"What the hell are you imbeciles doing!? Don't just stand there!" Vegeta shouted at us, having just blasted Frieza and done no damage. Successfully goading Frieza into switching his attention from Raditz to him, Vegeta began to desperately fight against Frieza, just barely keeping his head up in a hand-to-hand fight that, while not as impressive as the one Raditz had just lost to Frieza in, showcased the fact that Vegeta's power level had skyrocketed to far higher levels after his most recent brush with death.
"Never thought I'd say this, but Vegeta's right! I refuse to sit here twiddling my thumbs anymore!" Krillin decided, blasting off.
"Wait, Krillin!" Gohan called after him, but he was already gone.
"That's it!" I realized something, remembering it from canon at the last second. We just needed to buy a few more minutes, and Goku'd be ready for the final phase of the battle. I now knew exactly how to do it. "Piccolo, I have an idea, but it's going to require all hands on deck."
"VEGETA YOU SWINE! GET BACK HERE YOU INSOLENT, INSIGNIFICANT CUR! GET BACK HERE AND FACE YOUR SLAUGHTERER!" Frieza screamed, flying after Vegeta with a speed that would make any fighter jet cry in jealousy. As he flew, he was outputting so much power that the landscape was changing beneath him as he passed, but no matter how fast he flew, he wasn't quite catching up to Vegeta, and it was beginning to get on his nerves. So far, Frieza had chased Vegeta through air and sea, clouds and the depths of the ocean had blocked his view as the Saiyan used smokescreens and whatever else he could come up with to throw the Frost Demon off of his trail, using the fact that Frieza couldn't sense his energy to his full advantage. Even so, Frieza was outputting so much energy that the Saiyan couldn't get him off his trail. When he attempted to hide anywhere, the Frost Demon's energy would naturally force whatever was obscuring him to crumble into dust.
Finally, when Frieza chased him into an area with no natural obstacles to hide him or distract the tyrant, Vegeta did the only thing he could think of. Gathering all of his energy, the Saiyan dug into the ground as quickly as he could, his efforts so blindingly fast that it created a cloud of dust above him... but it wasn't enough to shield him from Frieza, and he knew it.
"HAHAHAHAHA! Time to die, Saiyan!" Frieza shouted, gathering energy into a giant ball in front of his hands.
"Not today!" Suddenly, all of the clouds of dust that Vegeta was throwing into the air with his efforts cleared, revealing a single man in an orange gi, with a bald head. Krillin.
"That idiot!" Vegeta muttered to himself, sensing what was going on above as he desperately dug his way out of the range of Frieza's next blast, but as it turned out, he didn't need to do so.
"Whoever you are, bald man, I'll just kill you too!" Frieza shouted, brushing Krillin's appearance off as insignificant. In terms of power, he wasn't wrong, but Krillin had a single advantage over Frieza...
"Solar Flare!"
Using the technique at just the right time, Krillin was able to force Frieza's arms to jerk upward in reflex as his eyes became temporarily useless from the light coming from Krillin's solar flare, causing the energy wave that had been building from Frieza's hands to shoot uselessly into the sky.
"AAH MY EYES!!! YOU INSOLENT PEST, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY EYES!?" Frieza shouted as he clawed at his eyes in pain, but Krillin knew that it'd only be temporary.
"And a Destructo-Disk for the road! You know what, take two!" Emboldened by the effectiveness of his Solar Flare, Krillin tossed two Destructo-Disks at Frieza before racing from the scene as quickly as he could, not willing to stick around for when Frieza regained his sight.
Though Frieza couldn't use his sight, that didn't mean that he was totally defenseless. Doing a backflip, he managed to dodge Krillin's first Destructo-Disk without looking, but the second one cut off an inch-long section at the tip of his tail.
Frieza did not take kindly to that. In a blind (literally) rage, the tyrant generated hundreds of small energy balls in an instant, tossing them randomly at the Namekian landscape. A few of them narrowly missed the retreating Krillin, while one of them even managed to nearly hit Vegeta as he emerged from his cave, having tunneled straight into the sea about a mile away from where he'd made the original hole, which Frieza's energy balls had collapsed.
There was a moment of silence as the planet seemed to shudder to a stop as Frieza regained his sight, before...
"EERRUAAGHHH!!!!! MYYYY TAAIILLL!!!!!" Frieza screeched, seeing the end of his tail, which had been cleanly chopped off by Krillin's attack. His face contorted into an expression that conveyed true rage as his energy pumped itself up to another level in response. "I WILLL KIILLLLL YOOUU!!!!! THEN I'LL WISH YOU BACK, JUST TO TORTURE YOU TO DEATH AGAIN AND AGAIN!!!! YOU WILL REGRET CHOPPING OFFF MY TAAILL!!!" Frieza shouted with everything he had, unleashing another terrible wave of energy. After that, he went on a rampage looking for Krillin, who was hiding for everything he was worth. Honestly, it was unlikely that Krillin would ever come out of hiding, with the power that Frieza was pumping out in response to his rage. After all, it was clear that his power level had more than doubled as a result of his unconsciousness screaming for the bald human's blood.
"Masen-ko HAA!!"
"Galick Gun!"
In a coordinated strike, to capitalize on Frieza's hyperfocus on Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta and I began dropping as much energy as we could on the tyrant from afar, using long-ranged attacks and then disappearing somewhere where it would be difficult for Frieza to track us in by sight. By this point, I was only moving thanks to my new energy and the energy that I was stealing from Frieza, but I was still able to put out enough to get Frieza's attention.
Eventually, though, all our efforts to scatter Frieza's attention began to fail. It was inevitable, really.