
Dragon God Of Nothingness

This is about a regular man, Oliver, who became a Dragon after meeting God, not just any Dragon, a Dragon God of Nothingness, only god was of that race before Oliver. [Nothingness is everything, everything isn't nothingness] -> Some Powers: [Reality Manipulation, Space Manipulation, Time Manipulation] -> Honestly, update time is unknown.

Ahh_Yess · Others
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15 Chs

(18+) with Infinity, Kuoh Academy & Canceling the Plan

"" -> Speech;

'' -> Thoughts;

[] -> Beep Boop;

[Chapter Ten : 18+ with Infinity, Kuoh Academy & Canceling the Plan]

[*Oliver's Room* - Time (Night)]

Here in Oliver, our MC's room we can see two people, one being Oliver himself other being Ophis.

[*POV Oliver*]

[Me] - "*Sigh* are you ready Ophis, my dear?"

She replies with a small smile,

[Ophis] - "Yes let's do this hubu!"

Yes, that is what she calls me, "hubu" I don't know where she heard it but she started to call me that three months ago.

[Me] - "Okay get ready."

Ophis was wearing a night gown that Qingyue(clone) gave her. I then look at her, I then immediately began to kiss her. The kiss lasted for 2 minutes, when we seperated a saliva bridge formed between our tongues. She started to breathe heavily as I started to take her and mine's clothes off. (A/N I'm getting descriptive here ;))

I then slowly started to kiss down from her forehead to her navel area. She looked competly red. As I reached her navel area, she moaned a little.

[Ophis] - "Mmhm~"

I then moved my right hand to her chest, and started caressing it with care.

[Ophis] - "Hubu~ a little rougher~" (A/N OwO)

I tease her,

[Me] - "Oh~ my little Ophis likes it rough?"

Then I do it a bit rougher then she starts a flood starts between her underwear and her secret tunnel. I didn't do it too rough as I didn't want to hurt her delicate skin.

Even if she is a dragon god she is still a girl. After 1 whole minute of that, she was heavily breathing and panting like a dog. Her whole face was red.

I take her by her waist and place her on our King Size bed, I put a sound barrier around out mansion just to make sure. I look at her carefully, she was with white and milky skin without anything to remove their charm. She had not too big of breasts they were perfect size fitting in my hands perfectly as they were molded for only me.

She said while breathing heavily,

[Ophis] - "I'm all yours hubu~"

I say while looking at her cute face,

[Me] - "Yes you're all mine and I'm all yours, now I'm going to eat you up today"

Thankfully I took care of them or they would cause me troubles...

[*Flash-back 1 hour ago*]

[Inter dimensional Fbi Agent] - "Sir, she is a lolita we can't have you guys having s*x"

[Me] - "She is over 10 billion years old."

[Inter dimensional Fbi Agent] - "She looks like a lolita."

[Me] - "Go away or I'll destroy your whole dimension and your agency."

[Inter dimensional Fbi Agent] - "Sir, don't threaten us, we will protect a loli at all cost!"

[Me] - "*snap*"

[Inter dimensional Fbi Agent (Oliver reading mind)] - 'What! I lost connection to the HQ don't tell me- Mr. Edgar I don't feel so go-"

Then all of the inter dimensional fbi turned to dust. That's how the inter dimensional fbi agency went extinct.

[*Back to the present*]

I then look at her secret cave, it was very wet, I then start with a tongue and put it in her secret cave. She starts moaning,

[Ophis] - "Ah~ Ah~ deeper~"

As I heard her, I then put my tongue even deeper as she starts to moan louder, thankfully I put that barrier probably everyone in the neighborhood would have heard that. They would probably think I'm f*cking my sister since I put Ophis as my sister in our background.

Her moans turned me on even more my little brother was probably already at 9 inches in length. I then rub her secret gave with my little brother she gets more aroused,

[Ophis] - (breathing heavily) "ah~ p-put it i-inn~"

She was probably very embarrassed right now after what she said as he covered her face for a moment. I don't reject her command and put my little brother in her secret cave. Her ears were very sensitive, so I whisper into her ears softly which made her more aroused than before,

[Me (Whispering into Ophis' Ears)] - "Do you like it my little wife?"

She said while being embarrassed,

[Ophis (Sofly and quite)] - "y-yes."

[Me] - "Get ready my little dear Ophis, I'm puttin it in."

I then strike the wet secret cave with my little brother. She jumped for a moment it seemed like it hurt,

[Ophis] - "Ahhh!"

After that shout, she started to moan again,

[Ophis] - "Ah~ Ah~ H-hader.'

My little brother was pretty long it reached top of her secret cave I pulled it and put it in again and again as she moaned louder than the last.

[Ophis] - "Ahhh~ Ahhh~ Ahhh~ Ahhh~"

The room echoed her moans which were getting louder and louder. She was about to come and I was also about to come so I said,

[Me] - "Let's come together" (A/N Found this in my research, people actually do this)

Then we came together after that we cuddled together to sleep in bed, we don't actually need sleep but I guess cuddling with my little wife was fun and helped me sleep with her.

[(Time-Skip -> Tomorrow)]

Today I'm gonna start school I removed the clone Qingyue and canceled the harem infiltration plan because I don't want some people lusting over my cute little sister's body. I thought over this after the s*x with Ophis, she seems pretty calm today she asked me we should do this every week and I consented!

[Me] - 'Billy how long has it been in my home world?'

[*Beep* Host only 1 and half days had gone by in your home world.]

[Me] - 'Oh, yeah time flows differently in different universes right?'

[*Beep* Host you're correct.]

I then dress up for school in Kuoh Academy, High-School. I then have my private driver drive me to school, Ophis plays video games with my Shadow Clone, I don't want her getting bored. (A/N Don't worry about NTR, Ophis is loyal and only will do it (I know what I mean, you know what I mean) with our MC not even his clone ;))

I'm not gonna lie but their female Academy clothing is pretty revealing. Thankfully I didn't make Qingyue's clone wear these types of clothing, those horny teenagers would probably lust over her. Because I'm her brother only I can see her body and no one else. (A/N MC should probably marry his sister it technically isn't incest since MC's Dragon bloodline dominated his human bloodline, at-most it would be a 6% incest. I mean come on guys, we'e all a product of generations of incest.)

The driver drove me off and he headed back. I'm currently at the gates of Kuoh Academy. Some girls were looking at me while blushing I didn't pay them any mind, I only like my little Ophis, my little sister (A/N You know what I mean, I know what I mean.) and my family.

[*Random Girl POV*]

The most charming guy I have ever seen, with white hair and red glowing eyes just came into our school with our school uniform and a private driver. He started to walk into our school I saw his face and blushed a little he is too charming! He can make anyone fall and like him with a single glance. I heard the richest man's son is going to join our school today, so he must be him! (A/N Monarch / Venerable White?)

[*POV Oliver*]

Finally I'm going inside the school I see a girl looking at me, I look back at her and give her a small smile and she blushed her whole face was red,

[Me] - "Could you tell me where the School Counseling Office room is?"

[Girl] - "Y-yes follow me"

I then follow her to the school counseling room, I need to get my schedule from there. Maybe just check out the devils a bit.

My charm is most likely greater than Venerable White from Cultivation Chat Group but it doesn't seem to be effecting them, *sigh* thank god I don't need boys liking me. The boys just glare at me with jealousy and envy lol.

As I open the door of the School counseling office's room, I see Sona and her peerage, I just greet her and the others,

[Me] - "Hello there guys, I'm here for my Schedule, I'm Xia Oliver."

Then I stare at Sona.

[*POV Sona*]

A boy walked in the school counseling office room, he had white hair, red glowing eyes, and the most charming face I have seen, I blushed a bit but suppressed it, my heart my starting to beat faster, when he asked I fell out of my daze,

[White haired boy] - "Hello there guys, I'm here for my Schedule, I'm Xia Oliver."

His red glowing eyes look at me like he can see my very soul, it seemed like I can't hide anything from him.

Sanji shouts,

[Sanji] - "Hey you stop staring at her!"

I get pretty mad because of Sanji, he is always arrogant but as my servant I have to take care of him.

[Oliver] - "Ah, sorry I was just waiting for her to give me my schedule."

He looks at Sanji, Sanji was sweating it was like Oliver's glare was making him scared.

[Sanji] - "I-it's fine don't worry about it."

[Oliver] - "Excuse me miss, can I get my schedule?"

I look at him and get his schedule from my desk and say while blushing a little,

[Me] - "H-here is your schedule."

[Oliver] - "Thanks! See ya later."

Then he turns around and leave without even giving any of us a single glance, I might be strict and cold but I'm beautiful it really made me surprised that he was indifferent to my face.

[*POV Oliver*]

Now I got my schedule I need to go to my class. I walk over to classroom and I see that my teacher was waiting for me, I see Issei, like all the boys he was glaring at me. While the girls literally had hearts shaped pupils. Teacher, she asked me,

[Teacher] - 'Damn he is hot, how is both handsome and beautiful at the same time' - "Oliver why don't you introduce yourself?"

[Me] - "Why yes, hello everyone I'm Xia Oliver, I'm from China and I like to travel around."

[Random Girl] - "Isn't he the son and the heir of the richest man in the world"

[Random Girl 2] - "Oh my god he is, he looks the same as in the online I saw I thought it was fake because I thought one couldn't look so perfect!"

[Teacher] - "O-oliver you can sit anywhere that is free"

[Me] - "Thank you, miss."

I then go and see there is an empty sit beside Issei, I sit there. I greet Issei,

[Me] - "Hello there, I'm Oliver."

Iseei looks at me weirdly and says,

[Issei] - "H-hey I'm Issei."

I then sit down, while some girls were staring at me I paid them no mind.

[Random Girl 69] - "Why is he talking to that pervert!"

[Random Girl 420] - "He sits next to him that's probably why, and he is new to this school so he doesn't know!"

[Random Girl 59] - "Yeah he is probably the most perfect man in the whole world, perfect face, rich and talented as I heard in the news, he basically has talent at everything be it music, programming, etc."

[Random Girl ###] - ...




[End of Chapter Ten]

Yikes guys that scene with Ophis took me hours of research ok bye!

>>> sorry for grammar mistakes

>>> next chapter probably this weekend or maybe earlier!

Ahh_Yesscreators' thoughts