
9: Rea: Past (1)

"From your hostility, it's obvious that you don't feel anything good for Leo, so I'd like to ask you... What kind of fate is in store for that poor idiot?" - Elisabeth asked with a small smile over her lips.

"It's obvious... death" - replied Rhea neutrally.

"Wait, there's something weird about all this..." - Elisabeth said while frowning - "I understand that you don't like Leo's character, I don't like it either, but I can sense that what you feel is not hostility towards him, but hatred, an extreme one..."

"It's because I haven't told you everything about me" - answered Rhea while gritting her teeth - "I didn't come alone to this world, I showed up surprisingly with my best friend..."

Elisabeth's expression changed when she heard this, so she quickly started to deduce the situation with the few clues the girl in front of her had given her.

"You don't need to overthink, I'm going to tell you everything that happened when I came to this world" - Rea said as she closed her eyes.

* * * * * * [Flashback] * * * * * *.

"Ugh... my head hurts..." - muttered Rea as she shook her little head.

"Don't talk so loud, you're making my head hurt!"- replied a youthful voice.

"Mika!" - exclaimed Rea as she opened her eyes and looked at her best friend, a cute girl who looked like a porcelain doll. She had black hair, a skin as white as silk and a face that seemed to be sculpted by an expert, the only flaw, if you could call it that, was that she was small and her body was not very developed, in fact, she literally looked like a scale doll.

"Rea" - smiled Mika as she hugged her friend, though she quickly looked around and noticed how the two seemed to be in a forest, a huge contrast compared to a few minutes before because they were at their school.

The two girls had been friends since they were 5 years old and met in kindergarten, they had lived everything together, to the point that they were sisters in everything but blood.

"Where are we?" - asked Rea with a frown as she looked around.

"I don't know, but it's obviously not our school" - replied Mika fearfully as she looked around.

"Wait, I'm going to climb a tree and look around the area around, maybe then I'll manage to discover a way home" - said Rea as she looked at a huge tree nearby and started to climb it.

Mika looked at her with concern, though she didn't say anything to interrupt her for fear that her voice would make her best friend fall down.

It took a few minutes for Rea to reach a distance high enough to observe everything around her, but she was surprised to see how the only thing she could make out on the horizon were trees, hundreds of them of different colors that gave the forest a mysterious contrast.

Rhea frowned slightly because this scenery reminded her of a certain game she had enjoyed during her winter vacation.

"Did you find anything out, Rea?" - Mika asked as she looked at her friend.

"No, I only see trees, although I did manage to spot smoke in the distance" - replied Rea as she closed her eyes slightly, as if she wanted to be focusing her vision - "Yes, it's smoke, although it's black, so it's dangerous..."

Mika was silent for a few seconds while looking at her friend, after all, she had no idea what to do in this situation. From the viewpoint of a mere 15-year-old girl, and with no outdoor experience, except for a few short expeditions with her family, this situation was too scary for her, more so when she didn't know where she was.

"Do you think we can find our way home?" - Mika asked with concern.

"Actually, I'm not sure" - replied Rhea as she shook her head, then started to carefully climb down.

Mika looked around and found a pile of leaves to pile up underneath where her friend was, this as a safety measure in case an accident happened.

Rea smiled when she saw this, though her expression changed when she heard a group of animals running towards them.

"Rea!" - Mika exclaimed in terror.

"Relax, they might not come against us" - said Rea as she tried to look around, though after some thought she decided it was best to bring her friend up, so without a second thought she let herself hang with her legs from the lowest branch of the tree and held out her hands to help Mika up.

Mika nodded before quickly climbing up because she knew that the longer she took, the more dangerous the situation would become for both of them.

When the two girls were safe, they decided it was best to climb a little higher as a precaution, but when they did, they saw a group of black wolves with strange flowers coming out of their bodies, running at full speed up the side of the tree towards the deepest part of the forest.

Rea recognized these beasts immediately, which confirmed her suspicions after seeing the forest - "This has got to be a joke."

"Rea?" - Mika asked with concern as she noticed the expression on her friend's face.

"Mika... we're not on planet Earth" - Rea said seriously.

"What are you talking about, Rea?" - Mika asked with a frown - "This is no time for jokes."

"I'm not joking" - replied Rea with concern - "Those strange wolves with flowers, they're [Paradise Wolves], they're monsters that inhabit the rainbow forest near the empire of the beastmen"

"[Paradise Wolves]? Rainbow forest? Empire? What are you talking about?" - Mika asked with irritation because she didn't like that her friend was saying this kind of stupid stuff.

"Mika, listen... we're in the world of [Dragon Frontier]." - Rhea said with fear because them being in this forest meant one thing, and that wasn't good for a player with [female avatar] - "And our situation is not good, we're in danger..."

Mika fell silent when she heard her friend's cold voice, discovering that she wasn't joking - "Are you serious?"

"I gain nothing by lying to you, Mika" - Rhea replied as she bit her lip - "If what I know is correct, then near here there has to be a group of young men riding behind the wolves..."

"That's not good?" - Mika asked as she cocked her head to the side - "If what you say is true, then they can save us."

"No, this is bad because they are..." - replied Rhea, though her expression changed when she heard the sound of horses approaching - "Mika, listen, I want you to be quiet, don't say or make any noise, or we're dead, or even worse."

Mika looked at her friend fearfully, though she quickly nodded.

The two girls quickly huddled together as Rhea quickly grabbed the nearby leafy branches and rubbed them against their bodies.

Mika began to itch before shooting her an annoyed look, though she quickly reacted because she could tell the fear and sweat on her friend's face. It was obvious that she was scared, though she still didn't understand why, however, a few seconds later she figured out why.

"I think they came this way" - said a guy while clicking his tongue - "Seriously, forcing us to chase those things when we could be having fun with our human slaves."

"I know, I managed to get a new human woman and I wish to taste her" - replied another of the boys as he frowned.

"You can rape your humans when we are done with the job? Don't you think so too, Prince Leo?" - asked the third male in the group.

"Prince? I didn't think you liked to joke, Victor" - replied the fourth and last man in the group, who was obviously annoyed by his companion's words.

"I'm sorry, I spoke without thinking, my lord" - said Victor while bowing his head.

"I hope it won't be repeated" - growled Leo, though his expression changed drastically.

"What is it, my lord?" - The first boy asked.

"Don't you smell that scent?" - Leo asked as he looked at his subordinates who quickly began sniffing.

"Humans!" - exclaimed the second guy as he looked around apprehensively - "How is it possible that they arrived so close to our capital and undetected?"

"I don't know, I don't care either" - said Leo neutrally, although a huge smile appeared on his face - "What I can assure you is that this human, is a woman".

"A woman?" - exclaimed the males as they began to laugh pervertedly.

Mika began to tremble when she heard this because she finally understood her friend's fear.

"She has to be close, I can smell her scent in the area, so we better split up" - said Leo while licking his lips, after all, it had been quite a while since he had enjoyed releasing his lust on a woman's body, all because of his father who had forced him to enter the army in the hope that he would die in some mission, this being one of the many reasons why he hated his father - "I want you to find her, and if she's beautiful, I want the first round, after that you guys can have fun."

"Perfect, boss" - said the subordinates as they let out a laugh.