
Dragon God's Reincarnation!

In the beginning of Everything, There existed Two superior Existences. The Two Dragon Gods...While one of them created the worlds and life, other gave rise to Reincarnation, death and afterlife. Due to some conflict, The Creation Dragon God, Genesis Sealed his brother, The End Dragon God, Omega for thousands of years! Now, 1289 years later Omega has been completely forgotten by all people except his worshipers. Now he will blow up the cover on what happened 1289 years ago and rise to his rightful place once again. But will he discover something, Some existence that interfered with the incident all those years ago? To Find Out, Follow Us on a Journey Through The Realms As the Dragon God Takes back his Throne.

Alex_lucifer · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The Eldest Prince, Raphael Morgan.

After Regina Told Xuanqing about Mary's Problem,

He set out to Get the Crimson Moonlight Grass.

He went on his way towards the Wolfsedge peak,

<{How tough could it be, I need to get some stupid grass and done.}>

It was his naivety that made him believe that this task could be completed easily.

Soon he could sense a powerful presence,

A presence rivaling his.

That presence Was slowly getting closer to his Location,

In order to not give that person or beast any chance to sneak up on him,

He Jumped from tree to tree towards the location of the presence.

<{**Internal Dialogue** By now I have comprehended Most of the theory on how to Use Aura Instead QI. So I can overpower that person as long as I can Utilize it to Run a technique. **Internal Dialogue**}>

When he got near to the location, he heard something, It was someone Stepping on twigs.

Soon a mysterious person who was draped in black cloak, with only a Old looking Bearded Face visible.

"I know you are here, Come out and introduce yourself!"

The mysterious person Ordered him.

Xuanqing did not like it that someone other than his lord or his family members was ordering him.

[Rioting Dragon Technique(Improved), First style.]

[Riding Ambush of Outlandish Lightning]

Soon, a bolt of lightning came out of his right hand and it turned into a Chinese Longsword.

And he got behind the mystery man .

The man was able to jump aside from the attack but he still got a large cut on his back.

"You, How dare you attack me! The Master of The Tower"

The Cloaked old man was The Master Of One Of the Magic Towers.

<{I don't care about who are, To me you're nothing more than a human ordering me.}>

Xuanqing Said while he was rotating his sword by it's hilt.

"You-----You do not respect me. It is the same as not respecting the Emperor of our Empire."

"You, State your Name."

The Cloaked man Pointed his right index finger at Xuanqing.

The moment he pointed his finger out,

Xuanqing, Swung his sword and Chopped off the Cloaked old man's right arm.

"**Groaning in pain**"

<{Go tell whoever is your boss, Not to ever command me!}>

Xuanqing Commanded The Man.


Meanwhile, The Dragon Gods


{Hey Brother, Now Tell me why my Palace looks like ruins}

Omega Said while he had restricted Genesis's Movements and held the God Engulfing Prison World's Cube in his palm.

{Release me first}

Genesis Countered

{Or I will Break free on my own.}

{Okay break free and I will use the Cube to trap you again**Smirk**}

{No no no, not the cube again.}

{It's just dreadful}

Genesis Showed A Very Dreaded Expression to Omega at a single mention of the cube.

{Then Tell me dear brother, About how my Pandemonium Is in such a ruined state.}

{Well, in order to make the Evil Dragons believe that you aren't coming back again, I let them do anything they wanted to your palace.}

{And my stuff?}

Omega Was already in rage, if anything happens to 'That' he will not be able to handle it anymore.

{I was able to clear most of it, but....The Evil Dragon God took 'That'.}

After that Genesis Cowered in fear.

The Ashen-Black aura around Omega turned violent.

His Golden Eyes became Crimson.

His Silver Hair turned Dark Black.

He had become what the Ancient people of

TreyVatis called 'The Calamity Dragonoid'

A form that he turns into only when he loses control of his rage,

The Only disadvantage is that he can't turn into a dragon while he is in that form.

{(Where.....Where is That Bas*Ard)}

Omega Asked Genesis Violently.

{He is The Master of A sect on Par with one of the Four Grand Sects, The Master of the Demon Sect Present on an Island in the Chaotic Sea one of the Six Chaotic Areas.}

{(Which world's?)}



Afterwards, His aura surrounded him but in an different fashion,

It formed a Ashen-Black Dragon Head And The Head Opened It's Mouth right underneath Omega and Swallowed him.


At The Evil Dragon God's Territory.


The territory was barren,

It Was a volcanic area with magma flowing out in the many creeks.

And Near the Volcano.

The Evil Dragons Who looked Similar to Omega's current form but with Much Less presence were hanging out.

With A Single Dragon, with Feathered Red wings and White eyes sitting on the Throne near A lava pool that was enjoying Reading some books, They were Japanese Mangas.

It was then that a big Ashen-Black Dragon Appeared out of nothing.

All the Evil Dragons were Stupefied and got on alert.

The Aura Dragon Opened It's Mouth As if it was about to Do a Dragon Roar.

All the People In the Audience Got On Guard.

But what came out of it was 'The Calamity Dragonoid' .

And the Aura Dragon Disappeared.

The Crowd Let out Laughs.

And One of the people in the crowd said.

"**Laughing**I thought that somebody powerful was ordering that aura but it's just one---"

Before that man could finish his sentence, A hand came in front of his face and rammed his face to the ground with such power and speed that killed him on the spot.

The Crowd Stepped Back in awe.

{(Where is Your God?)}

His voice Struck fear in their heart.

So much so that the crowd that was once laughing pointed in the direction of The Evil Dragon God.

{(Good Job)}

[Sanctuary Of Doom]


A Mana Barrier Of the highest Rank engulfed all the Evil Dragons including the Evil Dragon God into it.


The Whole Barren Place Turned into a Graveyard and the sky turned into a dark Full Moon night.

"Who are you,"

The Evil Dragon God Asked in an indifferent tone.

{(You, Don't need to know.)}

{(Today is your last day anyway)}


"Who will kill Me----You?"

"I am the Evil Dragon God, Raygardo...."

As Soon as he completed his sentence,

He couldn't feel a thing in his lower body.

His head was on the ground.

but he was still able to see, hear and talk due to him being a god ranked.

{( listen, I Don't care about who you are or what you are.)}

{(You shouldn't have laid your hands on my Palace or Manga Collection.)}

It was now that he finally realized who the man in front of him was,

He was one of the only two original Gods.

The Omega Dragon God. The Ruler and creator of Death.

After the Talk was over,

Omega Smashed Raygardo's head to nothingness.

Then he recovered His collection and put it in a separate space.

And sat on the throne.


Omega Announced to the realm.

Hearing that many of the Evil Dragons tried to run away but the barrier stopped them.

They tried to break through the barrier by Hook or By Crook.

But failed.

Making an inference that Those who tried to run away are the ones involved,

Omega used His Grand Ability,

[Monarch's Reign]

And in an instant all the people, he has noticed Had their bodies burst.

{(**shout**Listen up, I will send my disciples here in 5 years to have a battle with you all. If they lose, I will eradicate you all, if they win they will eradicate you.)}

After that,

He opened a portal in front of him,

{(Oh, if you all ever appear near my Palace ever again, I will kill all of your kind.)}

With that he left.


Back in the Mountains,


Qin Xuanqing was continuing his journey to the Wolfsedge peak, when his path was blocked once again,

But this time the opponent was something else,

Although the person who had blocked his path was weak, he had four people protecting him from the shadows. Four people of the same rank as Xuanqing.

The boy was blonde, his hair color was Very similar to Genesis's But at a much darker shade. His eyes were Sea Blue.

Although he was a human, his beauty rivaled that of the elves.

And he had that Cloaked man with him,

the man was having bandages on his right arm that was cut before.

"So, I heard that you cut off my Empire's Tower Master's arm."

A kind yet indifferent voice called out to Xuanqing.

<{Yes I did!}>

"Right....then you also know that touching the tower master is the same as disrespecting the royalties of that country."

<{Hmm....he said something like that.}>

Xuanqing was very casual about the situation,

where he was outnumbered and outclassed.

"Then you must know who I am don't you?"

The Mysterious Boy said confidentially.

<{who the hell are you?}>

"You---You don't know me?"

<{nope, who are you, some prince?}>

"Yes! I am the Eldest Prince of the Morgania Empire, Raphael Morgan!"

<{Well it's nice, now would you step aside?}>

the young prince was Shocked, anybody who knew of his status, fell to their knees but he didn't.

"You---Who do you think you are ?"

It was then that he got behind the young prince and said this in his ear,

<{listen up brat, don't get in my way or I will kill you even if your bodyguards were to injure me.}>

The Young Prince who had never experienced anything like that trembled with fear .

"Let him go"

<{Good Choice!}>

And with that Xuanqing Left.


A few minutes after his leave.


A Shadow-like figure appeared behind the Prince,

[(Is it okay to leave such a variable alive)]

["You need not worry about it."]

["If he were to come in way of our Inheritance, We'll kill him"]

[(A decisive Choice, I Truly have chosen the right prince to support.)]

----To Be Continued.

Next up,

Xuanqing has finally arrived at the foot of Wolfsedge peak.

But what's that, in order to climb the peak you need to pass the trials in each place!

Find out More in,

The Wolfsedge Trials.


Omega's Stats, (Calamity Form)

[Name] Omega

[Age] Unknown

[Main Weapon] Magic/Hands

[Title] The Calamity Dragonoid

[Rank] Over-Rank Original God

[Skills] The All Chaotic Legion

[Ability] Over-Rank Destruction.


by Alexander Lucifer ©

For Sun God Entertainment.


the characters in this work are purely fictional,

any resemblance or similarities are coincidental.

Contact The author at Instagram :-

Alexander Lucifer :- @demon_g.o.d_

Sun God Entertainment :- @sun_god_entertainment.