
Dragon God and...Capture Targets?

Dante, a young man in college, lived a normal life. But that was it. He was always a good student and was great in a social environment. But he had one major defect. He was always bored, he wanted more fun in bland life. And one day while he was going to play the game 'Grand Roses', his dream of having a fun life was heard. After a strange dream he woke up and heard something sound throughout his head. [Ping!] [Welcome, host! This system is here to support you and your endeavors to capture the capture targets! Would you like to accept? ] "Well... This might be interesting."

RKPhoenix · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Bath time with Eva...[R-18]

Arriving at his room, Dante and Aria quickly hopped in bed and got comfortable.

The girls have been sleeping in bed with him for a few months now but he doesn't care. It's comfortable to him when they all sleep together, especially on cold nights.

Both of them slowly fell into a gentle sleep while feeling the warmth of one another.



Dante was stretching from a long night's sleep when his hand stretched forward and felt something soft.

Still half asleep he grabbed whatever it was, trying to figure out that it was, when he heard a giggle from whatever he grabbed.

Opening his eyes, Dante was met with the sight of Eva's blushed face with his hand on her breast. He also felt the presence of two other people. Aria somehow managed to situate herself on top of him and Alice was snuggling his left arm into her bosom, both of them still asleep.

After releasing his grip on Eva's breast, which he had to admit was growing to become pretty impressive, he spoke.

"When did you and mom get here?"

As his hand left her breast, Eva's face flashed with a slight disappointment as she responded.

"We were having some meetings with some other noble families so we came back a bit late. And we came back to see that you didn't even wait for us to take a bath with you, Aria had you all to herself!" She said with a dissatisfied pout.

Eva's slightly loud voice woke up the other two girls.

"Good morning, Sweetie. I can't believe you didn't wait for us last night…" Said Alice with a playful pout.

"Ah! Why are you two here, brother was supposed to be mine for a while!" Complained Aria.

"Hmph, I'm your mother so shouldn't you care about my rest, you should know that I can only sleep well when i'm with my sweetie🖤"

Alice finished by pulling Dante into a hug, shoving his face into her bosom which he enjoyed so much.

This earned a complaint from her two daughters. They knew how much Dante enjoyed their mothers breasts, so they were trying everything they could to develop a good pair as well.

After that little bout in the bed, the four of them prepared for the day.


2 days had passed just like that, without anything major happening.

Dante had finished his training and work for the day and was currently heading to the bath to relax.

Tomorrow would be the day they head to the capital for the 1st princesses birthday celebration and it would also be Dante's first public appearance. Even though he knew that this was a big deal, he still wasn't nervous. The past year he had worked extremely hard at training himself in combat and training himself in noble etiquette, so he was confident that he could handle what was thrown at him.

Matter of fact, he was even excited. While in his previous life he had attended parties before, he was sure that they would be completely different from the celebration at the capital. This was something he had never done before, so of course he was excited.

Arriving at the bath, he took off his clothes, but instead of getting in the bath he waited.

And sure enough his guess was right, not long after he had taken off his clothes Eva entered the changing room too.

Last time he got chewed out when he entered without waiting so he just decided to wait this time.

"Hehe, it seems you were waiting on me🖤"

"Hurry, it's cold and I'm naked, I want to get in the bath." He said, urging her to move quicker.

Just as she was about to start taking off her clothes an idea ran across her mind.

"Hmph, how about you just undress me then."

Eva spoke this while giving a fake pout. She was really hoping this would work, but was still nervous.

Eva's words even made Dante a bit abashed. While he has seen all of the Astaril girls naked and even groped them, undressing someone felt more intimate to him. But nonetheless he still got up and approached Eva.

Seeing him approach, Eva lifted her arms to make it easier for him to take off her shirt.

Throwing her shirt off to the side, Dante moved down to her skirt. Unzipping the back of her skirt, he pulled it over her well developing ass and tossed it over with her shirt, revealing her white underwear.

He stood back for a minute enchanted by Eva's beauty. Her pearly white hair and cerulean blue eyes which were the same as his, combined with her shyly hiding her hands behind her back in order to give Dante a full view of her front was extremely charming.

Then he remembered that not only has this girl been with him for the past year, she was also the first person he developed any sort of connection with. She was also always by his side during his frustration.

When Dante figured out that he couldn't use magic he was extremely upset and lost. Magic was the way of this world and not having it would hinder him greatly, of course he was frustrated!

This was in the first month of when he got adopted so Aria and Alice didn't quite know how to approach him so it was left to Eva. Taking it upon herself, she stood beside Dante throughout all of his frustrations, supported his body when it gave out because of the excessive use of mana, and gave him a shoulder to lean on to know that he wasn't alone.

Eva felt Dante's loving gaze and squirmed. She was happy he was looking at her in such a way. She had long ago decided that if Dante wouldn't accept her then she would just stay single for the rest of her life. Even she was confused by her devotion towards him, but instead of pushing that feeling away she embraced it and made the decision that no matter what, she would make herself Dante's woman and Dante, her man.

"Are you going to continue…" Said Eva expectantly.

Snapping out of thoughts Dante replied.

"Is that…Okay?"

Even he knew that was a stupid question. With how she has been acting around him, how could it not be okay! But he still wanted her consent.

"Yes, it's fine, I belong to you after all🖤" She answered, lovingly.

Hearing her words, Dante's body began to heat up. His body was 13-years-old and just beginning puberty so in no time his "little brother" stood at attention.

Taking a second to calm himself, he started to unclip her bra, causing her breasts to jiggle as they were released.

He then moved on to her panties.

Seeing Dante so close to her 'garden' made it Eva's turn for her body to heat up. All of the things she had researched about sexual relationships ran through her mind at the same time and made her lower half a little tingly.

Finally taking off her panties, Dante didn't feel like ruining the mood so he picked up the now naked Eva into a princess carry and walked towards the bath.

Being picked up, Eva leaned her head into Dante's chest while he slowly emerged them into the water.

Sitting in his embrace Eva felt a sort of calmness and felt protected, like no matter what was thrown at them right now, they could handle it.

Pushing away his previous apprehensions, Dante decided to speak what was on his mind.

"This is nice…"

That's all he said but to Eva they meant the world. The past year she has been relentlessly pursuing him so hearing him say that he found being with her nice and comforting made her heart beat the quickest it had ever beaten.

Looking up from his chest and into his eyes, which were the same color as her own, she responded.

"Indeed, this is nice…" She replied, giving Dante a loving smile.

Being entranced by each other's eyes, they both slowly leaned their faces towards each other, and locked lips.

Even though she loved the gentle but loving kiss she was receiving, she wanted more. So, Eva decided to push her luck and intertwined her hands behind his head, while pushing her tongue against his lips.

Dante was surprised by her forwardness but didn't hesitate to meet her tongue with his own.

Like this their tongue began to dance together, in a passionate first of many meetings

After about 3 minutes of making out, they both had to separate for air.

"Haa..Haa..Haa, that was even more nice." Said Eva with a cheeky grin.

"Huff..Huff..Huff, Hoh, I hope you dont think it's over." Said Dante as he gave Eva a mischievous grin before running his hands down to her ass.


She didn't expect Dante to become proactive so she was unprepared for his attack.

Fondling her ass until he was satisfied, he moved his hands in between her thighs and began caressing the outside of her vagina.

"W-Wait, Hnng!🖤"

Eva felt a shock run throughout her body as Dante caressed her. She had touched herself before but the feeling of him doing it was otherworldly.

Not able to hold back, Eva released some of her love nectar.

Seeing Eva coming close to climax, Dante shoved his middle finger into her pussy and locked her lips with his own.

Not being able to say anything, she could only moan in pleasure.


Eva then started to reciprocate the kiss she was receiving by shoving her tongue into his mouth.

Breaking off their kiss, Eva screamed in pleasure.

"Im Cumminggg!🖤"

She screamed as she had the best orgasm of her life.

Taking out his finger from Eva's pussy he sat her back on his lap and let her rest after her orgasm.

"Haa…Haa… I guess you can be a bad guy after all🖤" She said, while she cutely hit Dante's chest.

Dante couldn't help but laugh at her actions.

"Haha, I love you, Eva." He said, giving her a loving gaze.

"Hmph, you should have said that before you did all of this… But, I love you too, Dante." She replied, giving him the same gaze.

Hello! I was debating on whether to add a sex scene in this chapter, but ultimately decided to meet my thoughts in the middle and still make it a R-18 chapter but with no sex. I still need to work on my R-18 writing skill because this was more exhausting than I thought it would be.

Anyway, Thanks for reading!

RKPhoenixcreators' thoughts