
Dragon City: Wind Rise

Sixty years after the global catastrophe, the Little Freeze Period ended, and the governments of the living regions began to collect land in the anarchic areas to be planned on a large scale, reorganize resources, and fully entered the recovery stage, and these two decades are also known as "golden Twenty years". This is a bright era in which new regions are rising one after another, politics is set up, capital is acting, careerists are everywhere, heroes are powerful, villains and grassroots are rising together! A young man rises up in troubled times with a full stomach of strategy, hides a tiger in his chest, and measures the world.

DaoistHBoOZE · Urban
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79 Chs


In the hospital of the Police Department, the police officer guarding Daxiong opened the door and went to the stairwell, and dialed a number: "Hey, yes, yes, a suspect in our prison was injured. Yes, it fell on my head, I I took him out to see a doctor, but I didn't expect the hospital to be quite busy. We have been waiting in line all night, and no one cares about us. Yes, then you can call me. Okay, I'm at the surgery entrance on the second floor Waiting here... Alright, thank you, Lao Wang, I will come to your house during the Chinese New Year!"

The phone hung up, and the police officer guarding Big Bear pushed the door and went back to the corridor, cursing and saying: "One phone call, I have to visit you again during the Chinese New Year!" Give me an extra gift."

"Oh, it's better than anything else if we can get it done sooner." The colleague sitting next to Big Bear replied.

The police officer bent down and sat down, turned his head to look at Da Xiong and asked, "You are injured, I want to call your family and let me know, can your family come to see you?" Although Da Xiong is mentally handicapped,

he The mind is very delicate. He reacts slowly, at most, his brain needs to think for a while, so it is not difficult to guess what the other party means.

The four police officers have been tossing around with him for a whole day. The other party obviously wants to spend some hard work. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there are people coming from the family, so they must not be empty-handed.

Da Xiong understood this, but still bowed his head and replied: "...I... I don't have... no one in my family wants to take care of me." When the

policeman heard this, he immediately curled his lips and scolded: "You are such a badass, there is no one in my family." People are in charge, people are stupid again, come back and judge, and when you are assigned to a regular prison, sooner or later you will be killed." Others may

feel nothing when they hear this, but after Daxiong listens, the whole The person's body twitched, and his eyes were full of horror.

What is it like in the prison, is it more difficult to survive than the current detention center? Big Bear was really scared, his face was pale and his eyes were restless.

The police officer ignored him and turned to chat with his colleagues.

About five minutes later, a young doctor came down in a hurry, and asked the police officer concisely: "Director Wang's friend?

" See a doctor."

"Where is the injury?" asked the young doctor.

"Eyes, nasal bone, possibly ribs..."

"Explosive fire, the ophthalmology department is busy too." The young doctor checked Da Xiong's injuries briefly, and immediately said, "Let's go, find a place first, I'll check it out for him, and it doesn't look like a big deal."

"Okay." The police officer greeted immediately: "Go, hurry up!"

Normally speaking, this is the hospital of the Police Department, and Big Bear has to go in even if he sees a doctor. An iron door, and receive treatment in the consulting room inside. But today's situation is quite special, the upstairs consulting room is full, and all of them are felons who illegally made explosives, so the young doctor led everyone into his office area. There is no need to enter the iron gate here, and it is no different from the consulting room of an ordinary hospital.

When the man entered the house, the young doctor turned around and asked, "What crime did he do?"

"Murder." The policeman replied.

"Murder?!" The young doctor froze for a moment.

"He was mentally handicapped, it was manslaughter, the other party beat him, he swung the hammer, hit his back and beat him to death." The policeman explained: "It's nothing serious, the sentence can't be too severe." The young doctor

listened At this point, he relaxed a little, pointed to the bed and said, "Take off the chain for him. I'll check it first. He needs to be put on the equipment later. He needs to go to the orthopedics department and the ophthalmology department."

This kind of situation happens from time to time. As long as the suspect needs to take CT scans or something, he has to take off the shackles for treatment. Therefore, the policeman bent down and took the key, and untied the chain of the big bear, but he did not take it off completely. Let him be tied by one foot.

"Hold it yourself, don't let the ground smash it." The young doctor instructed.

"Ah!" Big Bear nodded, holding the shackles in his left hand, bent over and sat on the half reclining chair.

The young doctor checked the injured part of Daxiong, and the other four police officers went to the door to wait.

About fifteen minutes later, the young doctor cleaned Daxiong's eyes, and turned around and shouted: "There is nothing wrong with the eyes, but they are congested from the beating. Take some anti-inflammatory drugs and give him two injections. But his ribs hurt and he has to Go to the orthopedic department for a CT to see if there is any bone fracture."

"Do you still have to do a CT?" the policeman asked.

"That must be done! Go and run the list." The young doctor replied.

"Damn it, when my father left, I didn't take care of him like this..." The policeman scolded, and could only run to the orthopedics department with the receipt.

"Look at him, I'll go upstairs." The young doctor was also very busy, seeing that Big Bear was fine, he turned around and walked out of the clinic.

Big Bear was sitting on a semi-reclining chair at the moment, and suddenly noticed that due to time constraints, the number of people in the corridor had decreased, and there were only three police officers at the door.

Depression, despair, confusion, fear, and even negative emotions of unwillingness, almost flooded into Big Bear's brain after he saw the situation outside.

Before Daxiong entered the hospital, he didn't have any cross-border thoughts in his mind, and he was even thinking about how to face those who beat him when he returned to the prison, but at this moment, his thoughts changed uncontrollably .

It seems that I can walk!

If he left, he would not have to face the suspects, guards, and policemen who bullied him every day. If he left, he

would not have to be sentenced. He would go to the worse and more terrifying prison that others said.

After leaving, maybe I can still try to eat a full meal and watch the bright fireworks outside...

Even if I die, it seems that there is nothing unacceptable, and maybe I am relieved!

In a split second, the thought that came up in a split second quickly broke through all the baggage and rationality in Big Bear's mind. He looked down at the shackles on his legs, and yelled out of nowhere: "Guo... Brother Guo... I... My ribs hurt... It hurts so much!" At the door,

a policeman was talking to his colleagues , He turned his head when he heard the shout: "It was fine just now, why did it hurt again?


"Clean things every day!" The police officer surnamed Guo stepped into the room, bent over and came to Big Bear, "Take your hands away, and I'll see what's going on." "Boom!!!" Big Bear suddenly


, A punch hit the officer in the face. His physical strength was so strong that the police officer, who was a full head shorter than him, fell to the ground with a bang.

After the person fell, Big Bear had already stepped forward, picked up a medical glass bottle on the cabinet, and smashed it down like a slam dunk.

"Crack, crash!"

The glass bottle shattered on the policeman's head, and the policeman fainted on the spot.

Big Bear's thinking was very clear, he bent down immediately and pulled the shackle key from the opponent's waist.

What happened in just two or three seconds caught the other two police officers at the door by surprise. After one of them reacted, he touched the gun immediately: "He wants to run!" "Boom!" Big Bear picked up the iron in


house The chair was thrown out directly.

The two at the door instinctively retreated to avoid.

Like a blind bear, Big Bear rushed out of the bathroom in two steps. When the man arrived at the door, the police officer on the left reached out and grabbed his arm, but when Big Bear ran forward, he directly used the force of his body to throw him to the ground.

As soon as the other person drew his gun, the big bear pulled his neck and swung it directly. The latter's body turned around the big bear in half-air, and was thrown to the ground immediately.


Big Bear pushed open the door of the stairwell, rushed in, walked down the whole half-floor steps in two steps, and came to the window.

The window of the consulting room just now faced the street, and had that kind of anti-theft iron railing, but there was no stairwell on this side, because its location was not inside the iron gate upstairs.

Big Bear pushed open the window, climbed up neatly, and jumped without hesitation.

When the person fell downstairs, Big Bear seemed to lose sight of everything, and he didn't have any complicated thoughts in his mind, he just ran wildly with all his might.


The Yu family, Su Tianyu shouted to An

Qiqi: "Happy Chinese New Year!

" Yu squinted at her: "I think you don't respect my name! Has it been a long time since you picked your breasts?" "

Get out! Don't they all call it that?"