
Dragon City: Wind Rise

Sixty years after the global catastrophe, the Little Freeze Period ended, and the governments of the living regions began to collect land in the anarchic areas to be planned on a large scale, reorganize resources, and fully entered the recovery stage, and these two decades are also known as "golden Twenty years". This is a bright era in which new regions are rising one after another, politics is set up, capital is acting, careerists are everywhere, heroes are powerful, villains and grassroots are rising together! A young man rises up in troubled times with a full stomach of strategy, hides a tiger in his chest, and measures the world.

DaoistHBoOZE · Urban
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79 Chs

The Bamboo Sticks

Outside the garbage factory of Changqing Company, the core children of Su Liu, Baikong's four families, carrying big iron bars, machetes and other weapons, rushed into the courtyard in a hurry.

In the factory, all the people in Changqing Company were dumbfounded, thinking that the leaders of these companies were all upstairs negotiating with Lu Feng, why did they suddenly make a move?

"What are you doing, rebelling?!" A leader of the Changqing Company heard the movement in the courtyard, and immediately led people out to greet him.

"I can't give you money, and I can't hand over the land. Now I come to talk to you, and you still have to use knives to detain people? Damn, it's really up to your Changqing company to decide Zhanan District?!" The leading son of the Bai family Pulling his neck and shouting: "Bullying people don't bully like this, do it for me, save the eldest brother !


The window of the room was suddenly smashed by a thrown chair, the glass shards tilted down, and the chair hung on the window frame.

The children of the four families downstairs looked up and thought that the fight in the room on the third floor had reached the most intense stage. If they didn't rush up, the leader of their own family would probably be beaten to death inside the house.

"Do it!"

"Chop them up!"


The four children stopped talking nonsense, and started to fight with the bewildered Changqing Company horse boy with their weapons.

In fact, under normal circumstances, the children of Su, Liu, Baikong and the four families might not be so impulsive, because the Changqing Company is different from other dirty gangs. They were organized before Jiyuan. groups", overseas even the old-fashioned party would not dare to talk to them easily. Coupled with the four bitter brothers, the essence of engaging in the bottom industries of society is also to seek money, and they will fight with anyone if they can't make it.

But this conflict is not under normal circumstances! Su, Liu, Baikong's four families have been really bullied recently. The leader of the family has been arrested, and the site and company will also be blackmailed by others. They feel that their stance is low enough. But even so, Lu Feng still has to fight with the "negotiator" and threaten, who can bear it?

They are all running around and eating rivers and lakes, who can be scared to death by who? !

In just tens of seconds, dozens of people from both sides fought in the compound.


Lu Feng's office on the third floor was also in chaos at the moment, because the Changqing company personnel at the door all rushed in after hearing the movement inside and outside the house. And when they saw Lu Feng lying on the coffee table covered in blood, they must have done it without saying a word.

The most thieves here is Su Tianyu. He picked the matter, and he moved his hand first, but at the moment when he stood by the window and saw that the downstairs was already fighting, he climbed onto the window sill immediately, and kept yelling at Su Tiannan: "Let's go!" Let's go, go out first, big brother!"

The most unlucky person here is Bai Hongbo, this brother was about to run away just now when he saw Su Tianyu making a move, so he was the one closest to the door. But he didn't expect that before he could run away, people from Changqing Company had already rushed in.

In his heart, Bai Hongbo didn't want to get into a fight with Changqing Company, and he didn't even want to start a fight, because he always regarded himself as a cultural person. At this moment, as soon as he saw the other person rushing in, he immediately took two steps back and shouted: "Brother, give me three seconds, and I will explain to you..." "

You explain Nima! How dare you do anything here, I think You are tired of working!" A strong man on the other side picked up the chair by the door and smashed it over.

Bai Hongbo's hair was a little disheveled, and he shouted again, pressing his restless hands, "I didn't do it, brother. Listen to me, the police department has cracked down recently. We have conflicts over money, so there is no need to commit crimes..." "

Pfft !"

While Bai Hongbo was beeping, he saw a stunned young man rushing in from the door, raised his hand and slashed his arm with a knife.

A second later, the intellectual Bai Hongbo shook his hair, picked up an electric iron mop at the door with both hands, and shouted hysterically: "Fuck off Nima, I'll fight with you Zebang bastards!" Front side, Su

Tiannan , Kong Zhenghui, and Liu Lao Er were holding benches and small Chahai tables, and kept slamming the door, trying to prevent the other party's people from rushing in.

Su Tianyu squatted on the window sill and shouted urgently: "Aren't you stupid? The building is full of their people, fuck off, let's go down first. You can jump out of the window here, and there is rain downstairs.

" With a voice down, Su Tiannan, Liu Lao Er, and Kong Zhenghui all rushed to the window in a cautious manner, climbed up the window sill decisively, and jumped downstairs.

Beside the sofa, Bai Hongbo was very embarrassed by the iron rod, and shouted loudly: "Aren't you still from the Jianghu? There are those who are on horseback one by one!"

Su Tianyu saw that if he wanted to ignore him, this fat man must want to Stuck in the room, he picked up all kinds of flower pots on the windowsill and threw them at the other crowd.

The weight of the flower pot is not light, if it is really going to be hit on the head, even if it does not cause shock, it has to be opened. Taking advantage of the other party's avoidance, Bai Hongbo rushed up to the window sill in a very embarrassing manner, and jumped down without even looking at what was going on downstairs.

"Tear it!"


When Su Tianyu and the others jumped down, they were all supported by the Yuta cloth on the second floor, but Bai Hongbo jumped down and was pushed by the Yuta cloth directly by his body weight. It shattered, and the whole person fell to the ground like a shell.

Downstairs at the door, the children of the Bai family saw that the eldest brother had fallen, and immediately rushed over and asked, "Are you okay, brother?" "Don't touch

me, the tailbone seems to be broken." Bai Hongbo waved his hands to stop the other party with a solemn expression. Helping him, looking miserable, he adjusted his posture before gritting his teeth and standing up.

Outside the compound, seven or eight 7-meter-long trucks carrying garbage rushed in, and hundreds of workers from the "Four Great Families" who had been waiting at the surrounding intersections arrived. These people originally planned to enter the Changqing Company's venue to demonstrate together when they couldn't reach an agreement, but now they saw that the courtyard was already fighting, and the four core children still had the upper hand, so they joined the battle without saying a word up.

To be honest, it is definitely unrealistic for you to ask these workers to help you with your life in times of adversity, because everyone has a family and a business, and if they are really injured or disabled, they must be the ones who suffer in the end. But if there is an opportunity to beat the dog in the water, and there is still money to take, then these brothers are definitely not afraid of trouble.

More than a hundred people rushed in, surrounded by a small number of Changqing company personnel, and they just messed around, and many people rushed into the other party's main building and smashed the other party's things, because the business of garbage recycling is Cash flow, there are at least six or seven offices in the main building, and they all need to have cash on hand...

"Okay, stop doing it, let's go!" Liu Laoer is naturally timid, and he kept shouting at the workers after he rushed out, but At this moment, the courtyard was in chaos. There were people inside and outside the building, and he couldn't control the scene at all.


the third floor.

Lu Feng, who had been smashed by Su Tianyu six or seven times in the ashtray, had woken up from the dizziness at this moment. He wiped the blood on his cheek indiscriminately, and roared through gritted teeth: "Brothers with horsepower in the organization building, take the things, Come downstairs with me!"

"Brother Feng, your ears are going to fall off." A strong man shouted to remind him.

Lu Feng's right ear was pierced by Su Tianyu, but how big is the connection between the ear and the head? And the fruit knife needs to be as wide as two fingers together, so Su Tianyu's knife almost cut off more than half of Lu Feng's ear, leaving only the earlobe still connected to his head.

After Lu Feng heard the reminder, he raised his hand and touched his right ear. When he felt that it was about to fall off, he stretched out his hand and pulled it down hard, picking off the ear alive.

Everyone was stunned, Lu Feng put his ears in his clothes pockets, and with a gloomy face, he walked to the closet on the side of the office, reached out and took off the one-meter-long machete hanging on the knife holder.

"Let's go!"

Lu Feng shouted, and rushed downstairs with the Changqing company staff gathered at the door.

Less than a minute later, Lu Feng led more than a dozen people to kill out from the side door of the main building, turned his head and scanned the compound, and fixed his eyes on Su Tianyu who was calling for people to retreat.

When Lu Feng saw Su Tianyu, he didn't say a word, but rushed over with a knife in his eyes, and Su Tianyu was standing next to Bai Hongbo, who was holding his tailbone.

It can be said that Bai Hongbo was very miserable in this fight. Not only was he stabbed, but he was almost paralyzed from the fall, so when he saw Lu Feng, he immediately shouted: "Fuck him!

" Sheng Sheng rushed over with the murder weapon in hand. After the two sides met, they were beaten together instantly. But what Bai Hongbo and Su Tianyu didn't expect was that Lu Feng's bravery was simply invincible.

Lu Feng's way of fighting is completely different from ordinary people. When he sees a knife being cut, he will not dodge a large amount of his body at all. Instead, he keeps walking and moves forward calmly.


A disciple of the Bai family on the left took a knife and slashed at Lu Feng's body. The latter only took a step, turned his body and turned sideways, then suddenly raised his arm, and stabbed Lu Feng decisively and accurately. He hacked back.


The boy of the Bai family was slashed on the spot so that his right cheek was cracked and dripping with blood.

Lu Feng kicked the opponent's chest, kicked him to the ground, bowed his head and made two more cuts, all of which were on the opponent's cheek.

The children of the Bai family were terrified and instinctively dodged backwards. Lu Feng walked steadily and raised his knife at the person closest to him, pretending to chop again, but the latter instinctively raised his knife to block and dodged backwards.


Lu Feng picked up the knife diagonally, and the opponent's wrist was cut open on the spot, exposing the bones.

It took only six or seven seconds for the two sides to meet each other. After Lu Feng knocked down four people in a row, he rushed out of the crowd without getting hit, and went straight to Su Tianyu's position.

Seeing Lu Feng's vigor, Bai Hongbo turned around and ran away, but when he looked up, he found that Su Tianyu was running faster than him, dangling in front of him.

Lu Feng chased all the way, and killed the two of the Bai family. Bai Hongbo was so frightened that his tailbone healed on the spot, and kept cursing: "Xiao Su, Xiao Su, run to the side, don't stay in front of me, grass mud horse... ...!"

"Brother, organize people to go home, go back first." Su Tianyu ignored Bai Hongbo, yelled at Su Tiannan several times, and ran out of the compound as fast as he could.

Lu Feng chased him all the way, but found that Su Tianyu had excellent physical strength, just like a professional track and field team, and it was difficult to catch up for a while.

Su Tianyu didn't want to risk his life with someone like Lu Feng at all, let alone there were many people on the other side. After he ran for half a street in a row, he turned around and saw that Lu Feng was still chasing him.

In desperation, Su Tianyu turned a corner and saw a red car parked by the side of the road when he turned his head. Before he had time to think about it, he ran over in two steps, pulled the door and got into the car, raised his head and shouted: "Drive, hurry up!" Drive!" As he was driving, a beautiful woman with big eyes was holding an

ice cream, she turned her head dumbfounded and asked, "What are you doing?!"

Your breasts have been picked!" Su Tianyu roared urgently.