
Dragon Ball Warrior System

inspired by dragon ball super, dragon ball warriors, and other novels in webnovel and a little of the my own ideas What happens when you are accidentally killed on your way to the local bookstore? You get sent to the authors office and spend a month designing your own system and the author has a prank set up for you when you are reincarnated to the world of your choice. please note that I have no interest in using my novel for making money it is purely for me to spread my own crazy ideas and strange fantasies in the form of a novel. in other words I made this with the intent to help cure my boredom of reality and it's depressing settings. I don't own anything other than my Main character/ MC. if you are wondering why I put Male fantasy setting is because I am going to make him a so called carefree tomboy and the reason is because she lived her past life as a boy so I think it would be fitting to use this as an excuse to fool the other characters in the novel for the non feminine personality of his. I will not be writing a lot because I don't really know what direction I want to go and I am writing from the top of my head so sorry for months/weeks/years time Gapps it chapters. low inspiration to write more interesting to read others novels then to write them.

Aj234_5 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

My name is Aj. I am what some of you would call ordinary.

Now that is true 'currently', I am also a big fan of movies, anime, and novels. I wanted to try a new book, but I got into a problem 😭😭😭

Whyyyyyyy!!!!!! 🤧

I just was walking to the bookstore to get a dragon ball super book, but I encountered a guy that was running from 👮‍♂️ police 🚔 .

he was holding a fat bag of cash 💸 💰 and

a deadly weapon!!

No!!! he was holding a stupid pen . You know it reminds me of the movie scene. The mob boss said 'he' was sent to kill the boogeyman and killed what was it 13 men with a pencil ✏️. Yes, you get the idea. he ran to me and proceeded to play a hostage scene, demanding a car, free escape, etc.

got what he wanted, but dum dum 👮‍♂️ rebellious police man couldn't accept that a criminal got away with a deadly pencil, so he acted against his supervisor and got a sniper and boom!!

Good job, man, got him good, but you did too well and got me head, Mr. One shot. Now, you can certainly avoid Mom's rage!! 😠😡🤬 And she certainly will not let you keep your job as your bosses bosses bosses bosses boss.

You are not going to be all 🎵don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious don't don't don't be suspicious 🎵 (A/N: hehe)

And know here I am sitting in room with one side of the room is full of roses 🌹 trees 🌳 and a strangely enchanting rainbow Bridge.

The other side was filled with oddly ominous like things. a bit too bloody for my taste in fashion. and other things I dare not tell you.

(A/N: dead skeletons of many mythical beasts and beinging from mythology)

... author, can you not be a tasteless tattle tale?

(A/N: I am trying to be a good little author and tell the viewers what you should call a knowledge giver Mr I like to be a hermit)

... lazy bum


... Noooo my hair!!! Really, whyyyyy?

a tiny thunder storm over my head and zap me until my lovely hair was burned 🥺 😥

Thanks for getting my clothes wet. 🤥

Get rid of the Pinocchio nose please. 😐

Thank you 😊

🤕 ok, no need for the bandage.

💥 boom 💥

Are you done with your rant you two? said the deep voice.

I was startled and looked at the person standing on the rainbow Bridge.

oi don't scare me like that ya goof 🥸 said aj

The man chuckled a bit and then got serious

the man thought to himself 'all right then let's get this done quickly.'

With a wave of his hand memories Aj never had appeared in his head and a very strange song that could shock the soul was played by the man.

Stunned Aj could only listen to the song 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵

When the song stopped

a screen with Beautiful patterns appeared before Aj could look at the information inside the screen the man spoke with a warning tone.

I suggest you look at the new memories first before you begin and then started walking up the rainbow Bridge.

(A/n: thank you my good assistant!)

Aj heading his warning looked through them carefully

He got to know a few things

first as a fan of reading novels, anime, etc. he now has a chance to reincarnate, etc, and he can either choose to use his karma from his past life or draw a raffle and leave it to fate.

second he can create a system of his own or use other systems as a example to make one.

third it is based off of points in other words a point system to make systems on different power levels 1 point is a system that is in the range of human limits and for example make you extremely rich, smart, you know, 2 points is in the range of human surpassing martial arts, beast taming. 3 points is a more powerful version of that range 4 points is cultivation level systems. 5 points is a level up system. 6 points is a superior level up system and provides customized talents. 7 points is the same as 6 but has more flexibility. 8 points has all that and a mind of its own. 9 points is admin control so basically means if you put food or water inside its inventory it is now endlessly making more so put divine treasures inside and now you rich. 10 points is immortal systems, you know revive from the dead infinitely.

forth is basically telling you that if you have negative karma you can do all that but their systems are evil variants and you don't keep your memory. positive karma is the above three things but you get to keep your memory at the cost of 2 points. you will be sent to your own multiverse you don't get to have a Omniverse because that would be wasteful of the author as well. also that would be different stories dragon ball, DC, etc. and telling you that you are not special being here because everyone before you had been there before but hadn't had the chance to know the author and don't know he is real. and finally because you are the first to know him you were given 3 favors from him and you can talk to him whenever you want. infinite forth wall break privilege limited to talking. no going out of the forth wall, killing people out of the forth wall, ect.

now that I am done I know what to do Said aj looking at the screen. on the screen was his karma point count in the system point system. [Points:2]

in the raffle you go bye bye points 👋 said aj

[detected that you have drawn the raffle currently drawing your fate]

Aj started to think of something then he had a genius idea 💡 aj had a big fat grin 😁

author~ can you do me a favor please. 🙏 🥺🙏

(A/N: 😮‍💨 i know, you don't have worry about it, i will get it done but now you only have 2 favors left. hacking sounded in the room)

[Error!!! code fate dance program has been hacked???]

(done 😎😝🤗)

[your fate has chosen you now have 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 points]

😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🥴🤪🤩😈 thank you~

now what do I do with so many points?

(whatever the heck you want dum dum 😝😈)

author are you going to get into trouble for this?

(? no i used my own personal points so its fine. 👍)

cliffhanger-kun is here!!! all might version?!