
Chapter 108

With the battle between Piccolo and Frost officially starting, Piccolo immediately goes on the offensive, charging at Frost, while Frost himself does the same, as during that fight against Majin Buu allowed him to recover somewhat.

Once those two come into contact they start fighting instantly, throwing punches and kicks while flashing all over the arena. One thing I'm surprised about is that even though Frost isn't at his peak yet, Piccolo is still out there fighting on his level, albeit with some difficulty, but with how battle-smart Piccolo is, I bet in a fair fight Piccolo would win.

With the match having been going on for about 1 minute, things finally start to spice up as Piccolo suddenly extends his arm, which catches Frost by surprise, allowing Piccolo to easily wrap him up, effectively immobilizing him. Once that's done, Piccolo creates ten's of clones that all circle around Frost and they all simultaneously start charging up a Special Beam Cannon.

With the way, the fight is currently looking everyone thought that Piccolo was going to win, but that was until Piccolo suddenly lost his balance and ended up falling on one knee, and that one slip up caused all the clones he made to disperse into a puff of smoke. Frost seeing the chance presented to himself once again, quickly breaks free of Piccolo's hold and flashes in front of him, which caught Piccolo by surprise, and he was just about to fire his attack, but Frost beat him to it and released a ki attack directly on his chest.

The attack that Frost released was so powerful that it blew a hole right through Piccolo's chest, and the force caused him to get sent flying outside the arena, while also firing his attack into the sky, completely missing Frost.

Seeing how Frost won, the announcer was about to officially announce Frost as the winner, but before he could, Jaco, who I completely forget even existed, accused Frost of cheating.

Jaco-"Wait! Frost cheated!"

When Jaco said everyone's eyes were on him, which got him kinda nervous.

Champa-"Ha, pathetic, to think once you start losing you suddenly accuse my team of cheating, do you have no shame Beerus!"

Beerus-"Shut up Champa! So, since you claim Frost cheated you better have evidence to back it up, or I don't mind destroying your little galactic patrol group."

Jaco who was currently getting yelled at by two of the strongest beings here looked like he was about to pass out, but he managed to pull through and explain his reasoning although he was stuttering.

Jaco-"H-He, h-has a n-needle c-coming out o-of his w-w-wrist."

Beerus who heard that ordered the announcer to go and check Frost's first for any needle, but of course not without an objection from a pathetic excuse of a Destroyer.

Beerus-"You, announcer, go and check him for a needle on his body."

Champa-"What do you think you're doing Beerus, do you think just because someone on your side accused my team of cheating I'm just going to allow you to investigate him!?"

Beerus-"Hmph, I don't see the problem, if your participant really didn't cheat then nothing will change will it? But of course, unless you know he is cheating and that's why you're getting so defensive, brother."

When Beerus said that, Champa had no way of responding back, and if he did argue back then it would seem suspicious, so he just sat down while snorting in annoyance.

With all that arguing out of the way, the announcer was finally allowed to check Frost, who was just been standing there while this has been happening. While the announcer was checking on Frost, it took less than a minute for him to find a needle hiding underneath a hole on his forearm, and when he touched the tip of the needle with his finger, he almost collapsed on the ground, and that right there was enough evidence for the announcer to disqualify Frost.

Announcer-"Frost has been using a needle which does not abide by the rules of the tournament, therefore he shall be disqualified!"


Beerus-"Hahaha, look at that Champa, the only reason you've even won so many matches was because your team cheated."

Champa-"Aghh Dammit! What the hell Vados, didn't you say these were the strongest fighters in our universe, so then why is he cheating!?"

Vados-"Haa, calm down Champa, getting angry over something that has already been decided isn't helpful, and Frost indeed is one of the strongest beings in our universe, but I didn't expect him to fight like that."

While that pathetic Destroyer was throwing a tantrum, over on our side another conversation was going on.

Beerus-"ha, I knew something was wrong with that guy when Goku lost to him."

Vegeta-"Hmph, maybe if Kakarot was more serious this wouldn't have happened."

Goku-"Hehe, sorry about that."

Piccolo-"Since Frost broke the rules during Goku's fight and mine, does that mean were allowed back in the competition?"

Beerus-"That's a genius idea! Announcer, since Frost is disqualified are my fighters allowed back into the competition?"

Beerus's question caught the attention of the angry Destroyer on the other side of the dome, but the person in question took a little bit of time looking over the tournament rules in more detail in his notebook before replying back to Beerus.

Announcer-"As said in the rule book, 'Any fighters who have been eliminated by someone who has been disqualified for cheating, shall be allowed back into the match.'"

Beerus-"Hahaha, it seems to be my lucky day! Hahaha."

Champa-"ARGH!!!!! DAMMIT!!"

Vegeta-"I'm going next."

With Vegeta declaring his turn is next, he stands up and jumps down from the viewing area onto the arena while Frost is in the middle of leaving.

Vegeta-"Where do you think you're going."

Frost-"Tch, I've been disqualified, so your not fighting me."

Vegeta-"I don't care, before you leave I'll show you true strength."

Announcer-"Sir, Frost has already been disqualified, you can no longer fight him."

Vegeta-"So what, I'm the one allowing him to fight, there's nothing in that rule book that says can't, is there?"

Announcer-"N-No, But-"

Vegeta-"Then be quiet and start the match."

With Vegeta insisting on Frost to fight him, Frost is forced to stay and have a battle with Vegeta.

Announcer-"Fifth match, begin!"

When the announcer officially starts the match Frost immediately lunges at Vegeta, not restraining any of his strength, hoping to catch him off guard, but before he can even make it far across the arena, Vegeta flashes right in front of him while in SSj and brutally punches him in the stomach, causing him to spit out blood while he gets sent crashing onto the dome unconscious.

Vegeta-"Hmph, weak."

Announcer-"Winner, Lord Beerus!"

Yolo give me some bananas

Thxs for any feedback :)

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts