
Dragon City: Wind Rise

Sixty years after the global catastrophe, the Little Freeze Period ended, and the governments of the living regions began to collect land in the anarchic areas to be planned on a large scale, reorganize resources, and fully entered the recovery stage, and these two decades are also known as "golden Twenty years". This is a bright era in which new regions are rising one after another, politics is set up, capital is acting, careerists are everywhere, heroes are powerful, villains and grassroots are rising together! A young man rises up in troubled times with a full stomach of strategy, hides a tiger in his chest, and measures the world.

DaoistHBoOZE · Urban
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79 Chs

The Storm Is Here

At the stern of the fishing boat, more than a dozen coast guards entered the deck along the cables, wearing bulletproof vests and carrying guns, and quickly outflanked the cockpit in two queues.

On the steps of the stairs outside the cockpit, glass shards shattered all over the place, which were broken when the marine police shot just now. On the deck directly in front of the stairs, there are boxes and boxes of gold bricks.

The coast guards rushed up the steps and saw that the interior of the cockpit was on fire. The flames had risen to a height of more than one meter. lit.

"Fire out, fire out!"

After the leader of the coast guard cadre shouted, everyone immediately smashed open the fireproof box near the cockpit, took the fire extinguisher and sprinkler hose, and began to rescue the cockpit.

Downstairs, two coast guards opened the narrow rest cabin, and saw Feng Hai and a dozen other code gang brothers inside. They were tied together, their mouths and noses were sealed, and they couldn't speak at all.

When the leading coast guard saw this group of people, he immediately shouted on the walkie-talkie: "Team Tang, we found people from the Ma Gang in the cabin."

Tang Baiqing, who was coming, heard this and his head buzzed.

Well, people and goods are on board, this damn doesn't even need to do an investigation, he just got all the stolen goods and can go to court.

"Release Feng Hai and let him handle the most difficult matter on board." Tang Baiqing's reaction was fairly quick. He meant to ask the marine police to temporarily release Feng Hai to see if he could get the gold brick in the shortest possible time. Walk.

The coast guard obeyed and untied the ropes of Feng Hai and the other four.


On the water of the Longjiang River, several speedboats rushed past the Donglong Bridge, stroking the water and searching for them. They wanted to catch Kong Zhenghui and Su Tianyu, but the terrain here became very complicated once they passed the Donglong Bridge. The surrounding area was full of drainage channels and drainage channels built by the water conservancy department. The function of these water conservancy buildings is to regulate the water level.

The water surface of the Longjiang River is not narrow. The further you go inland, the wider it becomes. Moreover, the climate here is tropical. Both sides of the river are full of lush green trees and forests.

There are drainage channels and drainage channels, and there are countless forests and green areas on both sides of the bank. This is a mess. Once a person lands or enters the drainage channel, where can the coast guard find it?

The cargo robbery happened suddenly. Those who rushed out of the gate to the scene were all the coast guards on duty in the port. They were completely unprepared. When they rushed out, they might still be half asleep and half awake.

The coast guard searched the Jiangdao aimlessly for a long time, but Mao didn't see it in the end.

In a dense forest on the shore, Su Tianyu ran ahead like a big wolf dog, with good physical strength.

"How did you get out?" Kong Zhenghui asked after him.

"There are coast guards in the back, how can I get out? I got out from the cabin on the ground floor!" Su Tianyu swung his thighs, and his speed was comparable to that of a track and field champion: "Hurry up, we have to go to another area." "

Okay "Kong Zhenghui's physical fitness is relatively average, but he still gritted his teeth and ran after Su Tianyu.


Donglong Bridge.

Tang Baiqing rushed to the scene and boarded the speedboat: "Where's the goods? Where's the goods?!" "

I can't get rid of them, Team Tang, there are too many goods, and you look at the shore." The marine police leader replied in a low voice.

Hearing this, Tang Baiqing looked towards the banks on both sides, and saw at least thirty spectators standing on the Donglong Bridge. These are all hawkers who do business at night in the surrounding streets. When they heard the sound of gunfire on the sea like firecrackers, they all rushed over to watch the excitement. Of course, this is when the coast guard has already controlled the place, otherwise they wouldn't be so close, and they must be afraid of being bloodied.

In addition to the people eating melons on the Donglong Bridge to watch the excitement, in the residential buildings on both sides of the bank, there are also a large number of people lying on the windows, looking down and taking pictures with their mobile phones.

Entering the mouth of the Longjiang River, there are residential areas on both sides of the shore. It is impossible for no one to pay attention to such a big commotion on the sea!

Tang Baiqing's face turned pale with anxiety, and he growled and said, "Let Lao He and the others come over, even if it's bad luck, they have to get rid of the goods. I'll write the report tomorrow.

" It is necessary to organize people to move the goods, and notify the coast guard on the road to send a car to pick them up.

"Buzz buzz!"

Just as Tang Baiqing was about to forcefully get Jinzhu off the boat, sirens suddenly sounded from the shore, and six police cars drove over from the east side and stopped directly by the Donglong Bridge.

Seeing this scene, Tang Baiqing was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what to do, and he was also tired.

More than 20 police officers got on and off the six police vehicles. Their uniforms were completely different from those of the Coast Guard, obviously belonging to the police station system.

The leading police officer stepped up to the Donglong Bridge, pulled his neck and shouted at the coast guard on the speedboat, "I'm the superintendent of Zhanan District, what's the situation?" "...

smuggled." The coast guard stiffened Scalp replied.

"Has anyone been restrained on board?" A police chief of the Zhanan District Superintendent asked again, pulling his neck.

The coast guard gritted his teeth: "There are people, there are more than a dozen people."

"Fuck! This is too rampant. The smugglers drove the boat up the inland river? Why, the driver smoked opium?" Zhanan District The superintendent's mouth is very bad.

The Coast Guard didn't answer.

"Brother, this boat has passed the Donglong Bridge, so we have to work." The superintendent of Zhanan District lowered his head and shouted again: "Don't move anything on the boat, we have to take a look at the scene!" Tang Baiqing's forehead was

bruised Since then, he picked up the phone and prepared to make a call to the police department's relations, hoping that the Superintendent of Zhanan District would let him go and let them not get involved in this case for the time being.


As soon as Tang Baiqing took out the phone, before Tang Baiqing could dial the number, two media interview vehicles in Zhanan District stopped directly behind the police car.

After the media staff in the car opened the door and got out of the car, they set up the equipment immediately.

"Here is the news from Waka.com. Just tonight, a fishing boat broke through the customs and rushed into the mouth of the Longjiang River in our city. It had a gun battle with the police officers of the coast guard team in our city. The boat was on fire. Okay, now Let's interview the police officers of the Coast Guard and ask about the situation..." The host mumbled a few words to the camera, and walked directly down the steps.

Tang Baiqing looked at the other party: "CNM, this must be a ghost!"

Fifteen minutes later, Xu Hu's car rushed to the shore, and before he got out of the car, he saw the media, inland police officers, and Block the Donglong Bridge.

Xu Hu picked up the phone and dialed Tang Baiqing's cell phone: "Hello? Baiqing!"

"I'm not Team Tang. He's being interviewed. The phone is here." "

When is Du Nima? Interview, is he using this as a political achievement propaganda?!" Xu Hu's mentality exploded on the spot: "Where is the goods? Did the goods go off the water?" "No, they were stuck in the boat



In a high-end apartment in the city An old man in his sixties sat on the bed in his pajamas: "What's wrong?! The Coast Guard gets so much money every year that they can't protect such important goods?" At six o'clock the next morning,

Guangji island.

An Qiqi was wearing a very close-fitting sportswear, standing in front of the tent door doing stretching exercises.

Su Tianyu, Bai Hongbo, Su Tianbei, and Kong Zhenghui walked back from a distance.

"Why did you go?" An Qiqi asked Su Tianyu.

"Morning exercise!"

"I believe you ghost, you left in the middle of the night last night." An Qiqi looked at the other party suspiciously.

"I couldn't sleep at night, we took a walk around." Su Tianyu replied perfunctorily, and walked towards Yu Mingyuan's side.

Bai Hongbo followed behind, looked at An Qiqi's suspicious eyes, and said in a low voice, "She seems to have discovered something, so let's silence it!"

Not far away, Yu Mingyuan sat under a parasol, didn't sleep all night, and only held three books. The mobile phone is stabbing the opponents in the port one by one.