
Chapter -8

One year Later


year has passed since the incident with the rogue devils and life had gone back to normal for everyone. In the beginning, Martha, Johnathan and Barakiel kept their children as close as possible to ensure their safety in case the devils decided to make another attempt at their children. However, after a few months of no activity, they judged that everything was fine and soon everything went back to normal after everything calmed down. Clark's and Akeno's relationship continued to grow with each passing day. It got to the point where they were practically inseparable. In addition, Clark started training more seriously with Ddraig's instructions he grew Stronger everyday he knew if he was stronger he could have created a Indestructible Barrier to protect Akeno but he couldn't because he lacked Power to do so for Some reason he can't Conjure any defensive magic or Other kind of magic other than Offensive ones. Ddraig explained that it was happening because of his Growth he calculated when he will turn 17 or 18 he will be able to Conjure magic spells but till then He suggested to Grow Stronger. In a year Clark Got better control of His Holy flames and His Aura Of Domination which caused his Aura Go Divine in Nature which made him Immune to Almost all Unholy or Demonic Magic, Baraqiel stated that he was almost fooled thinking that he was a God instead of Dragon for his New found Aura.

Even akeno had gotten stronger with her Holy lightning.She wanted to get stronger so she would not be a burden to Clark. Even though he denied it, she knew that Clark would have had a much easier time had she not been so weak and useless. Most of the time, the devils took advantage of her in order to be able to land hits on Clark. Not only did he have to focus on fighting the enemy, but he also had to split his attention towards protecting her which made him more vulnerable to Valper's assault. Baraqiel was really proud that her Daughter had enough power to Kill a High class devil at this age. Ddraig stated that Akeno had More potential than any fallen angle ever had in history according to his personal experience.

In a year, Martha had gave birth to another boy. They decided to Name him Victor Kent, Now he is Three months old and Martha is back to her peak condition and beauty. Ddraig stated that Due to Gift of Domination they are still human but thier Physical capabilities has reached to its maximum capabilities which also includes healing factor which healed her Cesarian cuts in matter of Days and She was in her peak condition within a week even Doctors were shocked. But that wasn't all Ddraig sensed that Young Victor also has an Sacred gear which one he didn't knew but he was sure he had which surprised everyone great deal. At this Ddraig said if Martha Gives birth More children they will have a 70 percent of possibilitie to have a Sacred gear because sacred gear Chooses Humans With Stronger Genes available even if The Human is Hybrid.

After all that

Today, however was not a time for unpleasant thoughts because today was a special day and both of them were busy getting ready for the occasion. Today was Clark's birthday and both families agreed to spend his birthday at the amusement park which made him very excited. They were supposed to go there last year but the devil incident caused their parents to become paranoid and would not let the kids out of their sights so there was barely any chance to do any activities other than staying at each others place but now that things calmed down and the fact that it was Clark's birthday, they could finally plan a trip to the amusement park. After waking up, he quickly dressed himself up and headed downstairs for breakfast. His parents had already finished eating and were ready to go but it seems they were having a bit of an argument.

"For the last time, we are not going using your sh.. (cough) useless Car We already agreed to meet Shuri and her family at their shrine and our family car will do" Martha said to John who is busy to Clean his Supra MK4

" WHY NOT? This Supra is Super cool and we can meet them in style?" John Complained

" Your car will just give me and Victor massive headache will all the Noise it creates! Right Victor?" Martha Asked little Victor

Little Victor didn't knew what is happening but he was having Fun

" UGA buga uuuuuuuuuuu!" Victor answered with his Baby Language

"See? Even he agrees" Martha Said

" HEY CLARK? WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MY CAR?" John asked irritated

" Supra is Emotion dad! Not everyone can Understand!" Clark Said with Pride

{ Yeah, Cars and Bikes are Human made Divine Machines, when I get back my body I gotta go a very long drive} Ddraig said with Pride in his Voice

" Hmph~ suit your selfs if you guys Like Cars that much then Marry your cars. Me and Victor will find a New home and Leave you Guys Alone" Martha Teased them.

" Uhhh.... I ..... Wha." John can't muster any words what to reply her wife

{But the car only has Two holes in its back} Ddraig said his Double meaning Daddy jokes

Which both of them understand the meaning, while Little Clark Wondering what has Car's exhaust to do with this Matter. They decided to drop it.

After the Kent family leaves for Shirne. After parking the Car the Kent family made its way towards the front entrance where they were greeted with the sight of the family they were going to meet. At the sight of Clark, Akeno quickly ran towards him with a bright smile on her face and enveloped him into a hug.

" Happy Birthday Clark?" Akeno Cheered

"Thank you Akeno-chan" he answered as he returned her embrace. In back of Akeno were her parents who were slowly making their way towards them and seeing this display caused Shuri to giggle.

"Ara ara, fufu! The day has barely begun and Akeno has already made our little Clark happy. We have your gifts ready for you at home, but if you prefer, we can always change them and give you Akeno, if it will make you happier." She teased which got the exact reaction she hopped for as they both separated from one another, blushing healingly. John then Joins the fun

" You can't do that Shuri! There is no way we can defeat that gift! HAHAHAHA." He said causing the others to also join in on the joke. Although it didn't seem possible, Clark and Akeno's cheek became a brighter sheet of red as they shouted respectively


Then Ddraig Decided to Drop the Nuke

{ Why are you sooo~ embarrassed A- Chan don't you call Clark " Darling" in private?}

After hearing this Akeno was so Embarrassed that she should dug a Hole in Ground and never Come out from that. Shuri hearing this Exclusive news

Decided to tease the Newly weds

" Ohhh~ then waiting for marriage is waste of Time! Dear we should start packing Akeno's stuff and send her to Clark's House" Shuri teased Clark mentally cured his Dragon dad

" Now, Now stop teasing our newly weds and let's go to amusement park" Martha Suggested

nodded at her statement and Clark's mood went from embarrassed to excited in one moment.

"Yay, let's go."

A few moments later, they all arrived at the amusement park and Clark could hide the awe he felt at the sheer size and number of rides there were. So many people were seen enjoying every sort of ride and he could not wait to get on each of them as this was his first time in such a place. Akeno could not help but share in his excitement; however; unlike Clark, this is not the first time she had been to the amusement park as her parents took her once before. She was also excited because this would be the first time she could come to such a place with not only her friend but with the boy who she held a crush on. Before she could continue on with her thoughts, Clark grabbed her by the hand and dragged her towards the rides, in the process causing her to blush at his assertiveness but went by unnoticed by the culprit.

"Let's go on this one Akeno" Clark pointed towards the roller coaster. Akeno simply nodded as they made their way towards the line. Their parents following closely behind while chatting with one another. Time went by very fast for Clark as he got on different rides. Rollercoaster, merry go round, pirate ship and he even tried bungy jumping although that made him a bit nauseous but nevertheless, he had a lot of fun. They even went into the arcade and this is where things got a bit interesting. He challenged Akeno to many different games from racing games to dancing games but he always ended up losing.

"Akeno-chan, can't you go easy on me please?" pouted Clark causing Akeno to laugh

"Ara ara, can't the big strong dragon handle a little challenge? Are you asking me for some mercy?" teased Akeno.

"Never, let's go again!" shouted Clark, having his pride as a dragon wounded as he continued to play game after game against her but still losing. Amusingly enough, a short distance away, a similar situation was occurring with their fathers. Johnathan , having spotted a motorcycle game quickly challenged Barakiel to a match which he accepted.

"Are you ready for a royal beatdown, Barakiel?" challenged Johnathan with a smirk.

Barakiel answered with one of his own "Bring it on Jon!". Unfortunately for Johnathan , a real motorcycle is very different from an arcade one and he kept making mistakes causing him to lose the race.

"I WANT A REMATCH! I just went easy on you OK. That is the only reason I lost but this time I will win." Shouted Johnathan , throwing a temper tantrum like a child. Deciding to humor him, Barakiel accepted his offer. Despite his eagerness, Johnathan , like his son, kept losing time and time again. During one game he even resorted to cheating. When he was sure no one was looking at their direction, he poked at Barakiel's side causing him to lose concentration and allowing Johnathan to take the lead in their race.

"Wow, resorting to cheating, now are we? I never pegged you for a sore loser Jon!" giggled Barakiel.

"Doesn't matter! All is fair in love and war and I WILL WIN BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY" he said. Yet, despite cheating he still ended up losing causing him to brood even further. Martha could do nothing but sigh at both her husbands and son's behaviour.

"fufu, Why don't we go and have tea while the 'kids' are having their fun" suggested Shuri who casually even called her husband a kid. Martha simply nodded as they made their way towards a seated table

"huh, sometimes I really wish he would act proper for once in his life." Stated Martha about her husband

"He could, but then he wouldn't be the man you fell in love with, right?" Martha sighed knowing that what Shuri said was true.

" And he maybe acts like a Child but you can't deny he is a Total BEAST at right place" Shuri teased

Martha Blushed at her comment she is right about that

"You are right, as always! I just wish Clark wouldn't behave to much like his father."

"Children inherit the traits of both their parents. Some are good and some are bad. Yet, despite that, we will never stop loving and cherishing them." Shuri stated looking towards her daughter. Martha doing the same thing with her son

"Indeed! No matter what he becomes, I will always love my little Clark" she said with a smile on her face.

" Girl's Don't mind thier Man being a Little wild you know? Akeno won't too~" She whispered

Time went by and eventually they made it out of the arcade although both Clark and Johnathan could be seen head down brooding over their defeats. With synchronized motion they pointed towards their respective opponents

"Next time, I will not lose." They both said at the same time. Martha recalling her earlier conversation with Shuri could not help but let out a small smile "like father, like son indeed". All a of a sudden, everyone a loud growl noise coming from both of them.

"Oh, it seems we played until we were both hungry!" rubbing his stomach as Johnathan said this. Everyone started laughing making Clark a bit embarrassed but still joined in on the laugh. They made their way towards a restaurant where they could fill their bellies. Johnathan ate what seems like an entire buffet while Martha just had spaghetti Bolognese. Shuri ordered a salad and Barakiel, a steak. Clark, for his part, ate a steak and the same spaghetti his mom took while Akeno simply had the same as her mom. Noticing that evening was fast approaching, they quickly finished eating and headed out to take part in one last ride, the Ferris wheel. Normally, there was enough space for all of them to enter but they wanted to give their kids some private time together. Martha even went up to the operator and asked if she could allow their sons cart to stop at the top for his birthday. Of course, her request was immediately accepted since it is impossible to say no to a goddess incarnate like Martha, even if the recipient is a woman. If anything, during their entire trip, so many people have been gawking at Martha. Both men and women stopping to get even a glimpse of her beauty. Men started in lust while women in awe and jealousy. Yet, this time, Martha straight up ignored them all, focusing on her son's birthday. Anyways, as the ride was coming to a close, just as per Martha requests, Clark's and Akeno's cart stopped at the top giving way to a magnificent view of the amusement park as well as the city of Kuoh.

"Wow, what a fantastic view" Akeno pointed out looking outside.

"Yes, it really is" he answered however he was not talking about the scenery when he said that but rather about the beautiful girl standing right in front of him although Akeno did not notice this.

"Akeno" Clark called out to her which made her turn her attention towards him as he continued

"Thank you very much for being here with me today. I cannot express how happy I am at the moment. Today has really been one of the best days of my life and I am glad that you are here to share it with me." Clark said revealing a beautiful smile that caused Akeno to blush heavily as she tried desperately to let out a response

"T Thank you Clark. I feel the same way as you do. I had a wonderful time today." Letting out her own impeccable smile as both of them starred passionately into each other eyes.

"Clark, I " just before Akeno could finish her statement, their attention was redirected towards a loud noise coming from outside their cart. The fireworks display had started and it was a very beautiful display. The grand finale featured a large variety of fireworks of different colors. The fireworks worked like Cherry on the Top making thier Day

Well, this is where we part ways. Once again, happy birthday Clark and I hope you had a pleasant time today." Exclaimed Barakiel who patted the boy's head. Turning his attention towards his uncle

"Yeah, I had a blast uncle. Thank you for coming and you as well aunty Shuri." He said as Shuri embraced him in a hug, also wishing him a good birthday.

"ara, we also had fun Clark-kun. It was a pleasure to be part of such a special day and I think I can also for Akeno as well when I say there is no way we were going to miss it for the world. You know it isn't to late to switch your gifts for Akeno, ufufu."

"MOM!" the last part of Shuri's statement caused Akeno become embarrassed as she blushed at the remark which served to cause her mom to laugh some more.

"Sorry honey, but I just can't help but tease the two of you whenever possible." She said looking over her daughter who had a pouting expression. Understanding that this was who her mom was, she let out a small sigh in order to calm herself before turning her attention towards Clark. She moved forward and hugged him wishing him a happy birthday before heading back home

"Once again, happy birthday Clark. I also had a great time today and I hope to do this again some day"

"Thank you Akeno, although next time I will win." He said, still bitter at not being able to claim a single victory over her at the arcade.

"ufufu, one can always dream." Akeno said teasing Clark causing him to pout which she found cute. Before separating, Clark remembered something he wanted to ask her.

"Akeno-chan, at the ferris wheel you were trying to tell me something before we were interrupted by the fireworks display so I was just wondering what you wanted to tell me then?" his curiosity getting the better of him and asking her what she wanted to tell him. What he got in response was a heavy blush by Akeno who could not believe that he recalled such a moment. Taking a moment to recompose herself and to think of something to say, she took a deep breath and answered

"This isn't the right time to tell you Clark-san but, in a few weeks my birthday is coming up. Would you mind waiting until then to hear what I have to say?" she looked to him anticipating his answer.

"Of course, I don't mind Akeno-chan. I promise that on your birthday, I will listen to whatever you wish to tell me." He said lifting his pinky finger. Akeno then hooked her own on his solidifying their little oath as they both smiled towards one another.

"It's a promise" they both said at the same time before separating and returning to their respective families. Both families waved goodbye to each other before heading back home.

On their way home, Barakiel receives a call from none other than Azazel. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue but considering that today was his day off, the fact that he is contacting him now can only mean that there is some time of problem.

"Azazel, is something the matter?" asked Barakiel.

"Hey my friend! As a matter of fact, there is! Sorry for disrupting your day however, Grigori is under siege by various groups of rogue devils. I've already dispatched our forces but the northern section of Grigori has asked for reinforcements. Kokabiel, Penemue and Shemzahai are busy dealing with their own enemies so the only one I can ask for help is you. I know you were supposed to have the entire day off today and I really apologize for the inconvenience but if you can spare a moment of your time to help me resolve the issue, I would greatly appreciate it. With your help, it should not take to long, at most a few hours." Azazel explained in a serious attitude in contrast to his usual upbeat attitude emphasizing how serious the situation is. Barakiel did not want to leave but Azazel would not have contacted him if he could have helped it. With a heavy sigh he nodded to himself

"Alright Azazel, I'll be right there. Send me the coordinates and I'll deal with the situation as quick as possible."

"Thank you Barakiel! To make up for this, I can give you the rest of the week off so you can spend it with your family. Also, say hi to Shuri for me and not to beat you up to badly when you return. Hahaha" he said reverting to his usual laid back behaviour when he stated the last sentence resulting in a small laugh from Barakiel. Some things never change.

"haha, that might not be possible Azazel. Anyway, I'll talk to you soon."

"very well! Good luck and stay safe." Azazel said as he hanged up the call. Barakiel then shifted his attention to his wife who had a worried look on her face. Akeno, on the other hand, had no idea what was going on and simply continued walking to her house.

"Is everything alright?" Shuri asked her husband who turned his head side to side.

"No, I just received an emergency summon from Azazel who needs my help taking down rogue devils attacking Grigori. I'm sorry honey, I know that I promised to spend the entire day with you but..." Shuri placed a finger on his mouth thus interrupting what Barakiel was about to say which surprised him.

"You should go. Akeno and I will be just fine. You need to go and help your friends." She said caressing his cheek to show everything was fine. Barakiel embraced his wife in a hug.

"Thank you Shuri." They both shared a kiss before separating as Barakiel prepared to depart.

"I'm off, I won't take too long. Tell Akeno I'll be back soon." Smiled Barakiel as his wife smiled back as he teleported to Grigori. After that was done, Shuri made her way towards Akeno who noticed that her father was missing.

"Where did Tou-san go?" she asked her mother who responded

"Your father had to leave for an important meeting with his friends but he will be back soon so let's go home and prepare dinner, shall we." Shuri lied to her daughter due to the fact that she didn't want to rekindle any difficult memories. It has only been a year since the rogue devil's assault against them and she was scared that if she told Akeno about the real reason he left, it might have negative consequences. Besides, today was a day of happiness having celebrated Clark's birthday and her daughter was incredibly happy. No need to ruin the occasion so a small lie is fine.

"alright ka-san." She said as both women headed home.

Unbeknownst to them, they were being followed.

"It seems our source was correct. This is the family of that accursed fallen angel, Barakiel." Said an unknown man.

"Good. Contact the rest of the team and tell them to meet up in Kuoh. We will finally be able to claim our vengeance against that monster." He smirked evilly. The other followed suit before contacting the rest of their group.

Back at the shrine, Shuri finished preparing dinner for her family so all that was left was to wait for Barakiel to come home and eat. She looks over near the entrance to spot Akeno waiting for her father to return through the entrance. Smiling at her daughter, she made her way towards her, lifted her to place her on her lap and decided to brush her hair.

"When will dad get home?" Akeno asked her mother.

"Soon dear. He just needs to finish his bus..." all of a sudden, her senses warned her of incoming danger as she grabbed her daughter and bolted away from her spot. Mere moments later, the front entrance blew up sending debris everywhere. If Shuri had not reacted as soon as she did then both of them might not have survived the impact. However, the room itself is now a huge mess. The tansu has been pushed down on the floor and there is now a huge hole in the tatami floor. The dinner table is now turned upside down with dinner food sprayed all over the ground. After regaining her senses, she quickly looked to see if Akeno was alright and to her relief, she did not have a scratch on her save for her clothes being singed due to the blast's heat. Her attention was soon diverted as many unknown man stormed in the place and surrounded them.

"Who... who are you and what do you want with us?" she screamed at them while keeping her daughter close to her who was very scared at the moment while internally thinking "tou-san, help us! Please tou-san help.... Clark-kun!" as she buried her trembling body into her moms embrace praying that help will come in time.

One of them stepped forward with a smirk on his face and answered

" Well you can say we are your enemies we bear a grudge with the fallen angel Barakiel. He has been a thorn in our side for many years so when we received a tip telling us where his family was hidden... well the chance was too good to pass up." Shuri shivered understanding what they were planning to do but she would be damned if she let anything happen to Akeno.

Another one stepped forward, presumably the leader since he carried himself as such.

"I will have you hand that child over. She is the child of the hated and evil black angel" he told her only to get shut down

"I won't hand over this child! This child is my precious daughter! And also an important and precious daughter of that person! Never! I will absolutely not hand her over!"

" Hey!" A Unknown figure came from shadows

" Do whatever you want as quickly as possible we want that woman dead or alive and kill that filthy fallen angle" the man said

The leader simply sighed.

"It seems, just like we were told, that you have indeed been defiled by the fallen angel. What a shame that for such a noble lineage to fall in disgrace. It can't be helped then!" Akeno watched as the jutsusha drew out a katana, lifted it up high and slashed down. Akeno's mind slowed down as the katana made contact with on her mother's back. Blood splashing upwards as her mother's body was slowly dropping lifelessly to the ground having protected her daughter.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, KAAAA-SAN" Akeno shrieked as she shacked her mother body trying desperately to wake her up.

"PLEASE WAKE UP... wake up ka-san" pleaded Akeno in tears, completely in denial that her mother has passed away in her arms.

"hmf, that wretched women got what she deserved. To think she would spoil her lineage with a disgusting fallen angel." Spat one of them. Akeno could do nothing but stare at them, clear anger in her eyes but powerless to do anything against them

"Remember this, fallen angels are evil existences that have been cast out of heaven due to their sins and it is our mission to get rid of them for the good of humanity. It is a real shame about your mother but If your mother did not associate with these evil beings, she would still be alive today. Unfortunately, since you are a spawn of that retched angel, your existence is one that we also cannot tolerate. I do not enjoy torturing children so I'll make this as painless as possible". The leader once again made his way forward and lifted his katana to finish what they all came to do.

* KABOOM* a huge Explosion occurred outside

" RUN!! THE DRAGON IS HE-" before the guy can finish his sentence he got vaporized by Burning flames

"STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER." An angry Barakiel stood behind them ready to kill them. Having sensed that something was wrong, he quickly dispatched the rogue devils he was assigned to get rid off and quickly teleported his way back home only to find that he was too late. Tears flowing out of his face as he looked upon his wife's dead body which quickly turned into extreme rage as he saw the men responsible trying to finish off his daughter. He quickly shot a bolt of lighting at the jutsusha that was about to strike at Akeno, reducing him to ash. Some of them tried to attack Barakiel but unfortunately none could even come close to reaching him before being vaporized by his lightning.

" UNCLE YOU OKAY?" Clark rushed inside and saw Shuri's state

" SHURI!" Baraqiel immediately hugged her almost lifeless body

"Don't touch her!"

Akeno clashed her anger against her father.

"Why!? Why didn't you stay with Mom!? We always, always waited for Tou-san! If Tou-san was here, then Kaa-sama wouldn't have died!"

Barakiel did not say a word as Akeno continued releasing her anger.

"Those people said this! That Tou-san is a black-angel, and that you are evil! They said that black-angels are bad people! They said that I'm a bad child because I also have black-wings! If Tou-san and I didn't have black-wings, then Kaa-san wouldn't have died! Hate! I hate it! I hate these black wings! I hate you! I hate everyone! I hate them!"

Even hearing that Clark without wasting anytime Used his Yellow Healing flames and it worked his flames Restored her Wounds instantly reviving her

" A-Akeno?" Shuri Muttered

Akeno hearing that Immediately Rushed Towards her Mother Loudly wailing

" MOOOOOM! I-I-I THOUGHT YOU DIED" Akeno cried out loudly

" I am Here Dear I am Okay, Clark healed me now I am Totally fine" Shuri Consoled her

Baraqiel was Speach less what happened in front of him the Information was too much for his Mind to Handel now to put simply he was too shocked

" UNCLE?" Clark shook him to who was in shocked state

" Y-YES Clark?"

" Uncle Shrine is Surrounded by Devils and many Humans we need to Clear them !" Clark Said

" Devils? Why now?" Baraqiel didn't get what is Going on first the Stray devil attack was to Distract him and now there are Devils.

{ INCOMING!} Ddraig shouted Clark Immediately Charged Several Dragon shots and Shot them towards Incoming Projectiles

{ PENETRATE} Ddraig's skill was used at the moment Dragon shot Ripped through those projectiles Killing some Devils Instantly

" Akeno, Aunty stay Inside we will take care of them" Clark said

" Please be Safe Clark" Akeno said

" Please take care of Yourself Dear" Shuri said

Both Nodded and stormed out Outside

Outside They saw A Bunch of Devils with wierd Bracelets on thier hands

One of them Came out from center what Clark sensed he is the Strongest out of them but he wasn't stronger than him

" Greetings Red Dragon Emperor, My Name is Euclid Lucifuge it's a Pleasure to meet you " Euclid said Clark Cringed from the way he speaks

" Euclid? But where not you dead?" Baraqiel asked surprised

" No! Never what a Rude thing to say I was merely hiding" Euclid said

" What do you want?" Clark went straight to buisness

" Well we want You! We want you to Join Chaos Brigade. " He said

" And If I say no?"

" We have to Kill you I am afraid" Euclid threatened

" Hmmph! Like you can take him from us" Baraqiel said

" Then I am Afraid both of you have to die here" then they flared out thier Demonic aura

Baraqiel Flared his fallen aura

" What a Joke" Clark said as he also Released his Fiery KI and His Aura which covered his whole Body and his Hair and eye Chaged to Brightest Red ever known to man

When he flares out his aura Devils were literally Shaking from the Aura they immediately knew they were Outclassed by a Single Kid

'He has Gotten Stronger it seems so! But he isn't the only strong here'

" Attack him" Devils started to aimlessly Attack him with Projectile Attacks but all of those attacks got Shattered into Nothingness the Moment those came into contact with his Divine aura

" Is that all?" Clark Sounded bored

" It's My turn" he used his Fingers to charge Dragon shot Imbued with PENETRATE ability

Multiple Shots of Dragon Shots Pierced Many Devils Killing them Instantly others Dodged it

Baraqiel on Other hand is Handling some Ultimate Class Devils

" You certainly are strong Red Dragon! But we have some tricks in our Sleeves " he said as he used his device

" BALANCE BREAKER!" He shouted as he got covered in Blackish Aura Clark Immediately Got Chills In his Spine didn't knowing what It was

' Dad what is it?' He asked

{ It's! Aura of a Evil Dragon! Crom Churches appearetly. I knew it he is Alive }

After thier Talk Euclid was standing in a Clad Black Armour which Looked like Boosted gear RIP off

" So? How is it?"


' Did it Boosted?'

{ Y-Yes looks like he creates an Boosted Gear Replica which is Empowered by Crom Churches Aura} Ddraig said

" This isn't end here!" Euclid said as he used a Purple Infinity symboled magic circle which Increased his Power Several Times

{ It's Ophis Snake Clark be aware of him and don't hold back he is now real Threat here!} Ddraig warned

" Ok you want war? I will give you war



Now Clark is Standing with his own New Armour

" So Should we begin?"

" With Pleasure"

Both Rushed towards Each other Dealing devastating Blows and Punches

Much too his surprise he was able to match his power speed and strength

He brought out a Sword and Immediately tried to Slash Clark,Clark quickly summoned his Holy fire sword and blocked the incoming attack

" Flame of Holy sword Impressive!" Euclid said

" You haven't seen anything" said Clark as he quickly used his Enhanced speed to fire Several Dragon shots

Boost× 6

Euclid Boosted and Dodged all of the Incoming attacks surprising him again

With Baraqiel

Baraqiel was Busy with Bunch of Devils after clearing rest of the devils he saw Clark Fighting Euclid at Blinding speed

"A-Amazing " Baraqiel said in awe

All of a sudden, a multi-layered barrier surrounded Barakiel who recognized the spell. How could he not when it felt like the same type power his wife uses, it carried the Himejima clan symbol when it appeared. He did not understand what was going on but he would think on it later on. His first priority is do destroy the barrier and protect his daughter from harm. Gathering a large amount of holy lightning, he blasted it at the barrier causing many of the inner layers to break. However, the outer layer held strong to Barakiel's surprise and in an instant, the inner layers that were destroyed quickly repaired themselves. This meant that in order to be free, he would have to generate a large amount of power to completely destroy the barrier in one move. Given enough time, Barakiel could easily accomplish such an act. He wasn't a cadre for nothing; unfortunately, life is never that easy.

He looked down towards his feet and noticed another magic circle surrounding him. At first, he thought it was an attempt to strike him. Surround him with a barrier thus trapping him followed by an unavoidable attack. A sound strategy when taking on a powerful opponent. Unfortunately, he realized too little to late what the circle actually was. His expression turned into one of fear when he noticed that the magic circle was in fact a teleportation circle. Normally, it is possible to cancel or negate a teleportation spell but it requires one to do so the moment it spawns into existence for that is when it is the most vulnerable. Unfortunately, Barakiel was so focused on getting rid of the barrier surrounding him that he failed to notice the spell spawning underneath him in time thus missing his window of opportunity to negate it. His enemy's main strategy was never to take him down but, rather, to take him out of the equation, leaving his daughter vulnerable. Realising the severity of the situation, Barakiel desperately unleashed everything he had, praying it would work. Unfortunately, his lightning wasn't condensed and focused enough to completely annihilate the barrier. He needed time to condense his lightning into powerful burst and unfortunately, his enemies took away that Option for him

Seeing that Barakiel was trapped, the leader of Himejima Imposters revealed a smirk.

"It's time" he said as he took out a small talisman from his pocket and launched it upwards. The talisman caught fire causing to burst into flames. The other members, seeing this, understood that it was the signal to begin the operation. Almost in unison, they each took out a similar talisman as their leaders and begun reciting some unknown chant, most likely a Himejima spell. They then released their talismans, each of them taking a separate position surrounding the shrine. From them spawned a magic circle which started to gather power.

"Himejima Sacred arts - Lightning Release : Raiton" they all shouted at the same time as a massive lightning dragon came crashing down on the shrine enveloping it completely and reducing it to ashes.

"NOOO AAKKKEEENNNOOOOOOOOOOOO" Barakiel could do nothing but scream helplessly for his daughter as the shrine was reduced to rubble before the teleportation took him someplace else.

With Clark


He heard a Loud explosion noise turning his head towards that direction he felt like his soul has left his body he saw the shire getting destroyed into Nothingness

" AAKKKEEEENNNNNNOOOOOO" Both Clark and Ddraig screamed on top of thier Lunges

But he was soon hit by an Massive Demonic energy from Euclid sending him to near mountains creating Massive Explosion

" Never Turn away from your Opponent, looks like first part of the Mission is Complet! No-" before he could even finish he felt an Abnormal ammount of pressure which could have made him go Insane if he wasn't on his Armour

He didn't even realised what he has Done he Just Angered Two Strongest Dragons alive

" EUCLID!" Clark said Dangerously while releasing extreme Malicious intended

To be Continued