
Ch. 106: Goku Vs. Ginyu

"I kinda figured that Vegeta would run off, as much as I hoped he'd changed. As for you... If you keep restraining your true fighting power like that, you won't be any sort of challenge to me. I'd go all out from the start if I were you." Goku told Ginyu, nonperturbed by Vegeta's running away. 

"You healed him, and he immediately betrayed you, you know. Someone that soft... I shouldn't need my true power to defeat the likes of you." Ginyu answered back, chuckling at the predictable behavior of Vegeta. Slippery as they come. 

'This guy's not wrong, though. I've been holding my power level down to about half, so 60,000... If I had to guess, I'd say that this guy's at about 80,000 or so. I've never needed to do this before, but I'll bring my power level up to 100,000 or so just to be on the safe side.' Ginyu thought inwardly.

"You're not wrong, though. This measly amount of power isn't anywhere near enough to take you down. Don't say that I didn't warn you! Here's around four-fifths of my true power!" Ginyu shouted, powering up. 

'From what I can sense, he was using about half of his power before... If he's bringing it up to four-fifths... then that'll be...' Goku counted on his fingers. 'A twenty percent decrease!? No... it's going up... Aha! He's using seventy-three percent of his full power on me!' Goku's mental math... Impeccable as always. 'That's still not very much... Is my perspective just skewed from the training at 100 times gravity?' Goku wondered idly as Ginyu's power up-accompanying scream caused tremors in the landscape around them. Purple lightning flashed and wind tore at Goku's gi. Terrified (not really) Goku picked his nose as he waited for Ginyu to finish powering up.

"Alright! Tremble in terror at the might of Captain..." Ginyu made a pose low to the ground. "Ginyu!" Ginyu's pose changed, his body exploding upward in a display that only served to confuse Goku.

"Like this?" Goku tried to mimic the pose, but his mimicry wasn't perfect. 

"Your left pinky needs to be out, and your right arm needs to be at a 45 degree angle, like this. Captain... Ginyu!" Ginyu repeated the pose and Goku copied it again, slightly better this time. "There you go! Isn't that satisfying!?" Ginyu asked.

"Not really. It honestly just feels like a waste of time to me." Goku answered bluntly. "These poses... they don't serve any real purpose, you know? They're just... silly."

"SILLY!?" That word was the biggest shock to Ginyu's system all day. "These poses are the heart and soul of a proud Ginyu Force member! They show that you're majestic, fantastic, and mean business! Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of our enemies more than our magnificent poses! How dare you say that they're just silly!"

"I don't know... I prefer to talk with my fists. It saves a lot of time, you know. I have more important things to do than sit around posing all day, anyways." Goku answered.

"Oh yeah!? What's more important than showing off how magnificent you are, Mr. too-good-to-show-off-your-pecs?!" Ginyu exclaimed. 

"Beating you, for one."

"Or getting beaten! I'll even let you have the first hit! Come at me!" Ginyu declared. Goku took the declaration at face value, punching Ginyu in the face. Then, he chased after him as the purple alien flew, kicking his backside, making Ginyu fly off in a different direction instead. Chasing after Ginyu again, Goku attempted to pound him into the ground, but Ginyu had already regained his balance. With a swift kick, he knocked Goku further into the air, before appearing behind him and grabbing Goku in a wrestler's grip. "Take this!" 

Ginyu dropped toward the ground, Goku in tow. As they fell, Goku shouted and wriggled, but he couldn't escape Ginyu's grasp. But just before he hit the ground. Ginyu stopped, letting Goku go.

"What the?" Goku asked, landing lightly on his feet after a quick midair flip. "Why didn't you finish your attack?" He asked Ginyu. 

"You're a warrior. Don't tell me that you don't understand how it feels to have a strong opponent holding out on you like this. Stop insulting me, and show me your full power! I want a real test of my true strength!" Ginyu shouted, calling Goku out on his holding back, having figured it out after one brief skirmish. 

Scratching the back of his head, Goku floated up about ten feet to be at eye level with Ginyu, "So... you figured it out, huh?" He asked, a little embarrassed to be figured out that quickly. 'Maybe that 100 times gravity training was a bit much... I can push my power down quite a bit, but fine-tuning seems to be a bit of a challenge.' He thought inwardly.

"It was a pretty simply observation from someone with my level of battle experience. Show me your full power! Or are you simply trying to save it for Lord Frieza?! Don't even bother! You'll never defeat me without baring your all! I'm an unsurpassed genius in battle, my power second only to Lord Frieza himself! Yet if I were to muster every bit of power I had against my lord, I'd only be killing myself. Either show me your full power, fight me, and lose, or show me your full power, somehow manage to beat me, and then get away from this planet before Lord Frieza decides to kill you. The moment that he does, that'll definitely be the end of you, either way." Ginyu shouted. 

"Alright, if you say so. Are you sure about this, though?" Goku asked.

"Don't look down on me! Fight me with your full power! No holding back!" Ginyu answered, a bit of hesitation lingered in the back of his mind, but he pushed it down. 'He's probably only hiding a little bit of power... if by some miracle he is stronger than me, I'll have to use that technique. I doubt it'll come to it, though.'