
Chapter 001 I Must See Doctor Zhang

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Sir, your daughter must undergo surgery within three hours, but the surgery is extremely difficult, and we only have a 20% chance of success, so please prepare yourself mentally!"

Upon hearing the doctor's words, Chen Xuan's legs gave way and he sat down on the floor.

A 20% chance, that was almost no different from being sentenced to death!

"Doctor, there must be a more reliable method, right? My daughter is only four years old, please, you must save her!"

Chen Xuan, a grown man, was so anxious that he started crying.

The doctor sighed with sympathy, "The surgery must be done, however, if you can convince that person to take the lead, the chances of success could at least double, or even seven or eight out of ten are possible!"

"Really?" Chen Xuan was overjoyed. "Who is that person?"

"Naturally, it's the medical authority of Huai City, Doctor Zhang! If there's anyone in Huai City who can save your daughter, it's him! Only..."

"Only what?"

"Only, as far as I know, Doctor Zhang has retired for several years and he seldom comes out of retirement. I'm afraid it would be a wasted trip even if you went."

However, Chen Xuan's eyes were resolute, "For my daughter, I'm willing to risk my life to convince Doctor Zhang to come!"

Forty minutes later, Chen Xuan, holding the doctor's address, got out of a taxi at the entrance of Maple Forest Villa Area.

Just as he was about to enter, he was stopped by the security guard at the gate.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

This is a well-known upscale community in Huai City where everyone is dressed in fine clothes and drives luxury cars. Naturally, someone like Chen Xuan, dressed in plain clothes and arriving by taxi, was treated differently.

"Hello, I have an emergency and need to find Doctor Zhang. Please let me in."

"Sorry, this is a high-class residential area. Without an owner's invitation, we strictly do not allow entry!"

The security guard stood there haughtily, chin raised.

Chen Xuan was extremely anxious, "Brother, it really is an emergency! I need to find Doctor Zhang for my daughter's surgery, she needs to see him right away! Please make an exception!"

As Chen Xuan tried to enter, he was pushed out by the security guard.

"Make an exception my ass! Does your daughter having surgery have anything to do with me? Get lost!"

Chen Xuan was furious, his eyes red with anger. His daughter's life was hanging by a thread, and the guard dared to utter such heartless words—this was utterly despicable!

"Today I must see Doctor Zhang, no one should try to stop me!"

Chen Xuan shoved the security guard aside and tried to barge in, but before he could enter, five or six security guards suddenly rushed out of the guardhouse and directly blocked his way.

"Damn it, daring to crash into Maple Forest Villa Area, kick him out!"

Amidst the shoving, a series of horn beeps sounded from behind; seven or eight sports cars were urging the guards to open the gate.

"Fuck, what's the hold-up! Good dogs don't block the way, get the hell out of my way!"

From a red Ferrari, a young man with earrings and sunglasses cursed impatiently.

"Sorry, Young Master Zhang, it's because of this blind fool causing trouble here, I'll get rid of him now!"

The security captain who spoke intended to have Chen Xuan removed, but Young Master Zhang paused when he saw Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan?"

Young Master Zhang got out of his car and took off his sunglasses as he approached Chen Xuan.

"Zhang Yuan!"

Chen Xuan frowned.

Zhang Yuan in front of him was actually Chen Xuan's university classmate, but their relationship was far from good—they were practically enemies.

Back then, Chen Xuan had unintentionally seen Zhang Yuan and a few others forcibly taking a girl from their class into a laboratory with the intention of committing an indecency. He had quickly intervened and called a teacher for help.

The incident had caused a stir at Huai City University, but because Zhang Yuan's family had money, it was covered up and unresolved.

On the contrary, it was Chen Xuan who was targeted by Zhang Yuan and others thereafter. Several times he found his dormitory bed soaked with urine, and even his student loan was inexplicably canceled!

For these reasons, poor and with a sick mother, Chen Xuan had no choice but to drop out of university during his sophomore year and marry into the Han Family.

"Well, isn't this a fucking coincidence, running into you, disaster star, here!"

A sneering smile spread across Zhang Yuan's face.

At this moment, the others got out of their sports cars, and they were practically all the scoundrels who had followed Zhang Yuan in doing evil back in the day. Seeing Chen Xuan, they, too, began to mock.

"Fuck, isn't that Chen the Good Samaritan? What, didn't finish university and came here to work as a security guard?"

"Work as a security guard? This is Maple Forest Villa Area; he's not even qualified for that! Hahaha..."

Chen Xuan clenched his fists, grinding his teeth in anger.

He had received no good for his righteous act, yet these scum were living comfortably, the injustice of the world glaringly apparent.

Chen Xuan had no time to waste words with these scoundrels. He tried to leave but was stopped.

"Get out of my way!"

"Don't be in such a hurry, you haven't said what you're here for yet. Share what's bothering you, let us have a good laugh, hahaha..."

Zhang Yuan evidently saw that Chen Xuan was in a hurry, so he deliberately wasted time.

Then, the security captain, seeking to ingratiate himself, spoke up, "Young Master Zhang, this guy came here to find the Divine Doctor, saying something about his daughter being sick and needing surgery."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yuan and the others exchanged looks and burst into triumphant laughter.

"Damn, you really are cursed, huh? Poor as hell and your daughter has the gall to fall sick, truly a family of disaster stars, hahaha..."

Chen Xuan was raging. His daughter's life was at risk, and these bastards dared to speak such words!

"Say that again, I dare you!"

Chen Xuan charged forward to grab Zhang Yuan, only to be knocked down by a young man with dyed yellow hair.

This man, Zhu Yong, was close with Zhang Yuan in university and had bullied Chen Xuan quite a bit.

"Motherfucker, think you've grown wings? Daring to lay a hand on Brother Yuan!"

Then, Zhang Yuan, pinching Chen Xuan's face with a playful expression, said, "You want to find the Divine Doctor, right? Let me tell you, the Divine Doctor, he's my grandfather!"