
Dragon God's Reincarnation!

In the beginning of Everything, There existed Two superior Existences. The Two Dragon Gods...While one of them created the worlds and life, other gave rise to Reincarnation, death and afterlife. Due to some conflict, The Creation Dragon God, Genesis Sealed his brother, The End Dragon God, Omega for thousands of years! Now, 1289 years later Omega has been completely forgotten by all people except his worshipers. Now he will blow up the cover on what happened 1289 years ago and rise to his rightful place once again. But will he discover something, Some existence that interfered with the incident all those years ago? To Find Out, Follow Us on a Journey Through The Realms As the Dragon God Takes back his Throne.

Alex_lucifer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Preparations For Battle begins.

Previously On,

Dragon God's Reincarnation!


<{Hmm, You'll say but how would I know that you are speaking the truth?}>

"I'll surrender my Origin Core to you, once it changes color it would mean that I am lying."

Saying that, the Knight Had his left hand released and placed his palm over his upper abdomen.

Some blue greenish smoke was seen rising from his upper abdomen towards his palm until finally a blue greenish orb came out and was caught in his hand.

"Take it lord"

The knight was looking weak as if something that makes up his being, his existence was missing.

Xuanqing reached out to him and took the orb.

Afterwards he released the knight from the binds.

<{Now tell me, about everything I asked and even if it doesn't change colors. If I feel that you're telling a lie I'll smash your Origin Core right that instant.}>

"Okay I'll answer truthfully."

The knight was unshaken from this statement.


"**pant** My Name..Is Sirus... Sirus Percius."

"I am one of the generals of the storm castle.**pant**"

After hearing that Xuanqing knew that this was a low order world than both the Shénlóng world and Gargantua World.

The rank at which the people there can be counted as generals is the rank above Silver General.

"The Castle Lord, Baron Adam Squall is a cruel lord. Every Citizen of the castle needs to enlist in the army once they celebrate their fifteenth birthday and come of age."

"To ensure that none of his soldiers rebel against him, he keeps the family members of his soldiers as hostages. And whenever he likes he can turn them into slaves using his Court magician's magic."

<{He makes them into slaves! Does nobody stop him?}>

Xuanqing was stunned as the lord of that Castle was such a dictator.

"Nobody has enough power or guts to face him"

Sirus had despair on his face,

He was imagining something that he should not have.

<{You, You're thinking that hearing of your death your family will be turned into slaves.}>


<{Don't worry, once the preparations are over, I will personally attack that Castle.}>

<{Continue with your Information}>

"Okay...The Baron, He was once just an blacksmith but one day he changed. He embraced new ideas and Created inventions that were not even seen before and it was then that he used his works to overthrew the reigning lord and became the New Castle Lord and Changed his last name to squall."

"Afterwards he Completely reformed the army structure and Any who opposed him were subjected to torture and no matter how high their rank was or how strong they were, they were put down and we're not respected "

There was only one word that could be used to express the expression on his face,


<{I know what you are feeling, But would you please Tell me some God-damn details about the Defense of the Castle!}>

Xuanqing was getting tired of hearing his personal stories and not many important things.

"I--I am coming to that"

The knight was startled by the sudden uproar by his interrogator.

"The Castle walls are 45 meters high with 80 magic archers constantly guarding the walls and the gates in shifts of

40 archers from dawn to dusk and 40 archers from dusk to dawn."

It was a really tight and secure perimeter of the Castle walls.

<{What about climbing the walls secretly and assassinating the archers?}>

"Not possible, The Baron has created moats and trenches all around the castle they are 15 meters in width.And each of them have beasts, aquatic beasts in them"

<{What Aquatic Beasts}>

"Fresh water serpents."

<{Then how do people go in or out of the castle?}>

"There is only one way to get inside, the drawbridge"

Xuanqing didn't understand what a drawbridge was as his world focused on cultivation and Martial Arts development more than mechanical development.

"Would you like me to create a blue print of the Castle?"

It seemed like he was able to know that other than the military deployment and the defensive measures, Xuanqing was unable to understand the technical terms.

Hiding his embarrassed face from the captive,

he searched the drawers for something and finally pulled something from a drawer from the dusty wooden desk with two drawers that was in the corner of his room.

The thing he took out was a large piece of parchment, inkpot and a quill.

<{Here take it and draw a complete blueprint of the castle}>

"Yes..yes my future lord"

the captive was finding it hard to withhold his laughter but still broke into a smile.


the captive sat down at the new desk and started drawing.


In around 30 to 35 minutes,

Sirus was finished with a very intricate drawing of the Castle,

"Look here,"

He said pointing towards a gear like mechanism with a lever placed at the top right corner of the draw bridge.

"This is the mechanism that controls the opening and closing of the drawbridge."

He then turned to another sketch of the castle but this time with the drawbridge open.

"see after the draw bridge is down there is another gate. The main gate is the difficult part, 100 well trained guards are stationed there all day and checks each and every item and person that is about to enter the castle and if they find anything suspicious, they have the right to kill them on the spot!"

<{I see...}>

Xuanqing was worried about the plan he should make to attack them.

<{Is there a way to get my soldiers inside the castle, Covertly}>

Xuanqing asked with a plan in his head.

"the only way for someone to enter the castle is either complete the security checks or to use invisibility magic along with flight magic in order to go above the walls."

<{Okay! Now I know how we will infiltrate the castle.}>

<{First, let's get you to the medical bay.}>

Saying that ,

Xuanqing used the blood that was used to create the chains and used it to create a box and added some wheels to it.

<{Sit inside.}>

Sirus got inside the box and noticed that the box was following Xuanqing.

and both of them stopped outside a mid sized white duplex outside of which 'Medical Center'

was written in bold red.

<{Let's go inside ~~}>

Xuanqing was acting like Omega would have in a situation like this.

And both of them got inside the building,

it was mossy all over the walls and had blood stained on the floor.

<{Medic! Doctor!}>

Hearing his voice five doctors in brown coats came running and once the wounded captive caught their eyes,

they waited for a signal from their lord.

once the signal was given, they got a cloth and laid him down on it.

Afterwards he walked towards another ward.

It was much cleaner than the outside corridors.

and inside the room was a single bed with a man sitting on top of it.

The man had his left arm covered entirely by bandages his forehead was also bandaged.

The man was Reiner Forbers, The only Knight Commander of the Last Castle.

<{Hey commander Forbers! How are keeping up?}>

"Sorry Lord, I was unable to defeat the opponent and even got Hurt badly to the point that now I am unable to participate in the raids."

Reiner was sounding real guilty about his condition and was looking like if they fail in the raid of the castle or even in the all out war

it would all be because he is hurt.

<{Don't worry too much, the medical staff has informed me about your condition, you can get back on your toes by tomorrow.}>

Reiner was looking really surprised,

like he heard something that he had not heard before.

<{**Laugh** Seems like nobody told you about it}>

<{Jokes apart, tomorrow is the day! Tomorrow we will discuss our plan and will siege the Storm!}>

"Lord... Tomorrow? But isn't that the day when I will get discharged?"

<{Yes...You are not involved in the raid, I have different plans for you and a crucial one at that}>

"I don't understand what you mean by that Lord?"

<{You'll know it tomorrow}>

Saying that he walked away towards his room.


Few moments later in his room.


He sighed as he laid down on his bed,

<{Ah, it was quite an hectic day!}>

<{Oh, it reminded me}>



[Yes, Competitor?]

<{Get me Full information on Both, Baron Squall and Sirus Percius}>

[Roger That!]

[Since the list is quite long, it Will take an hour to compile the information]

<{Notify me when it's Done}>

Saying that he went to sleep.


Same time in Érebos.


Omega as always was wasting away by lying around the living room With multiple mangas on his body and,

his television Playing an anime in which the main character dreams to become the best Shinobi in his village and flirts around with girls*.

He was living the life until when,

Genesis came in and slammed a manga with a slime and blue dragon*** onto his head.

{Ouch...That hurts brother!}

Omega said while he grabbed his head.

{You know what is happening in you little experiment, Right?}

Genesis asked while glancing suspiciously on his brother.

{Which experiment do you mean?}

Omega asked while hiding his face with guilt.

{Oh please, you know about the one I am talking about.}

Genesis said while keeping his hands behind his back and staring right in Omega's face.

{Well there is always so much going on in many of my experiments why do you suggest that I know about it}

Omega answered Resolutely.

{Keep your Jokes aside, Do you even know what kind of problem has arisen!}

Genesis Raged on.

{Why? what happened?}

Omega sounded like he was entirely unknown to the information.

{The Large Test formation that you laid down in Wolfsedge peak, Something has happened there!}

Genesis sounded troubled.

{What happened there?}

{The Third Stage, It has evolved to form it's own small world and formed it's own life!}

Genesis Panicked.


{That means that I also created a world}

Omega was honestly happy,

Although he gained the ability of creation,

He couldn't create life as his creation.

{It's not an joyous event! An transmigrator has gotten into the world and your indirect subordinate, Xuanqing is currently in that trial!}

{Don't worry yourself brother, he can handle him}

Omega shrugged his brother aside and got one of his screens hooked up to watch the streaming of the third trial.

{Sit here, we'll watch him together and if there is any problem we can just solve it right?}

Omega quickly made Space on the couch by throwing away some of his snacks and sat down in a corner of the couch.

{For the first time I think that you are probably right, we are originals. It doesn't suit us to be worried about minor problems, I don't even know why I was panicking over something so simple}

And both of them sat down to watch the third trial but what they witness is a sleeping red and black Dragonoid, A Sleeping Xuanqing.

{I don't know what will become of him if he goes on like this}

Both the gods said in perfect sync.


Back in the third trial


Xuanqing was sleeping like a baby untill,


[The Information Is ready to be Viewed]

He was woken up from his sleep by the reminder he set in the system.

The background check on the captive and the Baron was finally done.

----To Be Continued.

Next Up,

Xuanqing has finally gotten the information he wanted about His Captive, Sirus Percius and his enemy, Baron Adam Squall.

What would he find in that information,

And what plans does he have for the Attack?

Find out in,

Xuanqing's Tactics, The Raid begins!


* - Naruto but who wouldn't know it, lol.

*** - The Time That I Reincarnated As A Slime.


by Alexander Lucifer ©

For Sun God Entertainment.


the characters in this work are purely fictional,

any resemblance or similarities are coincidental.

Contact the author at Instagram :-

Alexander Lucifer :- @demon_g.o.d_

Sun God Entertainment :- @sun_god_entertainment.