
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

In my deep sleep I was awake when I heard a voice whisper in my ear.

I can feel his warn breath through my ears. "Son, wake up. They need you." He kept telling me.

I opened my eyes. Silence greeted me.

The only thing that could be heard from it was the chirping of the birds and the beating of the wind on the leaves.

I rolled my eyes around.

I was lying on the white and soft bed.

The whole room is white, there is nothing to see here but where I am lying and the table next to me with stacked fruits.

I try to remember how I got here but I don’t really know how.

I sat down and watched the bird land on the window.

Suddenly the door opened. A woman in a sky blue dress entered the room.

She was wearing a surgical mask and was carrying food. "Good morning sir."

"Good morning." My answer.

She removed her mask and smiled at me. She walked closer to the table and there he placed the food.

"Please eat your breakfast sir, you can go back to your dorm later."

I took the soup that was on the table and ate it. I was feeling hungry earlier when I saw the soup.

I don't know how many days I've been lying here and unconscious. I couldn’t help but ask.

"Uhm ... Miss !?" I called her as she was about to leave.

She turned to me. "Yes?".

"How many days have I been here?And h-how do I get here?" I ask.

"You were only here yesterday. You lost consciousness while you were in the blue garden with other students." She said.

Then I remembered what had happened. I lost consciousness yesterday.

"There's an insect on your leg. It's on your skin. It absorbs your blood as well as the manna that flows through your body so you lose consciousness."

"It's not normal because the ordinary insect can't get mana from someone. But don't worry, you're safe now. We've removed that." She added.

"I see. Thank you miss--" I interrupted when she spoke.

"My name is Kaitlyn Wegan, call me Nurse Kait." She said with a smile.

Her face is very gentle when she smiles. She looks like Valerie. They are both in the dark.

Back then, I’m always asking Uncle Shargo about myself, I don’t know who I am, I also can’t remember my parents' face or even their name.

The only thing I can see in my memory is the blurry faces of a woman and man who are always by my side when I go to sleep.

The lady always kissing my forehead. They both hugged me whenever I was afraid of thunder and lightning.

One day I found my self hiding from someone. I gasped and ran quickly away from the voice calling to me.

I couldn't look back because I felt so scared ...

I would have fallen asleep but I woke up when I heard thunder. I got up and peeked out the window.

I rested deeply. Suddenly lightning struck, I almost jumped in panic and gasped as I sat on my bed.

I didn't realize that I was holding my chest.

"Scared?" I turned to Troy. He is currently lying down while reading a book that he always does.

"I'm probably not a man because I'm afraid of lightning." I answered jokingly.

He answered it with his smirk. He went back to reading the book.

I watched him as he read. Now I noticed that he is wearing a reading glasses when reading because his eyes were blurred.

I stood up and closed the curtain. I noticed that he was looking at my leg.

"How's your leg? Does it still hurt?" Usisa nya.

"Not too much. It's pretty okay." My answer. I looked at my left leg, it was wrapped in a bandage.

The next morning, when I entered our classroom, no one was there.

I was immediately surprised because even our class representative was not there, he was often the earliest to attend.

Actually I'm late, it's already 8:15. I was 45 minutes late when I entered.

I heard footsteps approaching where I was. A few moments later they stopped, and I was sure that whoever they were was behind me.

"Why do freshies always broke the rules?" I heard a woman shout loudly.

Her voice is so gentle yet full of authority. Not that loud but there was pressure that caused my chest to pound.

She is like a lawyer when she speaks.

"Hello, may I know your name and what block do you belong?" Asked a man in a somewhat familiar voice.

"I think I know him." Said another woman who was quite young and had a soft voice. It’s also familiar.

I slowly faced them.

"Freshmen are too stubborn now, not funny." Said the first woman who spoke earlier. Now I can barely see his appearance.

Her red hair is braided and reaches up to her waist.

She has brave eyes that are far away from the timbre of her very calm voice. It was a little tall on me and had a white and smooth skin. Her lips are red and she has a sharp nose.

"I can't forgive someone who breaks the rules of my beloved school, you must be in the dungeon!" She was obviously angry when she saw me in front of her because his voice was hoarse.

As far as I know, dungeon is an underground prison in the castle, dark and crowded ... RAT !!!

My knees weakened and shook. That’s probably the law in this area, it's way too different from where I come from. What are the rules he is referring to? Am I breaking it so badly? And I don’t like rats and frogs! I was so scared of those!

Inevitably, my mind panicked. I'm not a criminal to be locked up in a dungeon.

"Don't be so harsh to him. It's just a simple violation, he's not a criminal Darlyn." Now I know the woman with the familiar voice. She is Valerie Wegan, the Student council's secretary.

"Wait ... I know him. Are you Paul Nicolo Ramirez?" Student council's President Mico Vlarae asked.

My knees shook more because there were high positions in front of me that said I had violated school rules.

"Oh. Hi Paul Nicolo, how's your wounds?" Valerie ask.

"Hi. Uhmm ... F-fine. Hehehe." My chin trembled when I answer.

She smiled as a response.

"Do you guys know him?" The woman named Darlyn was curious, her red face and eyes were noticeable, is this person on drugs?

The two nodded at once.

"He was the one who fainted in the blue garden before you came." Mico replied to Darlyn.

"So he's the person who is under the investigation of the school heads ??? Ouch !!!" Darlyn could have said a lot but Valerie stopped her and forcibly covered her mouth.

I almost laughed at what he was up to. As you can imagine, his voice is very gentle but he is very talkative.

I almost laughed at what she was up to. As you can imagine, her voice is very gentle but she is very talkative.

"President, we'll be in office first." Valerie says goodbye and pulls Darlyn out. We just watched them.

Darlyn said more but couldn't understand because Valerie's hand covered her mouth.

Before they disappeared from our sight and I saw Valerie lift Darlyn and place her on her shoulder. It struggles but she can do nothing.

Valerie is amazing. He was a very small person but he was able to lift Darlyn up to her chin.

"I'm sorry for Darlyn's behavior. She's drunk, that's why she's like that." Mico's apology.

"It's okay." I smirk and at the same time scratch my head.

"By the way, why are you here? You're supposed to be in training field with your classmates." He said.

I scratched my head again. "I'm sorry. I didn't know ...." I stopped what I was going to say when he spoke.

"Take time to read the rules of the school it's in there." He pointed to a poster on the wall near the window.

"1. Don't use your magic if not necessary.

2. Don't go outside of Golden sanctuary without the permission of the heads.

3. You can use your magic freely in the training field.

4. Every Friday, no one is allowed to go to the classrooms, you must be in the training hall the whole day.

5. Don't use your magic against other students

6. Students are not aloud outside of their dormitories during 10pm to 5am."

Now I know why she's telling me that I've break the rules. I've broken the rule number 4.

Not good for me. I'm not used to that kind of thing, I've never been involved in anything against my previous schools.

"I'm sorry President." I said.

"It's okay." He took some paper from the sling bag he was carrying, I think it was a list. "Hmp ... Found it." It looked at me. "This is your first offense, once you break the rules for three times there will be a punishment." He said emphatically. Now I got my first warning. I really hate it.

I nodded in response. I didn't have any reaction to what he said because I think I can do what is stated in the school rules. I just didn't really know that before.

"I'm sorry again for what happened, just ignore what Darlyn said, she's drunk, she doesn't know what she's doing. My sincere apologies." He said this and bowed.

"It's okay, don't worry about that." I said laughing. What in the world is this place. A school president and secretary is with a weird drunk gilr?

"Anyway, your classmates and teacher are waiting for you in the training hall. You may go now."

Troy's POV:

All the freshmen blocks are already here. But I still can't see Nicolo.

From where I was sitting I could see the whole class of block 3 except for him.

I forgot to tell him that every Friday all students should be in the training hall.

He is probably in their classroom now. I hope the student council not catch him.

I rested deeply.

"Hey Troy, what are you thinking? You're not in yourself." Said one of my classmates Janna.

"I'm just looking for someone." My answer.

"Mr. Lavender, Ms. Dresell?" Our teacher said angrily. Because of that my attention returned to the class.

Nicolo's POV:

I almost got lost earlier. The school has four training halls.

One for freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior. Fortunately, the sophomore I met showed me the training hall I was going to.

When I entered, everyone stopped what they were doing.

I was stunned for a moment when I realized that all the blocks were here.

I thought our class was the only one here. I looked around and saw Troy waving at me.

I smiled when I saw him. He pointed in one direction and when I looked there I saw more than twenty students.

Maybe he was saying that I should go to my classmates and our PE teacher.

This subject is not totally PE, I have no idea about these subjects but since we are in the training hall, I assume that this subject is PE.

Our teacher noticed me immediately and was obviously surprised.

"Excuse me. Are you part of this block?" Teacher's curiosity.

His voice echoed throughout the hall. This caused us to get everyone’s attention.

All eyes were on me.

I couldn't speak which caused his noot to wrinkle. "Excuse me sir, are you part of this class?"

"Uh, y-yah ... I-i mean yes sir, I am." I stuttered in response.

"Why are you late? It's almost 1 hour since we started." Aniya.

"I'm sorry sir. I just ---" I cut off what I was going to say when I said this.

"Please show us your magic." Its loud shout engulfed the entire hall.

What the heck! What should I do?