
Chapter 210 This Doctor Cannot Be Provoked

Translator: 549690339

Xiong Laosan and his cohorts all showed looks of terror on their faces.

Xiong Laosan reached out to pull out the Silver Needles from his body, but then he heard Chen Xuan say unhurriedly, "I advise you not to move the needles carelessly. If you mess up your meridians, you might have to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair!"

These words frightened Xiong Laosan, and he did not dare to make any more moves.

"You... what the hell do you want to do?"

Chen Xuan's face remained calm, "I should be the one asking you that question. Coming to the hospital and attempting extortion in front of so many patients, what exactly is your intention?"

"Exactly, Miracle Doctor Chen's medical skills are so superior, and you dare to slander him, you're really heartless!"

"Even we were almost deceived, you fraudsters are really detestable!"

"People like them should be reported to the police and arrested!"

The crowd could not stand by and watch anymore, filled with righteous indignation.