
Chapter 2.2: The Initiation

Minutes after everyone in the Black Bulls have gathered outside, Magna then decided to commence his made-up initiation with Asta, and announces it to everyone.

"Okay! Now that we're all gathered for the our sacred Black Bulls Initiation Ceremony, I'll now start the trials for these two dumbasses! Starting with magicless shrimp here. Now, the question is...ARE YOU READY TO BE APPROVED BY THE MANLIEST MEMBER OF THE BLACK BULLS AND GET ONE OF MR.YAMI'S SMOKING-HOT ROBES AND BE OFFICIALLY ONE OF US, YOU EAR-DEAFENING DUMBASS?!", Magna intensely asked.

"YESSIR!", Asta passionately replied.

"Goodluck, Asta!", Draku smilingly cheered.

"THANK YOU, DRAKU!", Asta loudly thanked him.

"Good! Now for your first trial, I'll be testing your stamina and determination. Now, GIVE ME 5000 SITUPS RIGHT NOW, SHRIMP!", Magna fiery requested.

"YESSIR!!", Asta passionately responded.

"Eh?! 5000 situps?! That's too much even for-", Draku's thought was then interrupted by Asta's loud scream.

"WOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!! 5000 IS NOT ENOUGH FOR ME!! WOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!", Asta then immediately proceeds to do the 5000 situps at insanely fast speed and finishes it in just 5 minutes.

"EHH?! 5000 IN 5 MINUTES?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!", Draku shockingly thought.


"WOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!! THIS IS NOT EVEN A CHALLENGE FOR ME AT ALL!! WOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!", Asta then proceeds to do 5000 pushups within 4 minutes.

"EHHH?! 4 MINUTES?! SERIOUSLY?!", Draku shockingly thought again.


"YESSSIR!!", Asta passionately obliged.

"No way! That boulder is too heavy even for this hyper knucklehea-", Draku's thought was then interrupted when Asta just lifted the huge boulder that Magna requested the moment he just thinked that it's impossible for even him to lift.

"WOOOOOOOHHHH!! EVEN IF THIS IS TOO HEAVY, THIS IS JUST TOO EASY FOR ME!! WOOOOOHHHHHHH ", Asta then proceeds to lift the boulder for 3 minutes while he barely struggled lifting it and made Draku speechless.


"YESSIR! WOOOOOOOHHHHHHH", Asta then hardly hits his head to the large boulder in front of him and gave a massive crack onto it, which recoils back and gave him a seriously painful sensation in his forehead and made him scream in agony, "AAAAAAAAAAHHH!! IT HURTS!!".

Eventually, Asta then breaks it in half in just 2 strikes.

"How...? How...?! HOW IS THIS ALL EVEN POSSIBLE?!", Draku thought.

After his physically-brutal trial for Asta, Magna was then impressed that he was able to do those with no showing signs of slowing down and got Draku question himself about his buddy.

"5000 pushups, 5000 situps, literally lifts a heavy boulder and literally breaks it with his head, and he still has the energy to do more. Asta, ARE YOU EVEN A HUMAN OR NOT?!", Draku thought.

"Not bad, shrimp! You made me impress with your strength and determination!", Magna spoke in an impressed tone.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!!", Asta then bows and follows it up with a passionate request, "DO YOU APPROVE ME NOW?! CAN I HAVE MY OWN ROBE NOW?! PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME!!"

"Not yet and STOP SHOUTING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!", Magna intensely replied and continued, "You may have passed that easy first trial...

"Easy?!", Draku suprisingly thought and Magna continued.

...but! I still don't approve you, shrimp!"

"EH?! But I worked really hard for that y'know?!", Asta passionately spoke but the volume of his voice was minimized.

"I know! That's why we're advancing to your second trial and believe me when I tell you this, I'll make you experience hell on this one.", Magna chillingly spoke with a devilish smile.

"Scary!", Asta nervously thought.

"Good grief. If that first one wasn't hellish enough for him, does it mean that it's far more insane in the second?", Draku thought.

Eventually, Magna then announces his second trial for Asta.

"For thw second trial, you just need to block or dodge everything that I'll fire at you. But! if you get hit by one of my fiery bad boys, then that's your problem. Understood, shrimp?!", Magna intensely spoke.

"YESSIR!", Asta passionately spoke.

"Eh? That's it?", Draku thought.

Eventually, Magna then gathers his mana and creates a hovering flaming orb in front of him and proceeds to open his grimoire, where he brings out his fiery magical bat, and let Asta inform that he's about to fire it.

"ARE YOU READY, HOT-BLOODED SHRIMP?!", Magna fiery asked.

Asta then responds by bringing out his Demon Slayer sword from his grimoire and passionately responds to Magna,


Upon hearing his response, Magna then proceeds on rapidly hitting his own flaming orb and fires a barrage of fireballs towards Asta, who then dodges them all with ease and made Magna impressed.

"You got skills, shorty! But...THIS ONE IS THE REAL DEAL!", Magna then opens a new page in his grimoire and chants a new and much more powerful magic of his.


As Magna casts it, he then throws it towards Asta in dashing speed that worried Draku.

"This is bad! I know that Asta can just cut it through and nullify Magna's rapidly fast magic but, he will still recieve a damagin amount of flames!", Draku worringly thought and screams to Asta and warns him about it, "ASTA! DON'T CUT IT OR YOU'LL BE BURNED ALI-", Draku's thought was then interrupted when Asta MIRACULOUSLY saved himself by using the flat of his blade to rebound the speeding fireball towards him and sents it back to Magna, who then recieved it wholly and got blasted by it, suprising everyone watching it, especially Draku.

"H-He...rebounds the fireball?! Seriously? So his Demon Slayer can nullify AND rebound magic?! Good grief. You really are full of suprises, Asta!", Draku thought.

Afterwards, Magna then came out from the fiery smoke that was caused by his own attack, and is now walking towards Asta with fury and anger written all over his face.

"You JERK...!", Magna chillingly spoke with intensity and ran towards Asta.

Evenrually, Draku then sensed that Magna is about to do something realy bad towards his buddy and decides to stop him before he reaches Asta but, Yami just suddenly came from his back and holds his left shoulder, in which infuriates Draku upon doing it to him.

"Let me go, captain! That delinquent is gonna-", Draku was then interrupted when Yami just points out Magna, who he then sees him praising and congratulating Asta for what he just did to, and Yami then spoke to Draku before walking away from him, "Think before you act, right? You might also need it too, scarlet boy?"

Upon seeing it, Draku was then relieved and felt guilty for interpreting it very wrong.

"Good grief. I should really start expecting the unexpected when it comes to this squad.", Draku thought.

Eventually, the entire squad then rushed towarss Asta and also congratulates him for what he just did in his second trial. Then, Magna then gave Asta his robe and took a moment before recieving it, and loudly thanked everyone for approving him as their new and official member of the Black Bulls. Eventually, Draku then went to Asta and congratulates him also for his achievement.

"Congratulations, shrimp!", Draku congratulates Asta with a big smile in his face.

"THAT WAS SHOCKING OF YOU TO CALL ME THAT!", Asta passionately responded and made Draku laugh.

"Good grief. Now that you have successfully have your own robe and an official member of this squad of reckless and chaotic people, now it's my turn for me to get one and be approved like you. And after that, we'll finally begin our journey as Magic Knights and pursue our own personal dreams, Asta!", Draku then happily offers his hand towards Asta.

"Of course!", Asta then happily shook his hand and both smiled at each other.

After that, Magna then proceeds to initiate Draku and spoke, "Scarlet boy! Now that Shrimpsta has proven himself as a worthy member for the Black Bulls, now it's your turn to do it!"

"Okay!", Draku smilingly responded.

"Well then, Luck, what kind of trial did you prepare for golden boy, huh?", Magna asked.

"It will be a fight to the death!", Luck estatically announced.

"EHH?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!", Asta and Draku reacted.

"Yes!', Luck estatically laughed.

"THAT'S NOT HOW AN INITIATION WORKS, YOU FREAKY IDIOT!", Magna furiously responded and continued, "Tch! I knew this was coming."

Magna then walked forwards to the middle and began announcing their trial, "Listen up! Since Luck screwed up, I'll be the one taking over for scarlet boy's trial! And since I'm interested in seeing why you're an all-raiser newbie, your trial is now decided to be a simple 1v1 between you two!", Magna spoke in a delinquent tone.

"1v1? Yey! Thank you, Magna!", Luck estatically thanked him and responded with a smiling thumbs up.

"1v1? Sounds good to me.", Draku responded.

"You two can do whatever you want but! There is only one rule for this bout: KILLING IS HIGHLY RESTRICTED!", Magna intensely announced.

"Eh? Killing? We're not dumb to kill each other, y'kno-", Draku was interrupted by Luck, who just suprised him with his answer.

"Eh? That's too bad.", Luck smilingly spoke.

"Creepy.", Draku thought.

"And lastly! This condition is only applied for you, scarlet boy! If you win against Luck, you will have the right to recieve your own robe and join Shrimpsta here as our new official member in the squad but! If you lose, YOU'RE GOING TO BECOME OUR SQUAD'S ERRAND BOY FOR THE DURATION OF YOUR WHOLE FIRST YEAR!! AND I'M TOTALLY SERIOUS ABOUT IT! That's all.", Magna intensely announced it and walks back to the sidelines.

"Errand boy my ass! Tch! So I might really need to fight Luck for real, huh?", Draku thought.

Upon hearing the announcement, it then worried Finral and asked Yami about it.

"Captain, are you really sure that letting these two battle each other out is a great idea?"

"I don't know, but in case something bad happens to them, stop the match immediately with your magic, okay? Be useful sometimes, you worthless womanizer.", Yami replied.

"I'm really, really, really useful, y'know?! And that's very rude to call me 'worthless womanizer', captain!", Finral yelled.

"Well, can't help it because it's a well-known fact about you.", Yami harshly responded.

"Eh?! Really?", Finral replied.

"Besides, what we're about to witness is a battle between a talented newbie that made ever captain raise their hand, versus a Magic Knight that is obsessed with fighting. Plus, both of them has similar abilities with each other.", Yami spoke.

"That's right. Luck is a speedster too, and so as Draku. This is really going to be an interesting match, captain.", Finral agreed.

Eventually, the other members then began cheering for both competitors.

"Goodluck! Both of you!", Vanessa spoke.

"Beat each other's ass, laa!", Charmy cutely cheered.

"Be careful and don't hurt each other.", Gordon silently spoke.

"Tch! Can you please hurry up and finish this dumb initiation? I still have to appreciate my precious sister's photo in a nun outfit!", Gauche spoke with annoyance in his tone.

"Sheeeeesh.", Grey spoke.

"WIN THIS AND GET TOUR ROBE, DRAKU!!", Asta passionately cheered and raises his robe.

"Of course!", Draku responded with a smile.

"Luck! Beat his ass for me, will ya?!", Magna requested.

"O-kay!", Luck estatically agreed.

"Yosh.", Yami then points his right hand in the air and continues, "Have a fun and fair match, you knuckleheads.", he then quickly puts his arm down and spoke, "Commence!"

As soon as Yami begins their match, the two combatants then quickly chanted their own magic.

"Lightning Creation Magic: Thunder God's Boots!"

"Dragon Creation Magic: Boots of the Night Fury!"

Instantly after wearing it, the two then launched themselves towards each other in a blink of an eye and clashed in the middle, where both of them first initiated contact by kicking each other's boots at the same time. Eventually, Draku then overpowers Luck, since his magic boots are much stronger than his, causing Luck to be overwhelmed and resulting him to be pushed away hard and barely lands on the ground. Then, Luck instantly recovered from it and gave Draku a chilling psycophatic smile before he quickly zigzags his way towards him, and attacks Draku with an insanely fast mid-air spinning head kick, in which Draku BARELY dodged and was lucky that only a part of his short hair got hit by it. Eventually, Draku then counters it with a hard right hand to Luck's face with yet, he was able to block it with his arms due to his very swift arms but, Draku outsmarts him by quickly donating an amount of mana before he initially hits Luck, which caused him to be slightly blown away by Draku's attack and acrobatically retreats from him, and immediately zigzags his way back to Draku again and continues to trade blows with him.

Meanwhile, everyone was astonished of their flashy performance that the two of them showed and made them all impressed.

"Wow! I can't actually believe that Draku can keep up with Luck's speed!", Vanessa spoke with an astonished tone.

"He's good.", Gauche acknowledges Draku's ability.

"Good job, Luck. Also you too, Draku. But don't overdo itor you'll hurt each other for real.", Gordon silently spoke.

"Destroy each other, la!", Charmy cheered.

"A-amazing! That guy can not just only match this speedy jerk's speed, but he also tops him in strength! Seriously! This golden boy does really lives up to his reputation as an all-raiser!", Magna thought.

"THIS IS SO COOL!!", Asta spoke with his eyes sparkling with passion.

"Amazing! We really did hit big time in this year's Magic Knights Entrance Exam, right? Captain?", Finral asked.

"Yeah. First we have that loud muscle-headed magicless shrimp that can both nullify and rebound magic and second, we have this edgy-looking scarlet-eyed boy that has real magical talent and has a rare magic called Dragon Magic. Good grief. The heavens really loved us today for some reason, Finral.", Yami answered.

"You're right. It's rare for us to have such blessings since, all of us here are all certified troublemakers.", Finral responded.

Eventually, after minutes of trading blows with each other, Luck then starts to overwhelm Draku with his crazy speed and made him slower and slower as he kept on attacking with insane pace.

"Damn it! Luck's relentless attacks and lightning mobility is far more superior than mine! And it's also tiring me out! This is bad if this keeps going on! Unless..."

Eventually, Draku's thought was then interrupted by Luck and finally manages to draw the first clean shot of the match by landing a powerful leg kick towards Draku's side of the body.

"Hey! You're spacing out!", Luck estatically spoke.

Immediately, Luck then circles him around with lightning speed and confuses Draku, as Luck's insane speed created afterimages of him because of it. Eventually, Luck then spots an opening and lands a hard stomp kick to Draku's stomach, and follows it up with a powerful mid-air spinning side kick towards his chest and blew Draku away, and is now the one who got ragdolled to the ground.

Eventually, everyone then reacted to what just happened.

"Nice one, Luck!", Vanessa excitingly spoke.

"That was beautiful, laa!", Charmy reacted.

"As expected of this psychopathic jerk!", Magna

"FIGHT! DRAKU! FIGHT!!", Asta passionately cheered.

Eventually, the two combatants then took a break and compliments each other.

"You're so fast, Luck!", Draku complimented and slowly stoods up.

"And you're really good too! Let's continue fighting!", Luck estatically responded.

"Sure.", Draku then smirks upon saying it and thinks, "I guess it's time to turn up the heat."

After their conversation, Yami then noticed something and spoke, "Oh? It seems golden boy here is about to get serious."

"Eh? Really?", Finral curiously asked.

"Yeah." Yami answeredand thought, "This boy's ki is much more serious than he was in the exams. Interesting."

Then, Draku asked Luck to continue the match.

"Luck, let's continue the match, shall we?", Draku calmly asked with a smirk.

"Okay!", Luck smilingly replied.

Upon Luck's approval, Draku then flips his grimoire and chants another magic.

"Dragon Magic: Visus Draconis!", Draku's left eye then changed from scarlet to black and transformed it's pupil to a white vertical line.

"With this magical eye of mine, I can now foresee a glimpse of your future and change it just by countering it! Also, I can now also mark your weak spots! Sorry, Luck, but I don't intend to become an errand boy for this chaotic squad!", Draku thought.

In an instant, Draku then rockets himself towards Luck, who then casted an amount long-range magic.

"Lightning Magic: Thunderclap Crumbling Orbs!", Luck then fires a barrage of fast lightning balls towards Draku yet, none of them was able to hit him, since he already knew where it's going and manages to close him towards Luck, who then quickly launches himself towards Draku at crazy speed and attempts a flashy flying kick to the head but, Draku dodges it just by weaving to his left and suprised Luck.

"What? That was by far my fastest one yet, he just easily dodged it?", Luck thought.

Upon landing in the ground, Luck then attempts to hit Draku again by suprising him with a speedy dash and chose to attack him with a mid-air somersault axe kick yet, Draku just easily leans away from it and completely dodges it. Luck then instantly moves on from his wasted attack and decides to take him toe to toe, where he delivers a series of combinations of punches and leg kicks at flashing speed. But, despite of his zooming combinations, Luck's efforts on hitting Draku were all futile, as he just dodged them all with perfect timing and precision, thanks to his magical left eye that changed the tide of the battle.

"Heh! Timing really does beat speed! Well then, it's time for me to strike back!", Draku thought.

Instantly, Draku then delivers a left uppercut to Luck's liver, which is one of his weak spots that he found with his left eye, and then delivers another one with his right, which made Luck spout an amount of saliva, and immediately ends his combo with a full-powered fist to his jaw that almost knocked Luck out cold and blew him away with it and got ragdolled to the ground yet again.

Meanwhile, their spectating fellow squad members then reacted what they saw.

"A-mazing! He made Luck miss everything! ", Vanessa spoke in a shocking tone.

"Tch! Call the match already, Marie is waiting for me.", Gauche spoke.

"Oh! That was amazing, scarlet boy!", Charmy cheered.

"Is he out?", Gordon silently asked.

"Sheeeeesh.", Grey spoke.

"Is it over?", Finral asked.

"Maybe.", Yami spoke.

"OHH!! THAT WAS AMAZING, DRAKU!! Wait, is the match over?", Asta asked.

"Not yet! Luck is still in the fight!", Magna intensely responded.

"Eh? Are you sure, Magna-senpai?", Asta asked.

"Yeah. Because I know that estatic jerk really well! There's only one thing in this world that Luck hates the most...and that is losing!", Magna reassuringly spoke.

"Is it over?", Draku asked himself and then suddenly, his magical left eye just gave him a sudden ache and holds it to relive the pain from it and thought, "Damn it. I'm already reaching my limit. Tch! When are you going to call the match, captain? Luck is obviously out col-", his thought was interrupted again when Luck just spoke.

"Win. Win. I need to win.", Luck weakly spoke.

"Luck?", Draku reacted.

"Win. Win!", Luck intensely spoke.

Suddenly, Draku then sensed that Luck's magical aura just increased and then suddenly, he subconsciously casts a pair of magical gloves that reached to his elbows and gazes at Draku with a creepy smile that made him shiver his spine.

"Hey, hey, hey. You're still up after that? Good grief! You really are scary and tough as nails, Luck!", Draku thought.

Eventually, Luck then emits a blue bio-electric aura, and Draku's intuition tells him that he's much more better than before and worries himself that he might lose.

"Win. WIN! I NEED TO WIN!", Luck determinedly spoke while smiling like a deranged psychopath.

"Sigh. My Visus Draconis spell won't last long. If this deactivates, I will definitely lose! What a pain! I really need to end this now with one final attack or I'll become a goddamn errand boy for the whole year!", Draku thought.

Eventually, Draku then casts Reinforcement Magic to his right hand and donates a huge amount of mana to it that worried everyone in the squad.

"H-hey! That's too much, Draku!", Vanessa anxiously spoke.

"Scary.", Charmy nervously spoke.

"Draku, what are you trying to do?", Gordon worringly and silently spoke.

"Hey, Finral, prepare your magic. Someone might need a little saving here.", Yami spoke.

"O-okay!", Finral replied.

"Scary! Even if I can't sense it, the pressure that Draku emits in his right hand tells me that it is sonething really, really powerful!", Asta anxiously thought.

"Their mana is getting higher and higher! This two are really going crazy!", Magna worringly thought.

Suddenly, the two then coincidentally spoke the same words to each other.


In a blink of an eye, Luck and Draku then launched themselves at each other again in breaknecking speed, and both are determined win.

"WIN!! WIN!!!", Luck screamed while maniacally smiling.

"I'M SORRY, LUCK!!!", Draku screamed while smiling.

Eventually, everyone was then terrified when the two were about to clash at each other and requested their captain to stop it.

"Captain!", Vanessa screamed.

"Laaaa!", Charmy screamed in a terrified tone and covered her eyes.

"My friends!!", Gordon silently screamed.

"Captain!", Gauche furiously yells.

"LUCK!!!", Magna worringy screamed.

"Cast your magic now, Fin-", Yami was then interrupted when Asta just instantly blasts himself from the ground and rockets himself towards their clashing point and instantly grabs his Demon Slayer from his grimoire to interfere it.

"THIS MATCH ENDS NOOOOOOW!!", Asta screamed with commitment and determination in his eyes.

Instinctively, Asta then positioned his sword at the right spot and was FORTUNATE enough that both Luck and Draku hits the flat of his large black blade, repelling both of their attacks and recoiled, causing a shockwave that raged the surrounding wind and rocked the trees in the forest that they're currently in.

Eventually, Luck and Draku then recovered from getting ragdolled to the ground by theirbown attacks and both slowly stood up, and Draku sees Asta holding his Demon Slayer.

"A-Asta? What are you doing here?", Draku asked.

"You guys...WHY WERE YOU TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER?!", Asta passionately yells at them.

Upon hearing it, Luck and Draku were confused of what Asta said.

"Huh?! Kill each other?! Are you out of your mind?", Draku asked.

"What are you talking about, Asta? We were just fighting, y'know?", Luck estatically asked.


"Eh? Were we really trying to kill each other, Draku?", Luck smilingly asked.

"Beats me. How about you? Were you really trying to kill me, Luck?", Draku asked.

"Hmmmm. I think.", Luck estatically responded.

"EHH?!", Asta and Draku shockingly reacted and made him laugh estatically.

Eventually, Yami then came over and spoke, "You guys..."

It then caught their attention and were immediately tensed up when Yami chillingly called them and gazes at them like a monstrous beast ready to eat them alive.

"Scaryy!!", Asta shakingly thought.

"C-captain?", Draku nervously asked.

"Eh?", Luck smiles while sweating.

"The result of the match is...", Yami paused for a moment and gazes at Draku, who looked really tensed and continued, "No contest."

It then took them a moment before realizing what Yami just said to them and eventually...

"EHHH?! SERIOUSLY?!", Asta and Draku shockingly reacted.

"Ehh?", Luck smilingly reacted.

"Well, we know who's the culprit behind this result.", Finral thought.

"Huh?! So me and Luck fought for nothing?", Draku asked Yami.

"Well no, but actually yes. This shrimp right here interfered the match so it's called off.", Yami replied.

"EH?! WHY IS IT MY FAULT?!", Asta was then grabbed by the head once again by Yami.

"Yes. It's all your fault, idiot.", Yami spoke and squishes Asta's head.

"AAAAAAH!! IT HURTS!!", Asta squealed in pain.

"Eh? So no won right? Well then, let's do a another round, Draku!", Luck estatically asked.

"Eh?", Draku responded.

"Come on! That was really fun, y'know? Besides, a no contest means that the two us lost! Which means you're now our errand boy for the year!", Luck spoke and estatically laughed.

"EHH?! WELL THEN LET'S RUN IT BACK NOW!", Draku panickingly reacted.

"WAIT!", Magna yelled.

Draku and Luck then immediately leans to Magna, who is now walking towards them with a menacing smile.

"There's no need for a rematch, you jerks!", Magna smilingly spoke.

"M-Magna?", Draku asked.

"That was...", Magna paused and touches Dralu by his shoulders and began patting it and continued, "WHAT A BATTLE THAT WAS!"

Upon doing it, Draku was still nervous to the fact that Magna might consider the result of his trial as a loss.

"This is bad! REALLY BAD! I hope Magna dosen't consider this as a loss or I will be an er-", Draku's thought was then interrupted when Magna offers a Black Bull robe to him.

"Here you go, Deku!", Magna happily spoke.

Eventually, Draku then suddenly remembers his past, where it was winter and one of the villagers offered him a blanket, and was astonished of how hospitable his people are back then.

"Good grief. I kept rembering them lately.", Draku thought and grabbed his robe from Magna and spoke to him while offering his hand to him, "Thank you so much, Magna. And it's Draku by the way."

"Oh. Sorry about that, Draku!", Magna then happily shooked his hand.

Then, the other members then came to congratulate him for his trial and gave him a bunch of compliments about how strong of a mage he is.

Afterwards, Draku and Asta were then invited by the entire Black Bulls to come inside their base.

"Hey, newbies! What the hell are you waiting for?", Magna smilingly asked.

"Hey, Asta! Draku! Let's fight inside!", Luck estatically asked.

"Come on in! Charmy's gonna cook delicious meals for you, laa!", Charmy spoke in a carefree manner.

"I'll let you both watch my favourite pictures of Marie, but only for this day.", Gauche offered.

"Let's go inside and bond together as a squad. Let's even go to my room and play together.", Gordon creepily smiles upon saying it silently.

"Come on in, boys! Let me both reward you for your hardwork!", Vanessa erotically spoke.

"Asta! Draku! Let's go!", Finral spoke.

"Come on, you dumbasses. Let's start your welcome party now.", Yami smilingly spoke.

After hearing those from them all, both of them felt really happy and grateful, and even made Draku tear up.

"Eh? Why are you crying?", Asta asked.

"Huh? Oh. There's just dirt in my eye.", Draku then wiped his tears out.

"Anyways, now that they have finally accepted us, our journey as Magic Knights has also finally began! And then one day, I'll become the Wizard King! WATCH ME, YUNOO!", Asta passionately spoke.

"I'm looking forward for it, Asta. Good grief. My heart really did picked the right squad, bit it's too early for me to say that.", Draku happily thought.

Afterwards, the two then went inside and celebrated their own welcoming party.