out more often like dinners, beautiful scenery, movies etc. And she seems to be having fun too because she isn't emotionless anymore!

One day I asked Ophis to be my wife and travel with me to other universes guess what? She accepted my proposal and I marked her. Dragons mark their wife, the mark basically means she is my wife and don't touch them, the stronger the Dragon, stronger the mark, because I'm probably the strongest dragon alive not counting [God] my mark is pretty powerful. I tell Ophis that after we're done with this world we'll go to others.

[Me] - "Qingyue, I guess we're going to school tomorrow!"

[Qingyue] - "Yes brother!"

Even though she is faking it, it seemed like she was really expressing emotions like excited, after all clones don't have emotions. Also, she might look beautiful and frail but she stronger than Great Red in power!

After the meeting with Qingyue, Ophis seems to have found out about s*x. Yes, s*x, what humans do for mating, she probably heard people talking about it and read their mind to see what it is. Now she wants to have "s*x" with me because she heard it's only supposed to be done with the person you love and trust. Ah I love a straightforward wife I guess. I just sigh and tell her be ready for tonight.

[End of Chapter Nine.]

Honestly time-skips are godly, I don't know that much romance stuff so time-skip does the work for me, most romance I have seen is just >>they meet, they kiss, they f**k.

>>>Okay guys, next chapter probably in the weekend or earlier. This chapter was earlier because some people guessed the person our MC was here for. *sigh* cya

>>> Also do you guys like my Harem Infiltration Plan ;)

> I might try to write lemon next chapter wish me luck.

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