
Dragon City: Wind Rise

Sixty years after the global catastrophe, the Little Freeze Period ended, and the governments of the living regions began to collect land in the anarchic areas to be planned on a large scale, reorganize resources, and fully entered the recovery stage, and these two decades are also known as "golden Twenty years". This is a bright era in which new regions are rising one after another, politics is set up, capital is acting, careerists are everywhere, heroes are powerful, villains and grassroots are rising together! A young man rises up in troubled times with a full stomach of strategy, hides a tiger in his chest, and measures the world.

DaoistHBoOZE · Urban
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79 Chs

Lonely Ghost

"Run away?!" Tang Baiqing stared at his eyes: "Impossible! That's a fool, how could he run away?" "He was

injured by other suspects in the detention center, and the police over there brought him out To see a doctor, he ran away and injured three police officers." Lao Yang gnashed his teeth and roared: "Do you know how much trouble this will cause?! Six or seven years in prison, but as soon as it ran in the hospital of the police department, the higher-ups paid attention!"

Tang Baiqing's brain was buzzing, and he didn't understand what shit he was stepping on. Good news.

"Let me tell you, his case has not yet been judged. If he commits another crime while on the run, or if this matter is fermented by the media and attracts close attention from the upper echelon, it is very likely...do you understand me?" Lao Yang's mentality obviously exploded, because he is the investigator of this case, and if something happens, he will 100% follow suit.

"You organize the police immediately to find him and arrest him. I'll go back later."

"What's on your mind? What time is this? Are you going to come back later?" Lao Yang yelled and asked.

"I'm not in the city," Tang Baiqing gritted his teeth and replied, "I'm doing business here in Sinalo." "

Hurry up, hurry up!" Lao Yang dropped the sentence and hung up the phone.

"Steamer!" Tang Baiqing was so angry that he kicked the tables and chairs away, and walked out with a sullen face.

Hearing the movement, Xu Er came over and asked with a frown, "What's the matter?"

"The prisoner who was squatting for me ran away from the police station hospital, and I have to go back immediately." Tang Baiqing paused and said, "What are you doing?" Your elder brother called and asked him to find some people on the road and help him inquire, but don't talk about the specifics." "

All right!" Xu Er nodded: "Then you go back first, I'll watch over here."

Tang Baiqing was not in the mood to greet Xu Er any more, so he left here quickly.


At night, around 9:40, on Tufang Street, Zhanan District, a strong young man was walking briskly in an alley.

On the street, the neon lights are bright, and the red lanterns that symbolize auspiciousness, couplets, and blessing characters can be seen everywhere. They look very warm and full of the flavor of the New Year.

Perhaps it is because the Chinese here have left their homeland, so they pay special attention to traditional festivals. Many residents who run front-end stores will also put some homemade red dates and steamed buns on the shelves at their doorsteps.

The young man came to the entrance of the alley, stood in the shadow, turned his head to look at the familiar street, and saw many familiar faces leading his children to play in front of the door. When pedestrians talk to each other, they also say auspicious words.

The faint light shone on the young man's face, it was the big bear who had just run out of the hospital of the police station.

Daxiong stood in the alley, looked up at his own floor, and saw that the word "Fu" was pasted on the window, and there were red lanterns hanging on it.

Hesitant and hesitant, Big Bear was thinking about whether to go home after waiting for a long time.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, or the new year is coming soon, and every household has a very late rest time. In short, when Da Xiong was struggling, he saw the door of the unit at home opened, and six or seven people came out of the door. Among them were his parents, his eldest brother and second brother, and the objects they led.

After the family walked out of the unit, Wu's father said obviously a little drunk: "Come on, I'll take these two girls to a restaurant and eat delicious food." "Dad,

no need, it's getting late, we can take them back. "

"It's almost Chinese New Year, this is the first time I'm here, can I not stay for a meal?" Father Wu greeted unquestionably: "Go, go to the best Cantonese restaurant in Qianjie, let's have a meal, I'll treat you !"

Father Wu stretched all his strength, and the juniors didn't dare to disobey, they just followed him and ran towards Qian Street.

"Xiaomeng, Xiaowen, after the new year, you must bring your parents to sit at home. We will have a drink with your parents, and we will make the marriage. The bride price is not a problem. You don't have to worry about anything when you marry the Wu family. Just give me a baby quickly, haha!"

"This old man will be like this as soon as he finishes drinking, please take care of him." Mother Wu also said beamingly.

Big Bear looked at them, and after standing in the alley for a long time, he turned around decisively and left.

On the way, Daxiong passed by a front shop and saw a lot of New Year's goods in front of his house. After hesitating for a long time, he asked the old man sitting at the door: "Master, I...I have no money...you ...Can you give us steamed buns?"

The old man was sitting at the door of his shop, he was stunned when he heard Big Bear's words, he got up and picked up a few sticky bean buns made of glutinous rice from the shelf, put them in the bag and handed them to Big Bear: "...No home?"

"Ah!" Big Bear nodded.

"Here you go," the old man handed over the bag, "Happy New Year!"

Big Bear was silent for two or three seconds when he heard this, and then he grinned and stammered back: "New...Happy New Year!"


Yu family.

Yu Mingyuan was sitting outside on the balcony wearing a red T-shirt, and said softly to Su Tianyu: "I have been talking with other code gangs for the past few days. Although I haven't reached any substantive results, at least... It's a good thing to resist contact with us."

"Yes, a good thing." Su Tianyu nodded.

"Hey, have you ever been back to China?" Yu Mingyuan asked.

Su Tianyu blinked: "I'm sure not."

"Want to go back?"

"Why do you ask?" Su Tianyu was a little strange.

"Our company doesn't sell goods during this period, and I just talked with other suppliers. The goods we are getting now are all from Erdao dealers. If the follow-up goes well, I will send you on a business trip?" Yu Mingyuan smiled.

"Okay!" Su Tianyu nodded: "First solve the problem of bulk cargo, and then we will deal with the purchase of goods." "

Yeah!" Yu Mingyuan nodded: "Have you eaten tonight?"

"Not full."

"Haha, That's right, let's go, let's eat and drink by the hour!"

"Good!" Su Tianyu got up.

The two got up and left the terrace, just in time to see An Qiqi sitting under the gazebo and making a phone call.

"Oh, I see. I'm fine at my uncle's house. Happy New Year to you and Dad!" An Qiqi said with a smile.

Su Tianyu passed by An Qiqi's side, deliberately teasing her: "Just confess to my uncle and aunt, I'm ready to meet my parents..." "

Get out!" An Qiqi roared.

"Don't keep molesting my sister." Yu Mingyuan reprimanded with his hands behind his back.

"I don't molest your sister, so what's the point of me giving you a job?" Su Tian Yuchou replied shamelessly.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's useless for you to flirt, my sister has high eyesight." Yu Mingyuan replied with a smile.

Beside, An Qiqi tried to explain: "Oh, I'm not in love! Yes, mortals are too mediocre, Ma Ma, I'm going back to the fairy world." Yu Mingyuan and Su Tianyu walked into the room, just about to

go In the kitchen, the phone rang.


"...Do you know Wu Shixiong?" Wang Daolin's voice sounded.

"Ah! What's the matter?"

"He escaped from prison." Wang Daolin said with a little exaggeration.

"What? He escaped from prison?! This is impossible, he...how did he do it?" Su Tianyu was completely stunned.


Big Bear breaks out of prison.

Lao Leizi was arrested.

The veterans of the Warhammer Organization also arrived in Dragon City earlier.

Yu Mingyuan was reorganizing, Mabang was eager to get out of the predicament, and Tang Baiqing also returned to Dragon City late at night. A storm that affected many people had landed quietly.