

It's yet again another pleasant morning. Birds are chirping. Everyone is out for their own Respective jobs. Someone is running for school. Someone is running late for his office.

Yet there's our main Character who is lying on his bed.

Staring blankly at roof trying to understand what is going on.

A very confused Clark said

"How things ended up like this?"

He was currently occupied by his Lovers

His both hands are occupied by Akeno and Elsha Respectively.

Aria is currently sleeping on his chest

And there's his new edition, Rias Gremory who is sleeping under them holding his right leg as her pilow.

That wasn't the cause of his problems.

The problem was why are they all sleeping Naked?

But he wasn't alone who is awake.

Clark lifted his head

























































His Dick :🙃

His Excalibur is way more happy than him. Even though his Excalibur has 4 big reasons to be happy.

After seeing it which is popped up in front of Rias's face he laid his head down pretend to sleep.

He closed his eyes as he started to remember last night's event.



"Wow is that Clark when he was child! He is soo cute ~" Rias said in excitement while flipping pages of Kent family's album.

"I agree he is still cute now" Aria said as she was also with Rias.

Clark was sweat dropping from the scene, and it was quite annoying to be honest. Someone else is seeing his childhood images without his permission. Well can't even Blame her since his Ma is the one who gave her that.

But that wasn't the problem Clark is facing.

Clark is now currently sitting in his own sofa while facing two certain individuals.

One of them is

A handsome man who seems to be in his early 20's. He has shoulder length crimson hair and blue eyes. He looks just like Rias. Yeah he is none other than Sirzechs Lucifer.

Clark didn't realised at first that he was even a Guy. It took him whole 2 seconds to realise that he is a Guy. And it's way long time for a Man who can think in Femtoseconds.

Either way he was actually greatfull for him looking out after his family who safeguard them from other Supernatural beings.

And the other one is  a tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee. According to his Father or Ddraig he is none other than Azazel. The leader of Fallen Angels and this man also happens to be a good friend of Uncle Baraqiel.

He had many questions. Many of them. But first question was . . . . . . .  .


Clark screamed inside his mind. Grafiya also came alongside with Sirzechs. According to Akeno she is a big fan of her. And she is also underworld's strongest queen and Maid of House gremory. Grafiya upon making eye contact with him immediately changes her gaze Towards Somewhere else. With visible red streaks on her cheeks.

Clark had a little sweat running down from her head. While he felt two pressures from different sides of his arms.

On his right one Elsha was sitting with him she was looking him with eyes full of confidence.

'Don't worry sweetie I won't let her touch you!' Clark read her message from her eyes.

Further making him nervous.

He shifted his eyes towards opposite direction to see Akeno was sitting with him. She also had same eyes.

'I am with you no matter what!'

Clark reads message from her facial expressions.

Clark gives them a smile as he shifts his attention to next sofa where Ddraig is sitting with a calm expression. They really didn't had any reason to panic either ways. They have no Idea what Their fortress alone contains. It contains weaponry from 28 different galaxies and hundreds of planets. Not even going to take Account of Ddraig's strength alone who increased his physical power output 2 times.

His both step mothers are Standing behind him also with a very calm expression. And it was understandable.

Upon again shifting his sight he saw his Ma and Pa sitting on other side of sofa. They had visible tention. And it was understandable.

He then again shifted his his sight  to see little Victor.

He is currently hanging upside down from decorated lighting fixed in celling like Batman while wearing Cloak of Invisibility. Who taught him that?

That wasn't the shock .

Victor was holding a replica of BFG 9000. Aiming on face of Sirzechs.

Who made that? It's certainly Ddraig

Thank heavens that the Cloak made him virtually invisible and is almost undetectable if you don't have X Ray vision like Clark and Ddraig has. Otherwise circumstances have been different.

Both Victor and Clark made eye contact.

' Oni Chan I got him!'

That's what Clark reads from eyes.

'Don't pull the trigger!' Clark thought in fear.

Back in DC earth Ddraig took liking to video games. This includes Doom, God of War and many others. It won't be anymore surprising if Ddraig brings out Blades of Chaos or Leviathan Axe or Blade if Olympus.

*Clears throat* "So as you know I am Sirzechs Lucifer and This is my umm maid Grafiya Lucifuge." Sirzechs Seeing things are getting way more silent than it usually should be starts with introduction.

He came here for hearing that Akeno's childhood friend has returned and she also informed Grafiya that a Dragon has joined the Club. So it doesn't takes a genius to figure out that what it actually means. So he took Grafiya, Azazel and immediately rushed to Kent residence. He didn't told it to serafall if he would have she probably would have attacked here. Either way Azazel was excited rather than afraid to meet this Super Dragon. He is indeed very smart individual he reads his opponent's strength and abilities to find a weakness. Sirzechs was none different both were enough capable to ran out of the spot if anything goes wrong.

As for Azazel he was really excited and he didn't told this to Vali. If he would have who knows what happened.

But when they reached the destination he met with a Gigantic red haired man. He was really good at Hiding his presence he got the gist that he must be Super Dragon Emperor. But it wasn't late that he met another younger man who had almost same properties equal to this man. It makes the situation even harder. Two mysterious men and both of them are occupied by fair share of beauties. And Baraqiel's daughter Akeno is also happen to be hogging this Black haired young man. He have to play it safe who ever is red dragon emperor he should make sure that he makes him his ally more than Enemy.

As for Grafiya . . . .  .

Let's say it wasn't well for her. She was really horny after Clark left her like that. She used Teleportation to go home without anyone's noticing.

After that she pleasured herself like a Mad dog in heat.

But it wasn't end for her. She can't stop thinking about him whatever she was doing.

Now she met him here! She already had red flags shoting inside her brain.

She had so many questions inside her mind.

What he is doing here?

Why is Akeno hogging him?

Is he her childhood friend?

Is he Super Dragon Emperor?

Who is that blond woman besides him?

Is she Elsha? But isn't she dead?

Etc. But she now have to stay silent. She can confront him if necessary but she had to make sure who is this person actually is. If he ends up being Super Dragon Emperor . . .  .

Things will never be same as before.

"And we'll I am governor of fallen angels called Azazel. It's a pleasure to meet you all" Azazel said with his usual cheeky smile.

As Ma and Pa introduced themselves Ddraig said.

"How many eons is it since I last saw you, you damn crow." Ddraig said with his grin.

His statement gave a question mark to the fallen leader. He stared at Ddraig for a bit. His red hair, red eyes huge built etc.

"Do I actually know you? You do seem familiar to me for some reason" Azazel asked while rubbing his chin.

"You really seem to forget me! Not that I blame you. Let me Re-Introduce myself." Ddraig said as he stands up.

"I am the first Heavenly Dragon known as Ddraig Y Goch, it's pleasure to meet you"

Ddraig dropped the bomb as he released a bit of his Aura. The aura wasn't released to threatened them.

It was released to let them know that he is the Real deal.

It was more than enough to give them a adrenaline rush.

Both of them immediately stands up. Out of fear or Out of respect.

"OKAY! Things have taken a intresting turn! Ddraig it is actually Nice to meet you" Azazel said with a sarcastic tone. He knew that Ddraig did escaped prison and the shocking thing is he now has a body and also happen to be in front of him.

"So? In other words this Young man is . . . ."

"Super Dragon Emperor? Yes that is what I know by now.  .   But I am Clark Kent it's pleasure to meet you." Clark also stands up introduced himself.

Compared to Ddraig is welcome is less flashy. But his smile was warm and gentle. Any experienced one knows that any Overpowered smart being trys to live in peace rather than being violent. They can literally feel how strong he is without him releasing his own Identical aura.

As for Clark he can feel Rias was glaring him Daggers from her eyes the moment she heard this new piece of Information. She stopped whatever fuck she was doing and now has joined the conversation.

"YOUR SUPER DRAGON EMPEROR? AKENO! WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD ME THIS?" Rias practically screamed in surprise

As for Akeno upon hearing her she playfully stick out her tounge and said.

"Oops sorry Rias~ but if I told you the truth my Darling would have punished me~ wouldn't you Darling ~" she said playfully while running her finger on his biceps.

"W-What? Uhhhhh okay you got me there" Clark said a little bit embarrassed.

The situation somewhat calmed their adrenaline Rush.

*BONK* Grafiya hits Rias with a paper bat and whispered

"You want to die early bitch? The person you're asking question is The reason underworld is preparing for war for 8 fucking years."

Rias realised the situation she was actually in. Her Spoiled brat behaviour got her better. She decided to silence her mouth.

Sirzechs Seeing them smiled a bit and calmed himself down as he asked first.

"So Mr Kent I wa-"

"Call me Clark and if you want to ask what is my Intention, then rest assured I don't hold any grudge towards you people" Clark didn't let him finish his sentence as he said his own sentence.

Sirzechs and Others because a little shocked as they became silence for a while.

All of their preparations are in vain in then? That's what both Sirzechs and Azazel thought.

It's not like they want to go all out war with these two Heavenly Dragons, but still they burned their money 8 years for nothing?

"Don't believe his words? Fafnir you there?" Ddraig asked

A spear like gear Popes out as a Miniature gold and Black dragon appears from it. It was none other than Fafnir.

"Ddraig? So it is actually you! I didn't believed it first but Now I know." Fafnir said while all parties were skeptical.

"Ddraig, I don't want to rude here But I would like to know what are your intentions?" Azazel asked in somewhat curious yet serious tone.

Ddraig heard him and grown a little with annoying tone.

He looked at Urvashi who seemed to understand the situation and Giggled a bit.

'Go ahead my king' she said telepathycally.

'Go ahead my ass. I wanted to spent a romantic night with you!' Ddraig replied back.

'Ufufu I see, don't worry I also have my own desires. I will drain you just right' Urvashi said while eyeing him with a blush.

Ddraig knew how wild his wife actually is he just smiled a bit much to their guests pain. Now Ddraig just have to wait for his lucky night.

*Clears throat*" So what My goal is-"


It took a whole damn hour to explain Ddraig's Current situation as king of Dragon land. And he also explained that he wants to built his own Dragon faction with remaining Dragons in Underworld and with the Dragons he has as his residence in his land.

It took a while for both parties to absorb it. What Ddraig stated if that was true then it means a Lot. He will be the only person or Rather Dragon willing take such step. Many won't like the fact especially Underworld's Devils who thinks themselves as Supiror of Dragons.

"I don't have a Problem with it, I am way too busy to do science stuff to be honest. And most of the people in Grigori are researchers. What do you think Sirzechs?" Azazel asked who was in deep thoughts.

"I clearly have no problem with It it, . . .  . So should we sign peace treaty?" Sirzechs asked

"YEAH! So there's a Little party in name of our new alliance" Ddraig said as he brought out whisky


And Brandy.

"Never seen these brands before!'" Azazel said

"Trust me we made this" Ddraig said.

"You . .  Have a drink Factory or something?" Sirzechs asked

"Just name it I have everything you can possibly imagine, Now son make those meat bones you used to made" Ddraig said Clark understood that they need something to eat with drinks.

"Okay! Victor Come down" Clark called out

Victor was also tired hanging upside down so he loosed his legs as he dropped in Clark's hand.

"What victor was doing there? What are those?" Rias Seeing that asked

"Umm well he was sposed to blow up your big brother's head with this" Clark said Bluntly while All of them sweat dropped.

"Satan isn't bad guy" Victor said Sirzechs Cheeky smiled

"What is this?" Azazel asked pointing his gun

"It's BFG 9000 Uncle" Victor said.

"Damn that's really cool, what BFG stands for?"

"BIG FUCKING GUN" Clark, Ddraig and Victor replied.


Clark is now in his planet or heaven whatever you call it.

He is here for his ingredients for his recipe.

Clark is collecting eggs from chicken.

Akeno is here to help him out. She is currently preparing dishes

"GIVE ME THOSE LEGS!" Victor is currently chasing chickens with a Chainsaw

Who gave him that?

"Now everything is here! Let's start" Clark said as he starts to cooks

"Cut open a Chicken drumstick, push the meat all way down bottom of the leg until it looks like a umbrella " Clark guided as Akeno and Victor followed it. Akeno is well versed in cooking so it was piece of cake for him. While Victor is having trouble but he is a Fast learner

"Now once you are done, put this on side. Now take a bowl, put some grounded chicken, add a raw egg, bread crumbs, pepper and a little bit salt. Then mix it all up" Clark guided as they also did.

"Then take this boiled egg, put it in the chicken drumstick you peeled, cover it up with the chicken you pushed down. Now once your done cover this entire upper portion with the Chicken mixture you prepared." Clark guided them as they did. .

"And at last deep fry them on oil for a few minutes, and they are ready Meat on Bone"

(Recipe is from One piece, I was quite Hungry so I added this extra scene 🤤)


The little celebration went on as they enjoyed themselves. They really liked the recipe. And alcohol was otherworldly which is actually true.

Rias was talking with Clark and Akeno for multiple subjects.

She found Clark really interesting from the moment she laid her eyes on him. Now it was more Crystal clear to her when this entire personality mystry is solved.

He is really not like other men she met this far in his life. He has so much power but he never bothers to brag about it. She asked this question to Clark that he can become a God if he wants concidering how powerful he is why hasn't he became one?

In reply he said that he was meant to be a person not a God. To him your gender, race, Colour it didn't mattered what matters to him if you are a Good person or a Bad one.

She is now way more interested him as a person and also as a man. He was indeed way more handsome than those of a Devils Underworld has to offer. And even his big brother told him to call him brother. So it was indeed pretty much green signal to her.

But the only problem was he already had three Girlfriends who are on par with beauty with her if not surpassing her. And yet she realised that three of them has bigger pairs of mammary glads than she has to offer. Heck she was Shocked from Aria's size which even Surpasses her mother's in such a young age. She has to grind a lot to make place in his heart.

Even though she wanted to have him all alone by herself. Is it possible? She wonder.

Meanwhile Elsha was confronting Grafiya.

"So. . . . .  . You really are Elsha! It's good to see you back again" Grafiya said with a smile.

"Yeah same to you . . .  ..  but the way I saw you I have to rethink my choices." Elsha said gaining Question mark from her.

" What do you mean?" She asked

"Don't tell me you forgot that night's incident." Elsha said

Grafiya's eyes shot opened from shock as she said

"Y-You -"

"Yeah I know everything, because I was still inside gear to watch my beloved Seduced by a good old friend " she said sarcastically.

She puts her head down in shame.

"I-I am really S-S-Sorry I was just . . . . Hurt . . .  I needed some comfort . . . . .  And my drunken state got better of me" she said with visible Regret.

Elsha sees this and found no lies

"Fine . . .  I forgive you . . . . Just don't approach him unless you want to get in a serious relationship " she said with laid back tone.

Surprising her.

"Next time I will kill you bitch "

"Thank you Elsha."

While the celebration is going on a Certain Loli is standing outside of Kent residence.

"What is this? I can't Teleport inside it" the figure said with a emotionless voice. Unknown to her this is Kryptonian teach.

She can feel strong presences from inside it wasn't as strong as her still she felt the power.

"I need you both Ddraig, Red Dragon"

To be Continued