
Dragon Ball Z : The Game

So I died and woke up inside someone else, in another universe. In another reality. Well... fuck me

pARTYaNIMAL · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Don’t explore a planet that it’s inhabitants are monsters...

Dad continued using me as a toddler sized punching bag for hours, not really sure what he wanted to accomplish by beating me so hard but my pain tolerance skill level up n my multiple times.

"Well that's enough for today, let's go home." Dad said kicking me one last time.

"Medical pot?" I said struggling for air on the ground, my arms shaking and body sore for the fight.

"No, a saiyan gets stronger if it heals alone!" Dad smirked carrying my limp body to the house.

"How was the training?" Mom asked Dad seeing us enter the house.

"The kid has some skill! he somehow managed to shot an attack that had a power level of 1601!" Dad proudly answered her question.

"1601! That's my baby!" Mom shouted proudly.

"Argggg" Was all I could muster to say, filled with pain, wondering why did I felt pain, shouldn't the gamer body nullify that.

[Normally it would, but that would've been bad with your saiyan biology, your body needs to feel the pain to evolve and adapt so that part was deleted.]

'.... I'm sure I'll be grateful later... but for now... fuck you...'

"Well our little warrior needs to sleep!" Dad carried me to a room, Mom following close behind.

"I'm so happy," Mom said between tears, "The first time our baby bleeds on his bed after a battle... is so touching..."

"I know darling!" Dad smiled hugging her, not before throwing me like a futbol ball 🏈 to the bed, breaking the sound barrier and the bed in half on my landing.

"Good night little shit!" Mom said, with a sweet aggressive tone.

"Good night kiddo!" Dad said closing the door.



[Health has been fully restored!


Saiyan heritage!

Your power level has increased to be over 1000!

Power level : 1070.]

'Well that was fast... I'm gonna abuse the heck out of this...' I thought, rubbing my hands evilly.

"Kid good morning!" Dad bursted through the door, kicking the door out of the house.

"Morning..." I smiled at his antics.

"Huh..? You're fully recovered..." Dad narrowed his eyes at me, "Now that I know you can take a beating I'll go harder next time!"

'And when I surpass your power level I will be the crap out of you,' I thought, once again rubbing my hands together evilly.

"You're planning your future revenge are you?" Dad stared at me.

"No...." I said.

"You rubbed your hands for too long.... that a clear sign of evil doing and revenge..." Dad smiled, and that smile slowly turned into an evil laugh, "Just for your evil thoughts I will go extra on you next time!"

[He is right, rubbing your hands together is a sign of evil doing and revenge, especially when it lasts more than three seconds.]

'Shut up...'

"Well, I gotta eat and then work kiddo! so let's have breakfast!" Dad grabbed me, and with a swift motion threw me with great strength towards the floor, the strength made me go right through the floor directly to the kitchen.

"Can you stop using as a fucking projectile!" I growled.

"Emmm no?" Dad answered, waving my question.

"At least do it outside the house," Mom added, not really defending me, but annoyed she has to clean the mess.

Breakfast was again another strange situation for me, I'm pretty sure between the three of us we ate a freaking super market, I'm afraid to see a Saiyans stomach... they must have some kind of super acid... to dissolve food so fast.

"Alright! I'm off to work!" Dad said kissing mom.

"Bye idiot!" Mom smiled at him.

"And kid..." Dad slowly approached me, "DODGE!!!"

With no warning he kicked me out of the house breaking a window in the process.

"I told to play outside the house!" Mom hissed.

"His outside... isn't he?" Dad smirked.

"Go and explore! I'll have a chat with this big old idiot!" Mom ordered me.

"Sure thing..." I said flying out of there, 'can you save this location?'

[Yes, it already within the database as your home address.]

With the assurance I had my own personal google maps to get back home, I decided to explore the planet, and get a good luck on it before Freeza decides to end it all.

The planet didn't have anything but wild beasts and angry vegetables.

However, as I made my way to the edge of a mountain, I saw some creature moving swiftly towards a little girl, no one else was close and the girl was shaking.

[Xenzam Beast

Power level 1980]

It was stronger than me but I was not going to let that thing hurt her anymore so I flew toward it and saw that it was some kind anthropomorphic insect with not skin. The monster was terrifying at first glance and the fact that it had no skin made it look even worse.

"Die die die!" The girl started to cry, shooting a barrage of ki blasts at the monster.

[Cele Ryna

Age : 7

Class : Middle class warrior.

Power level : 575]

The creature screeched with all its might by opening its massive jaw. The screech was so horrendous and seemed to hurt me just from listening to it.

'Great I have to fight a radioactive cockroach.' I thought to myself.

Decending at full speed I kicked the beast out of the way, getting its full attention It approached me in a challenging manner.

I grinned and got ready to fight it, that thing was strong than me but I was excited my body was trembling not with fear but joy.

Using my energy to enhance my muscles for an increase in strength and to improve my defense, I combined it with my fast ki charging and recover.

"Who are you?!" Cele asked me, I could hear she was happy someone came but not so happy it was a kid younger than her.

"Your friendly saiyan neighborhood hero," I smiled still keeping my eyes on the beast.

I looked at the beast and saw it was a few meters away from me. It seemed to be drooling just by looking at me.

Using my ki I dashed forward and made my way over to the creature. It met me and our fist clashed. We traded a flurry of blows and I was thankful for my new saiyan body because this thing was fucking strong.

I did my best to keep it from hurting anything vital his hands were sharp as knives so one attack could be lethal, but soon it started to swing recklessly, thus making it hard to block or dodge.

I gasped in pain and decided to change my approach. It took a big swing at me and I jumped onto his back.

With me standing on its back the creature seemed confused at first, but when it turned to look up at me I kicked it with all my strength in the face and sent it flying towards the a big boulder. Thankfully the creature didn't know how to use all that power.

Knowing that dragging the fight would end up bad for me, especially with my bleeding wounds, I decided to end the fight with one concentrated powerful attack.

Charging my all my ki on my right hand I started to gather all the energy I could as fast as I could.

The creature during this time collected itself and looked at me menacingly.

[Charge complete!

Ki blast power level 2200]

It was still not enough! so I decided to go one step forward and compress the attack to make it smaller but stronger, the ki ball reduced it size slowly.

The creature hissed and sprinted towards me.

[A new skills has been created by an specific action!

Compression LV 1 ACTIVE

It allows the user to compress ki attack to improve their overall piercing damage.]

[Ki blast power level 2516]

The creature was close but not close enough, I only had one shot at it, so I had to wait for the right moment.

The creature continued approaching me, and once it was in front of me, stabbed me on the guts piercing me with one claw, the creature let out a growl that shouted I won.

"No... you didn't!" Putting the hand with the fully charged attack on his head and my other hand keeping the creature tight in place I blasted the bastard skull to bloody ashes.

"You... did it....!" Cely was surprised that I managed to pull it off.

"I did..." I smiled before falling to the ground unconscious.

Not before hearing her rushing towards me, "Don't you dare to die on me! That's an order!"