
Elektra Natchios

it looks like Débora d'MILF I mean Martina has to wait. first I have to make happy memories with little Elektra. while grinning, I started to open the portal to the past, precisely on June 1, 2006.

I went straight to china town trying to find the main headquarters of the Chaste group. I don't know whether the building where loli.. i mean young Elektra trained was the same building where the chaste group was slaughtered in the series of defenders.

The Chaste was an ancient organizaton created to prevent the Hand and stop them from deploying the Black Sky. Centuries ago, a brutal organization known as the Hand swept across Asia, killing anyone who stood in their way to finding The Black Sky the ultimate weaponand also the one who is supposed to lead the Hand. They slaughtered everyone in a village except a boy, who fought back, using a knife he pulled from his dead mother's body. He was able to defeat the Hand's best warriors. He became known as the Chaste. As he grew, he recruited as many warriors as he could to his side, training them how to fight and passing down his knowledge of the Hand. The Chaste became the name of the group aims to prevent the Hand and stop them from deploying the Black Sky.

At his youth, a blind man named Stick was trained by the Chaste at prison. He would become a great warrior and key player at the war against the Hand. Stick found a loli.. i mean a young girl whom he called Ellie and brought her into the Chaste, training her to be a fierce fighter. Even as a child, she was ruthless, and had trouble controlling her violent tendencies. On one occasion, Star witnessing her sparring with members of the Chaste, and she nearly killed one of her opponents, stopping only when Stick pulled her away and told her to calm herself.

When the same opponent came looking for her to get his revenge, she killed him, prompting Star to recognize her as a potential Black Sky. Star ordered Stick to kill her, but instead, Stick killed Star.

In order to protect Ellie, Stick took her to be adopted by a Greek ambassador and his wife. Ellie felt that Stick was abandoning her, but Stick promised he would never forget her. years later Sticks gave a mission to Elektra to invite Matt Murdock a.k.a Daredevil to join Chaste Group but he still refused and instead convinced Elektra to change sides. This caused Stick believe what former Star said to him and decide to kill Elektra.

Well, i knew all that knowledge come from fandom site. but i will change Daredevil story a bit.. i mean a lot, I won't let a blind lawyer take my prospective woman.

I searched around Chinatown, trying to find a building that had the same picture as the Defenders series. after a few minutes I found it!

I activated stealth and entered it. from outside the building like an ordinary Chinese herbal shop but after entering inside you can see a dojo where many people are practicing martial arts. I also saw Star training several young members of Chaste.

I walked to the side of the Star and used the Will Bend to him. I told him telepathically to finish training and take me to a place where loli ... i mean Ellie or Elektra practice.

after we arrived at a large building near town china we entered from the back door, when we came in Stick was teaching Ellie martial arts. I told Star to introduce me to Stick and suggested Stick that I would be suitable to be Elektra's training partner because I had sedative power so that people who were near me could be calm.

"Star! and who is He?" Stick asked

"This Robert, he is one of my brother apprentice, since you brought Ellie here I remembered him, he was suitable to be Ellie's training partner, stick come here for a minute "said Star.

after that they moved a little away from me and Ellie

"Star, do you mean he fits into Ellie's training partner?" Stick asked

"Do you know Ellie has an aggressive attitude and is a bit brutal when practicing right?" Star said, "yeah," said Stick, "this boy has the ability to calm people around him naturally while he is a genius in learning martial arts!" Star explained.

"Hy my name Robert, Uncle Star said i will train here fo a while with a girl named Ellie. Are you Ellie ?" i asked

"No, My name Elektra only people familiar with me that may call me Ellie" Elektra emphasized

"Okay Elektra, but ... I'm sure we can get along with each other quickly until I can call you Ellie." i said

shortly afterwards Star and Stick returned

"Ellie and Young Robert i want you both sparing now, no rule which one of you makes the opponent unable to continue he or she is the winer.

"Haik!!" I and Elektra said together.